Sunday 8 February 2015

Home Sweet Home...

The final set of new Lin Brown stamps I treated myself to, (so far) was one of the houses sets.. the skinny houses I was calling them to myself.

Whilst I'd been working on some of the other projects, I had been wiping the excess paint, as I usually do, onto a journal page - this time, the teeny A6 sized one. I knew when I saw these super little dwellings, that the would need someone to live there, and from aeons ago, I have a load of Art Impressions pixies...

 The page has all of the new LB Limited Edition paints and some Snowflake to knock it all back a little, I stamped the houses on white card and used my Inktense pencils to colour them,

stamped one of the swirly grass/flowers from ELB16 before I stuck the houses down (imagine a path leading from the one in the background as it looks as if it's just hanging...)

and sat the little fella on the roof - which, although it doesn't really show, is layered up for dimension

Just a bit of fun for a sunny Sunday!


  1. Terrific page! A great background & I love the little chap on the roof.

  2. This is lovely Helen. And you got to use your last set... I haven't used the LP ones yet - might have to wait until in the week!

  3. Really different take on the new colours, they look fab x

  4. Love the excess paint background - doesn't look like a clean up page at all! Glad you got to play with more of your new stamps Xx

  5. Oh love the colour combination!

  6. Love it! The little fella should really hold on!! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. How ironic I have just purchased a house stamp to do a journal page, it will also be a great stamp for someone moving. Love these funky houses.

    Hugs Eliza

  8. The mop up layers of paint are really cool - a great setting for the little houses - cute page!
    Alison xx


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