Wednesday 10 December 2014


Glad you could come back for another desk-hop round the world... no doubt Julia sent you
I expect you're all ready for the big day in just over 2 weeks... cards finished and presents wrapped.... well I can tick the first one off at least!

Sunday saw me buckle down and get them written -
 here they all were in the box waiting.. I found a few tasks to do before I progressed to the next stage...
 getting them out of the box, and laying them on the sofa!

But they had to be done, and by the end of Sunday, they were...
here they are in a pile waiting to be posted on Tuesday (because I was buying the stamps on Monday!) - together with a card to collect a parcel from the sorting office this  yesterday morning

As you can see, I even had time to play a bit at the weekend too, with a canvas I'd been messing about with a few days/weeks ago, with brushos (the background) and some stencilling (the flowers)
It's by no means finished as I'm stuck with what to do next!

My craft mat still looks the same now (minus the cards which are now hopefully being dealt with by Royal Mail!)
I've got a couple of hours off this afternoon (now getting very confused about when I'm talking about, as it's still Tuesday night...) to do some Christmas shopping, got a couple of presents to buy that need to go in the post, but hope to be home early enough to visit some more desks too.  Catch you soon!


  1. I'm not playing again, because I believe you need to be able to visit those who visit you. And since my time is limited, I will visit a few friends and get back to MAKING my Christmas cards. Thankfully, I only plan to send a few this year, but I want to thank you for the masterboard idea. I have finished the background, at least (grin).

    You are SO far ahead of me. Looks like your list will be checked off long before mine is this year. have a great week and enjoy those Brushos.

    BTW, I asked the owner of Mrs. O'Leary's stamp, scrapbook, and mixed media store, and she has never heard of them, either. When I described them, she said she would check them out. I felt confident we have yet to be exposed to them in the US.

  2. Look at all those cards it took me days to fill in all of mine too. I eventually just write basic sayings at around #30 lol

    just to let you know Blogger has turned on everyone's You're not a robot settings
    have to switch to embedded comments
    hugs Nikki 1

  3. Hi Helen, one of those jobs that once done you wish you had buckled down and done earlier... I know, I procrastinated for days with my pile.
    The canvas is looking lovely, now if we could invent a few more hours here and there.... LOL Annette #22

  4. Well done on getting them finished - just have to brace yourself for the shock of paying mega bucks when you visit the post office! Glad you're finding time for some other crafting, too. Happy WOYWW, Chris # 13

  5. Oh, well done with the cards, that's a good job done! I'm nearly through mine too, wahoo :-) good luck with your Christmas shopping, hope it's successful :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 21 xx

  6. Great canvas and well done for making cards and also writing and getting them in the post. You are two steps ahead of me.
    sandra de @33

  7. Hi, just wanted to say well done in getting your Xmas cards done and in post, I do visit your page regularly but don't always comment. However I just wanted to say your canvas is lovely and the colours are fab, can't wait to see the finished project.

  8. I'm supervising the munchkins playing happily with their Lego so grabbing a few minutes to do a dash round some of my favourite blogs.
    Well done you for getting your cards posted...I've done mine too so family and friends had our new address 😃
    Annie x #19

  9. Yeah, you're ahead of me too - I have written three cards. It's not really enough!! I love the colours that the Brushos are giving you...oh gawd! Have a nice couple hours getting in the shopping spirit then!

  10. Well you're way ahead of me! Mine aren't made let alone written. Last week as a write off as far as Christmas prep went. Ah well. I'm sure there are wonderful things to see but for some reason the photos are not displaying (on anyone's blog) for me. Blogger is not my friend today.

    Fiona #24

    PS It does seem that you can ignore WV and just hit publish.

  11. Love the canvas...only written one card so far!!!! Yikes ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  12. My cards are in the mail; tree is decorated and wreaths are on the windows. All I need now is a white Christmas!
    Glenda #38

  13. Lovely array of cards Helen and I l-o-v-e that canvas. Any chance of a closer peek?
    Have now got the task of writing (and envelopes) the cards. Boring!
    Hugs & Thanks for the earlier visit - Neet xx17

  14. Ah Helen so much to do so little time... Good luck with the shopping. Please where did you get the pine cone stamp .... Love it
    Janet @15

  15. We finished writing our Christmas cards yesterday, all that needed to be posted have been. Now we just need to deliver the local cards.

