Wednesday 18 February 2015

WOYWW? #298 - errr....guess?

Hello!  Time all so quickly for another Wednesday show and tell... link up here at the lovely Julia's...

well, as you MAY have intimated from the blog heading... I've been shopping again!  more than once in fact, but not everything's arrived yet..
What can I find to show
Some goodies from the Artist Trading Post - a further selection of the new Paperartsy Fresco paints, and a set of Finnabair's new stamps for Prima....lush!
I'm sure there's more but can't find the photograph I must have taken.. hold on peeps!
 ah yes, there we are!  as you can see I've used one of the stencils now!
here, in my little journal!

Who knows, maybe next week there won't be anything new.. but I am making no promises!!

If you're around later on today, there'll be a new Dragons Dream Tag It On tag post.


  1. Wow I'm always amazed at all your goodies
    hugs Nikki no # yet
    My Desk +Rak

  2. I love the shades of the blues in the paint Helen. I bet you can't wait to get making with all the new goodies. Happy woyww Jill #11

  3. You really do crack me up from week to week, thanks for the entertainment again, love your new purchases especially Your Lynne stuff. Excellent journal page too.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda #2

  4. Wow gorgeous new stash Helen. Have fun playing with it all! Lovely journal page too.
    Lynda B 18

  5. Hi h
    I was waiting for some Lynn peters stos to show up there ..... Not sure why just a hunch. I must get some they are such brilliant designs and would work well on DLP journal pages. Have fun
    Janet @12

  6. How fun...lovely new things to work with. Love the stencil work you have created already. Have fun and Enjoy the week

  7. The journal page reminds me of some tissue paper I once had. It's a fabulous stamp Helen and the colours are fab
    Lynn // 23

  8. That stencil is lovely, Helen. Golly - MORE stash to pay with.... have fun!
    Thanks for already visiting. Yes - it was great to get out - together!!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  9. Love your selection of paints, what gorgeous hues. All in all the shop would do well for e as I like every single thing but am especially in love with those stencils.
    Hugs, Neet 26 xx

  10. Oh soooo many goodies and they are all wonderful. Enjoy your time creating.
    sandra de @3

  11. Ooh - I love that new stencil you've used in your journal Helen!

    Can I just ask - I was actually on the Dragons Dream page last night (am trying to make a little list of challenge sites to keep me doing stuff) is one of the criteria that you include a stamp on every tag?

    Carmen x x (no number - desk not changed so undecided whether to post this week)

  12. Hi Helen, smashing new goodies as always. Always good to come over here, you always have some shiny new stuff, stops me feeling guilty, lol.
    Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #21 xx

  13. So tempted to get some of those Lyn Perella stamps myself! Have fun....sure you will!
    xoxo Sioux

  14. Your last post already had me checking out paperartsy for those fresco paints and drooling.... Have fun -if you play enough, you won't have time for shopping!
    Kristiina #10

  15. Awesome journal page! so beautiful. OMG Finnabair's new stamps!! xxx

  16. LOVE that stencil - have browsed PaperArtsy so often - maybe I will dedicate next month's spend to that site ...... starting a wish list ...

    Have a good week
    Bishopsmate #48

  17. Love that new stencil and grats you have already used it :) I have been known to buy things and they sit for months before use. That trust the magic stamp lady looks awesome but formidable. She may bite if you don't use her quick! Shel-PaperOctilloStudio #42

  18. You never fail to surprise me that you manage to find more goodies to buy tee hee, will look forward to further creations using these!

  19. You are having fun shopping!!! Great little journal page!!!!

  20. That's some great stuff you've got there, I especially like the stamps.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #46

  21. I don't think I have ever been on a WOYWW post where you haven't got anything new!
    Liking the stencils though. Your journal page is lovely too.
    I haven't gone anywhere!!

  22. My dear Helen …..if you continue to keep spending money in such an abandoned way I shall be forced to ignore your blog posts!!! I already had a serious case of green face - it has become worse over the last few minutes….I can only put this condition down to clicking on the link to this post!!! Seriously Helen, I love seeing your purchases! Love the little journal page! Hugs, Chrisx

  23. Your journal page is so beautiful and I love the words. Ahh, more goodies, I love to see all the wonderful things you buy. I'm on a forced no spending budget and it's killing me. I'd love to get some stencils for my gooping, just have to sell some paintings :)
    Have a great week and enjoy playing with your goodies.
    Von #5

  24. Ooh! LOVE the new stamps! Especially the Lynne Perella! And you've already jumped right in and used the stencil on your journal page - awesome! And "Nothing bettuh then new rubbuh!" Thanks for visiting my blog! Lindart #55

  25. Fab selection of goodies & I love that journal page.

  26. Ah, look - definitely the best Lynne Perrella plate ever - lovely new stash all round!
    Alison xx

  27. Ah new stash :-)

    LOVE those Finnbar stamps

    Thanks for visiting my desk already
    Kyla #13

  28. Cool new goodies! Love those new Finn stamps. Would love to play with the PA paints. ;) ;) Sorry for the late visit this week. Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G


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