Thursday 1 January 2015


Good Morning and welcome to 2015!  You find me playing in my journal for the first time in ages - I was bored yesterday evening waiting for the firework display from the banks of the River Thames in London - which were fantastic - and so I got out some sprays..

I had some daubs of black paint on a journal page, and took the Deco Art Media sprays - a red, and a turquoise shimmer (which really does catch the light now I can see properly this morning!) and white shimmer too.

 lots of drips and runs - these media paint sprays drip so well!

Cracked open my box of Gelatos and used a red and a turquoise round the edges, blending with a barely damp paintbrush
 Stencilled Little Black Dress Fresco paint through a Crafters Workshop stencil (Mini xoxo) round the edges and spine.

Stamped two of the images from TH Winged Things II on white Smoothy card (Paperartsy) and cut them out, coloured the wings and crown with gelatos and fixed to the page.

 Outlined the stamped images with a black Sharpie pen, then added some white shimmer splatters by just flicking the end of the mister spray (now need to clear up the stray splatters...)
Determined to play more in my journal(s) again this year - this is a good start
I'm entering this to the Country View Challenge - new things - as there are lots of new things here (sprays, stencils, stamps gelatos )


  1. Love you page Helen, the colours look great together with all those drips and splatters! Claire xx

  2. It's a fantastic start Helen. The contrasts are fabulous. Just love it! Xx

  3. As your No1 fan of your journal I'm thrilled you got it out again! There's a real sense of movement in that background, very reminiscent of last night's spectacular firework display! And you used my favourite TH stamp set too! Happy, happy New Year lovely lady! Hoping to catch up with you in the real world soon - hopefully before Ally Pally!!!

  4. Oooh, such a fab page. The background is great, I love the colours & the drips & splatters work brilliantly.

  5. Superb splatterage and colour combo!

  6. Wow - that's a dramatic return to journalling if there ever was one! Amazing colours and I love all that drippage...

    Secret to lighting the candle... wooden coffee stirrers. Once we'd've known them as spills and taken them for granted for candle-lighting. I'm an old-fashioned type!

    Happy New Year!
    Alison xx

  7. Yay, great to see you cracked open your Gelatos for the new year. Those shimmer mists are lovely aren't they, I've just used the yellow one.

    Fab pages to bring us into 2015. Happy New Year, hope it's a good one for you xxx

  8. Wonderful journal pages, great colours and images, a fantastic combination. Hope to see more this year :-)

  9. Love this, fab colours and drips x

  10. great pages bright and colourful as the fireworks themselves!! Good to see you using some of your new goodies xxx

  11. Great that you've started the New Year with new materials and created your own super firework display in the pages of your journal while you were waiting for the London display! Hope 2015 proves to be a super, creative year for you, Helen! xxx

  12. Great journal page Helen. Love all the dripage and splats. The black really ties it all together. Great start to a new year xx

  13. Definitely a good start!!! A fab set of pages!!!

  14. I too am determined to do more in my journals this year. Love these pages - especially those drips. Yum!

    Happy New Year Helen :)

  15. Love the pages and good luck in the new Challenge. Happy New Year and a great start you have here!

  16. Always love your journal pages Helen and this is no exception. I particularly love the colours you chose which I wouldn't have thought to put together. Lovely start to the new year.

    Lesley Xx

  17. Marvellously drippy and painty and great colour scheme. I have been dithering about the Deco Art sprays (especially versus the Prima sprays).

  18. These colours, these pages, the fabulous drips-fabulous! Glad you got you journal out!! Chrisx

  19. Oops, should also have said thank you so much for playing along at Country View Challenges.
    Alison xx


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