Wednesday 21 January 2015

WOYWW? 294 - more blue boxes..

Welcome back for another Wednesday tour of desks and other weird workspaces.. the place to go for all the info is here at Julia's The Stamping Ground.
Glad you all liked rummaging through the box of stamps last week... and as requested here are the other two...
 so, next to where I sit uncomfortably at the computer, are the other two large blue boxes... which as you see, provide a handy extra flat space for more stuff (stuff which is much tidier since my mini sort-out at the start of the year)  and which I see also has on it something you shouldn't be seeing till later... oh well, I can't be faffed to take the picture again!!  (wonder if any of you will guess what it is..)
Those of you who've been following me longest, will probably realise from this photo, just how much extra space there is here, down by the side of the boxes!!

anyhow, the bottom box, holds stamps. lots of stamps... I do sometimes use some of these, but not as often as the box I opened last week...
I think I will move the boxes around a bit soon...

 and the top box holds all kinds of stuff - buttons, flowers, sprays (can't remember the last time I used these ones, I bet they're all clogged up!!) the wooden box is an old one of Mum's with some of her old buttons in (my sister in law who sews, got the proper button box I think!) ... I tried to move some of the stuff so you could see more of the contents...

I did finally have some happy happy mail last week -
my Tower of London poppy!   I have no idea how they decided what order to send them out in,you would have thought, wouldn't you, that they would go in order of when people bought them... but no!! I ordered mine the first day they went on sale, and was order no 419... but still, it's here, it's beautiful and is waiting for me to decide where to display it!!

I played a game every time I went to see them in situ in London, "which one is mine" and still wonder!
anyhow, I must let you go, Julia will be telling me off for prattling on so long... Happy WOYWW!!


  1. Wow you do have a lot stash hidden in those boxes so kewl to have taken a peak. Last time I went through my paint box when we moved in I had to toss half in the bin seeing they where all dried up but at least they where mostly used :)

  2. Love how you have been tidying up - now you have too for more stash. I always enjoy seeing what you have bought.
    My poppy came a while ago and I ordered it quite well into the ordering system and it cannot be alphabetically so it does not make sense how they decided. Still we got them - can't wait for Spring when I can put mine out.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  3. Asking someone like me to guess something you aren't yet showing is like asking a kid to stay out of the candy store when she has a while dollar in her pocket. I am simply overwhelmed.

    Of course, if I HAD to guess, I would say it's that large collage with what looks like poppy flowers running through it that sits on top of the gray box. But it could be ANYTHING, because you've got so much stuff, I'm simply blown away.

    Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  4. My poppy arrived last week . Mine was damp & the washes had wet mud on them but after a wipe with a dry cloth all was fine. i'll so pleased with mine . Happy woyww Jill #18

  5. WooHoo..thanks for showing us your stamp stash!

  6. WooHoo..thanks for showing us your stamp stash!

  7. How wonderful that you were able to get a poppy!!!! It truly is a piece of history and I know you'll cherish it! :D Looks like you have more lovelies to organize than I do, so that makes me feel a bit better. I know the clock is ticking on going through EVERY room in my home before our move this summer and I dread to even think about it.

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #14

  8. Hi Helen, wow, you've got plenty of organising to do :) if the mood takes you :):)
    Lovely poppy. A fabulous remembrance. How/where will you display it?

  9. The poppy has landed! Yay :-). It'll have to go somewhere prominent where you'll be able to see it all the time...worth the wait!
    Hugs, LLJ 25 xx

  10. wow those boxes hold a lot of pretties!! so lucky to get a poppy they were sold out very quickly when we applied

    Happy WOYWW
    love Mrs C.xx #29

  11. There's a lot of stash there Helen!!

    B x

  12. I DO see more room...and I think it means that you can move boxes around a little easier so you can rediscover some stuff...I reckon we all use the top 10% of our stash really...that within reach!
    So glad your poppy arrived, there must have been moments when you thought they'd forgotten you! I reckon it's the gorgeous tag we aren't meant to see, but don't worry, we won't tell!

  13. I didn't know you could purchase the poppies, goodness I would of got one for memory sake and given it to my daughter. Love the box of stamps. I am off to find out if they have any for sale.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 35
    Happy WOYWW

  14. Hahahahahaha Helen, you really make me laugh. Flat boxes providing extra spaces for stuff! So glad that your poppy arrived and thanks for showing me the post with all the wwwwwwws. X

  15. Oh I forgot to add i so love that tag you have made.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 35
    Happy WOYWW

  16. Mm guessing its one of the three tags on view or all of them... interesting boxes :D and well poppy came how nice is that at last!
    happy WOYWW!
    Shaz in Oz.x #38

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards blog}

  17. Oh my, that poppy is special. It very much needs a special display. A bell jar maybe? I missed last week completely and this week just barely here by the grace of the Gods of the Internet (certainly no thanks to BT!) but I will go back and see what there is to see. My shopping list always grows after a visit to your desk - or at ;east my wish list does!
    Have a Happy WOYWW day!
    Mary Anne (6)