    Horace at no.46

  16. LOVE your canvas! It will be interesting to see what you'll do next! Perhaps some doodling? That always works for me when I don't know what else to add. Will come back next week to check out! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #40

  17. That really is a huge stack of very pretty cards! Also love your canvas!
    Thanks for visiting earlier
    Gabriele 23

  18. Wow! You have done a LOT of cards. I know you are happy to be finished. #48

  19. Hi Helen, yes, I'm cutting down how often I'm taking them now. I'm down from 4 times a day, to morning and night, I'll be trying dropping the night one today, as I think being up and about all day means I'll be feeling it more during the day. Di's fix for getting rid of the WV works a treat, by the way. Glad to see you are so organised- I wish, lol. Breaking a few years of habit this year, and will be buying cards. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #11 xxx

  20. Oh those cards make me sad. We are in the middle of a postal strike over here. It has lasted 6months already with no sign of letting up, so no use making any cards this year.
    The canvas is gorgeous.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #32

  21. hopefully this post will inspire me to GET On with the card mailing!
    thanks for visiting
    robyn 2

  22. I gave up on Christmas cards this year....I am aiming for 2015 when I make Christmas cards again. YOu have been a busy bee.
    BTW your blog has that dreaded house number verification that google automatically put on, if you wanted to get rid of it change your comments/email section to embedd
    Bridget #36

  23. Good for you, your're ahead of me, I really ought to pull my finger out and get cracking! Love the canvas - I like the colours in it.
    Have a great week,
    Diana #34

  24. Jeepers, is it Wednesday?! Where is the week going? That canvas looks absolutely stunning. Are you sure it's not finished?! Can't wait to see where it goes next.
    Alison xx

  25. Hi Helen, happy WOYWW and thanks for the visit. Great relief to get the cards in the mail isn't it - I love those you have shown us. Great canvas too...been seeing these Brushos and thinking I like them. Cheers RobynO#27

  26. Oh how I wish I could tick off having cards all written and sent - nowhere near. :-( Wretched Craft Fair - never again!!!Thanks for visiting me. Happy WOYWW Anne x #29

  27. Hi Helen,
    Thanks for your lovely comment re those envelopes. Quite relaxing to do :)
    Your canvas is GORGEOUS! Really, it is so nice, I'm not sure it needs a lot to finish it?
    Have a good week! Congrats on getting all those cards out! (Still haven't written on a single one yet.)
    RosA # 10

  28. I'm now feeling guiltier - is that a word?? - than ever. I have no cards made & no gifts bought. Well done on achieving so much.

  29. Love the canvas. DH presented me with a little set of 4 and said he needs new art for his office walls so I am trolling for a spark of inspiration :) The cards could easily be wall art as well, but then you know I love your style. And yes, every Blogger blog presents any person not logged in to a Google account with first NUMBER verification, then eventually WORD verification, if you try to comment on too many blogger blogs in a day. VV frustrating and I really hope it them making it so difficult isn't killing WOYWW :( I just do them in bits, till the WV pops up, then quit and come back the next day :) And yes, you are also right - it's beyond your control.

    Happy happy day-after WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (4)

  30. Well done getting all your cards done Helen! Just been putting all the stamps on mine :-) xx

  31. Helen,

    Your pile of cards look fantastic and such artistic quality about them too. I have to admit I still have to write in mine been to busy, hopefully tonight I will.

    Have a great week
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 70

  32. Now that is an impressive amount of cards. I only sent a few overseas and nearly had to take out a bank loan, our mail is so expensive over here. Your canvas is stunning, I would call it finished, the flowers really stand out, I love it.
    Have a wonderful Christmas and see you next year.
    Von #28.

  33. You are doing well with all the festive fun - I am still making cards and have only managed a few gifts - need to get going I think! x Jo

  34. WOW so many gorgeous cards. Every other blog is getting the cards done...note to self, Just do it!! LOL .Keep smiling and creating
    Try this sequence for your blog:
    Go to Settings
    On the left hand list, scroll down to
    Posts and comments, click and a list will pop up with a heading 'Comments'
    Scroll the list till you see 'Show Word verification, make sure the 'no' is selected from the drop down box. Press F12 to save your changes.

  35. Thanks for popping in on me, Helen and for your lovely comment. Love your production line and the results. Those cards are great but that canvas is A-mazingly super.
    BTW. ... your Mum's gingerbread may be good but there is NOTHING like the real thing from Sarah Nelsons tiny shop in Grasmere. Nothing compares. You've gotta go there one day.
    Jo x


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