Wednesday 7 January 2015


Welcome back for another show and tell for WOYWW -  though there is not much to show this week, and the end of year clear out has stalled (I blame having to go back to work!) although I did take another bag of clothes to the charity shop at the weekend.
it's still tidy though, which is a plus point!  I was messing about in my small A6 journal which is still on the floor, waiting to be added to in some way. just paint so far, and some marks made with a Stickles lid and a piece of old credit card. 

I should be working on some tags and atc's I'm supposed to be doing for a swap, but they haven't got off the ground yet! Hopefully tomorrow evening I'll have a bit more energy!

So, I'll leave you to head for the next desk on the list and hopefully find something more exciting! 


  1. I'm still in awe that you have SO much stuff, yet it seems to be organized around your "desk."

    I'm finally joining in again this week, after a hiatus, but of course, I have no number yet. BTW, sorry your vacation/holiday is now over. Don't you wish it would last a bit longer?

  2. Well, that is such a lovely tidy place you have. It is a shame you have had to go to work but your boss is so good to you that I a sure it is not really a hardship for you.
    Hope you find renewed energy so that you can get on with your tags and act's for us to see.
    Happy New Year.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  3. Looking forward to seeing those new projects.Tags are such fun to make.Have you seen all the new gear coming out from America soon(Tim Holtz).More goodies for us to drool over.It's never-ending.
    Judy #7

  4. I'm always amazed at what lovely pages you make while kneeling on the floor. I know I couldn't do it!

    Fiona #17

  5. Don't forget to show us when you've made the tags & atc's . Happy woyww Jill #10

  6. It is tidy Helen more than I can say!
    Well done on the clothing clear out !

  7. much crafting time wasted, lol! Well done on maintaining the clear space though, you'll use that to get those ATCs done at the weekend hopefully :-)
    Oh and anytime you need a sparkly wool beard, just let me know!!
    Hugs, LLJ 18 xx

  8. It's another day of juggling for me today....I have Lexi one side of me building with the Knex and Sam is the other side doing jigsaws so I'm popping round some of my favourite blogs while they play happily 😃
    Sorry to hear work is getting in the way of fun 😃 hope you can get enough time for your ATC making soon.
    Annie x. #20

  9. nice colours in your journal. Well done on your sort out.

    Many blessings to you from Angela #40

  10. My desk is piled high with gifts and things needing attention, as you have seen. I think many of us need a few weeks to get into the swing again, don't you?

    Looking forward to another year of inspiration :)

    Happy First WOYWW of 2015!
    Mary Anne (15 - just a lucky coincidence)

  11. Good start to the journal spread! A6 is quite small - but it's a good size if you're doing double pages - I'm only just getting used to working with tag sizes - I find ATC's still a bit too intimidating as I never know what to do with them. I need start a clear-out too! I took some photos of some items to go on eBay in December but I didn't want to queue at the Post Office (it gets crazy before Christmas) - and now I lost my motivation. I need to get into selling mode and think about all the crafting goodies I can buy with the money! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #27

  12. I think this is the time of year that everyone starts to clear out their stash!! Good luck with all your upcoming projects!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #33

  13. Hi Helen, work does get in the way but hope you find time soon to work on your swap items. Keep up with the tidying, I always feel heaps better when it's done. Cheers RobynO#31

  14. Hiya Helen ... thanks for popping by my blog last week & sorry it has taken me so long to reply! I am still really inspired by your journals ... and I still have the small one I bought last year blank and in the cupboard!!! Really must pluck up the courage to just have a go and put the first dab of ink or paint on that first blank page! Happy New Year & Happy WOYWW'ing. Love Debbie xXx

  15. Such a great space and everything close at hand! I love that you create in the floor; I could not get up if I did that! Happy WOYWW!
    Glenda #36

  16. This is looking so good Helen! Hope you feel energised soon! Chrisx

  17. Afternoon Helen! I'm a bit late today. Glad to hear you're still in tidy mode. I have a porch full of stuff to go to charity shop - keep just walking past it... Have a great Weds, Cindy #44