  18. I'm just doing my blog dash round all my favourites while the twinnies are doing some cutting and sticking 😃
    I'm so thrilled to see your poppy has arrived....we failed to get one but we're lucky enough to see them all.
    Annie x #23

  19. I spy carpet .... Not much but definately more than usual..... My daughter has my poppie I hope to collect it soon too ... Ready for the better weather
    Have fun ..... Oh is it the bookmark / tag maybe .... For later
    Janet @19

  20. Woo hoo, space - you'll have to go shopping!Caouldn't possibly guess - the tin? The wooden ATCs? MMM is there a prize for getting it right? Got my poppy too, and yes the order was bizarre - my friend who lives quite close got hers the day after me but we ordered ages apart and she was first - are you going to put yours in the garden? I think I will, it seems a shame to keep it in the box. Happy WOYWW Cindy #48

  21. We never got to see the poppies at the tower. I bet it was a really impressive and poignant display,

    Horace @ no. 45 I think.

  22. So pleased you have your poppy at last. One of the girls at CRUNCH brought hers in to show us - magnificent is the only word I can use - and all the ephemera that was sent with it makes it even more special.

    Bishopsmate #55

  23. I love noseying around people's desk and work space!! Glad you got your poppy - I got mine last week and my order was 555,000+ so as you say bizarre!!

  24. So glad your poppy arrived, they are stunning aren't they?. I've kept mine in the box that it comes in and displayed the whole thing on my window sill. The inside of the box is lush with that picture and I love the certificate and booklet. Strange order I agree as I got mine long before many who ordered long before I did! Hope you're well. Take care Zo xx 32

  25. What a nice memory, that event was really impressive. I wish, I could have seen it! What are the poppies made of? Cheers
    Gabriele 36

  26. Tons of stuff in the boxes but that poppy is amazing. That display was so striking and so poignant, I couldn't stop looking at all the pictures. I wish it could have been a permanent installation as I would have loved to have seen it one day.

    Brenda 57

  27. OK... you have convinced me... I do not have too much stash (I do really, its driving me nuts) but I find that I am not using half of what I do have because it is such a bloomin' effort to get to it or I have forgotten it.... so glad your beautiful poppy has finally arrived... Happy WOYWW from Annette #13

  28. Howdy neighbor! How fun to rummage along with you!
    robyn 5

  29. I'm really sorry we couldn't see the poppies and how lovely that you have one to keep, very envious.

    You certainly have lots of bits in those boxes, trouble is we forget what we have when its packed away.

    Have a great week
    Jan s. No 62

  30. I would have to have double knee replacement in order to sit on your floor and craft.......but I would gladly do it just to pilfer through all you toys!!!
    Thanks for the earlier visit.

  31. All the fun bits and pieces in those boxes. I recently went through a box of fancy papers I have had for years and I was excited to see all the things I had forgotten :) Happy crafting! Shel#71

  32. fab 'desk' and loving the poppy, mine turned up a few weeks ago and was in tact - wish I'd seen the installation!

  33. Oh! Thank you so much for a nosy in your boxes! Why does other peoples stuff always look more interesting than your own? Off to look at DD now….Hugs, Chrisx

  34. My friend recently received her poppy too. She was so proud of it! x

  35. Love these boxes of wonderful! Your happy mail is divine too. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #59

  36. hi Helen, thanks for visiting earlier - i am quite dizzy working out all your boxes but I am sure you have it all under control ! Enjoy your crafting from all your lovely stash ! Ali x 20

  37. Happy WOYWW. (Sorry, mind just went blank - watching the NTA on +1 and the David Tennant Special Recognition Award has come on - we are all crying with him.) Oh yes, poppies. One of my biggest regrets is that I did not know about applying to get one until it was too late. Let us know how you choose to display your's. Ali x #64

  38. WOW lots of awesome stuff in your boxes. I bought a couple carts that have pull outs that I am storing loose stamps in. Love the poppy. Maybe 419 was one of the first ones to go out. I could see that many selling the first week. I didn't know they would ship overseas or I would have ordered on. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #33

  39. Ah boxes, boxes, Helen! What a lot of stuff! Do you have room for crafting? Lol!! I didn't know you could buy a Tower of London poppy. I wondered what would happen to them all when the installation was demolished. I'd love to have seen it in the flesh. It was an incredible sight.

    Thank you for your lovely supportive comment on my blog. You are right, our new year hasn't got off to a very good start. It seems like one darned thing after another at the moment and I dread to think what might be coming next!!! I know there's a great long process to be got through now, and I just want to get it over and done with. Somehow we'll get through it!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #44

  40. I've been wondering the same about the poppies. I saw them in September and ordered one, when I got home, thinking it would make a lovely Christmas gift for my Mum. I'm still waiting! Glad yours has arrived safely x

  41. Sorry for a late return visit .... How lucky to have got one of the poppies! Fun rummage today !
    Jackie 7

  42. What hidden treats inside all those boxes... rummaging must be such fun!! And how lovely that your poppy has arrived - in whatever random order (and intact - I've heard that there have been a horrible number of breakages, which is awful).
    Alison xx


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