Wednesday 11 March 2015


Hello, welcome back for another journey round the world, courtesy of Julia's Stamping-Ground 

I don't have anything new to share today, well I do sort of... First, it's time for the top layer of the box on the chair..
 I was asked to photograph it as I went down... all I've really moved the is pizza box that holds a couple of scrap layouts (the only 2 I've ever done) and some mdf letters I intend to alter eventually (ha ha)
There are a lot of bits of mdf of various kinds in this box (or at least on the top) -boxes, letters, chests,
and a fair few journals on the arm of the chair...

so I thought I'd line them up and see how many there are... I have a few completely untouched and a few on the go (start at the black A4 spiral bound one and work to the right, they all have pages done in them - that's 6, all different sizes.. and in fact I can see another one that's been started too, that is in the wrong place!)

So I hope you liked my line up today.. will see what I can dig down to next week!


  1. Oh my Helen you have a way to go have fun sorting through everything may you find lots of treasures hugs Nikki no #yet

  2. morning Helen, that box must be like digging for treasure, there must be so many forgotten bits in there that you can play with, have fun discovering them!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Thanks for sharing
    Mrs C.xx

  3. Good luck with the layers, and in getting to the MDF letters, ha ha. Have a great week - Lucy #4 x

  4. Did you know I have a degree in Archaeology?really! I can come and do stratigraphical layer analysis of your layers!! Lol. Have fun with your digging, let me know if you find any skeletons :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 5 xx

  5. Hi H
    I have heard of art layering .... Didn't know it included the stash too. You never know what you might find under there ....
    Dyluaion sprays ... Yes late getting to the party it would seem... I have been watching some of Dyans videos ..... I brought the TH colour wash sprays which although good don't seem to blend as well .... Hope they have them at excel
    Have a good week
    Janet @12

  6. Happy Wednesday. I'm doing my visits of all my fav blogs while my twinnie munchkins play with the knex πŸ˜ƒ
    All I have to say to you is...if that's your chair where do you sit? πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
    Annie x #18

  7. Well it looks like you have a very busy space this week! Happy WOYWW
    Glenda #33

  8. I think you just post pictures of your journals to encourage me .... well, one of these days .....

    Love all those blues and lavenders

    Thanks for your visit last week.
    Bishopsmate #38

  9. Hi Helen,what a stash! So many journals at once, how do you keep up? I'd be totally confused. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz xxx

  10. Oh Helen, you do crack me up from time to time. Love the chair of stash but that line up is the best, don't forget to sort the odd one out, we don't want you going batty trying to craft if its in the wrong place. LOL

    Hugs Eliza 42
    Happy WOYWW

  11. Such a lot to sort through but you must be finding long forgetten bits and pieces every day.
    Thanks for sharing the box.
    Jan S no 57

  12. Oh I do love your desk errrmm chair - thihi - and the books. I love all I can see and your site which I often visit (even with no comments - sorry)

    Kind regards
    Mariane # 51

  13. Hi Helen, I think you need me to pop round and help you find the lovely things in the box. What a treasure chest! Happy crafting, Angela x 31

  14. Hehe, that looks even better than my desk! Have fun sorting it out.
    Thanks for your earlier visit. You were asking for the paint tubes. Those are Golden paints, not Dinah Wakely.
    Gabriele 15

  15. Well, now I don't feel nearly so lonely knowing you have one or two more journals waiting and started than I do!

    How DO you remember what is in each layer???

    Not playing this week, due to the pet crisis, just taking a few moments to comment on the blogs I regularly follow.

  16. My husband sometimes wonders how I remember what is in which drawer... I can imagine layers working the same way, though they are harder to manouver with :)
    Kristiina #9

  17. I don't make journals but I do have a pile of books just like that waiting for me to make nice covers for them in felting or patchwork - might need to be packed away until I move now! x Jo

  18. Oh my. what a happy chair! I would love to dig through that pile! I love journaling so those journals caught my eye right away! Happy sorting! Thanks for sharing! Lindart #61

  19. Oh Helen. You do have a wonderful way with words! I love the way you described beginning to tackle the chair.... anywhere near the bottom of it yet??
    Thanks for visiting already.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  20. Well let's see since Krisha and I are the floor anyway...let me help you dig thru that stack of goodies! I see lots o lovely MDF pieces that might find their way home with me. Now to sneak out the door before security checks my bags! :) :) Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #53

  21. Have you ever just closed your eyes and grabbed something just to give it an airing so to speak - that crop-a-dile has surely not stayed in it's packet!!? Love your journals all lined up - I like to choose different sizes depend ending on how I feel! Have a fun week, Hugs, Chrisx 45

  22. He he I can just imagine you digging your way down. It would be like a wonderful goldmine expedition. You could give tours, I'd be in that. How great it would be to rifle through all your goodies. I've got heaps of half started journals too. It helps to have variety :0
    Have a great week,
    Von #23

  23. Hey there Helen I am amazed at how having multiple journals snuck up on me. Thx 4 sharing.
    Pat #78

  24. Glad someone else has lots of journals, some empty, some started - got three bought for Christmas!
    Thanks for the visit to me - Hugs, Neet 28 xx

  25. Your room is a crafter's haven, we could all meet and make discoveries as we open boxes. I don't think we can ever have enough journals. I have 10 - 3 currently in use, 4 completed and 3 in limbo as I think about how to use them. Sandra de @29

  26. Great photos, I love the row of journals. I've got an assortment now too, not sure how it happened... :)

  27. Golly, it's going to be fun working your way down through the geological layers!! I'm glad I'm not the only one lining up endless journals... in fact it's one area in which I might be more of a hoarder than you - and at least you journal lots so there's some chance you'll get through at least some of them!!
    Alison xx

  28. What fun, sorting through that lot, Helen! Like a lucky dip! Thanks for your lovely comment. In the end we were glad of the postponement because we were able to rest and prepare. Mum refused to go into respite care until the last minute and caused us so much stress, when we'd hoped for a fortnight in the house without her, and the postponement allowed that to happen, so it was a blessing in disguise. All last week I was incredibly unstressed and relaxed but now as the day approaches ever closer, I'm getting really scared again!!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #46

  29. Hilarious :0)

    I feel SO much better about my space now.....I am with you on the journals, I seem to have started a collection of unused ones...waiting for inspiration is my excuse!

    Thanks for visiting my desk already
    Kyla #8


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