  18. It seems everyone is having clear outs. Ours is all done and we're just working on messing it all up again now.

    Horace @ no. 49

  19. Your desk looks ready for action, i should have a clear out, I`m running out of drawers
    Jan S 57

  20. I love your workspace, it looks like a little shop. Lots of stuff, but well organized.
    My muse is also on some holiday it seems. I only have half energy at the moment.
    Gabriele 29

  21. Your desk looks great and rearing to go. I hate having to go back to work when I would rather play, but unfortunately I need to work to be able to afford to plat :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #22

  22. What? no new stuff? Good heavens! So tidy too...for how long?#63

  23. Happy New Year Helen! Thanks for visiting Betsy tis week, it feels good to be back.

    Your little journal looks interesting, don't forget to show us what you do next.

    I think most of the desks are on the PHQ (post holiday quiet) side...LOL

    I spied a cigar box that looks just like one I have waiting for me to do something with.....grin

    Have a great week.

  24. I often end up on the floor too, especially with my heat tool and with messy things like paints and inks that I don't want on the furniture:) took some experimenting though to realize that my stamping went wrong because the floor isn't quite even...

  25. It does look tidy! Have you discovered yet from the stuff you've moved which was a mistake and which you'll never use again - prolly need a couple of months for that to be really obvious! Im sure there's a reason for the piggy monkey and teddy heads...but I cant work it out!

  26. Stickles lids!!!! I'm now looking around ....
    have a good week
    Bishopsmate #37

  27. Your space is looking bigger and I can see you've really been giving it a good sort I'm sure you'll get all your swaps done in time
    Hugs Nikki 8

  28. I know it's all on the floor but it's neat and tidy. (I suppose you can get more stuff on the floor than on a desk...)
    I love you journal page. Stickles lid... I say!
    Looking forward to you ATCs etc.
    Have a great week,

  29. Hi H
    Ha ha had to laugh ... I don't think the clothes are the reason for your lack of space ..... but it does look tidy. I bet it didn't after you made those lovely tags in your next post, still you are having fun and that's whats important
    janet #16

  30. It's a bit hard to get into the swing of things after Christmas, I too did some cleaning out of clothes for charity it must be in the air. Looking forward to seeing your new projects.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda #76

  31. Hi Helen, not much happening here either.

    Happy WOYWW, late again.

    Cazzy #79

  32. My it is still tidy! Love seeing your journal and markmaking (especially in real life at the crops).

    My tower poppy has arrived and now I am waiting for the frosty season to pass so I can decided WHERE to put it in the garden (which isn't big so it wont take too long!). Funny but the poppies always remind me of your wonderful photos and travel blog updates.

    Thanks for visiting my blog already

    Kyla #13

  33. Sounds like we are all on a de-cluttering splurge this week ! New year fever maybe ! Thanks for visiting and wishing you all the best for the coming year Love Ali #21

  34. Well you are starting the year off well with your tidy space! Though I know you will soon have those larger journals spread out and inking away for fun! Hope you are ok, Happy New Year my friend. Take care Zo xx 45

  35. A lot of stash in your space, whats in the blue box?
    Bridget #1

  36. Hullo there Bella,
    A great creative space today, loads to make fun with but very tidy as you say - am amazed at the number of paints there ... wow! but should not be reckon my spellbinders equal them!
    Thanks so much for sharing ~ happy belated WOYWW!
    Shaz in Oz.x #24

    {Shaz in Oz – my personal blog}

  37. Hello Helen!

    Oh, doesn't work get in the way of so many things! I was sick during part of the Christmas break which didn't allow me to get as much done as I'd wished. And now it's back to the grind. Ugh.

    Your desk looks nice and tidy. Have fun in your A6 journal!

    I'm having a giveaway so stop by if you are interested.
    Happy belated WOYWW
    Hugs Kay (61)

  38. If you run out of space there is some room on my floor right now!!
    It is good to have a bit of a clear up isn't it?
    Tee Hee!

  39. Sorry I am a bit late - been busy tidying and sorting cupboards ready for house viewing - argh!! Loads gone to tip and charity shop!x Jo


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