Sunday 14 December 2014

Brusho Canvas

The brusho canvas really caught your eye in my WOYWW post last week, and even though I thought it needed something (words maybe?) I couldn't decide what...
When I was out Christmas shopping yesterday, I popped into CassArt in Kingston and caught sight of the Liquitex paint markers... I've seen people using these (or similar) and saying how good they are, so picked up a black and a white... and then thought as I won't be going back anytime soon, I may as well have a few colours too... (only 3!)

Anyhow, after I finished my Craft Barn challenge earlier today, I was looking at the pens, and the canvas, and decided to outline the stencillled flowers with the black paint marker and the stems with the cobalt turquoise.
I had taken a few pics during the early stages of  working on the canvas ... loving the red

 then we jump to a bit later on, used orange, both reds that come in the starter selection, turquoise, yellow, and probably some black too..
 as you can see, I was having trouble deciding which way up it would end...but I love the drippage with the turquoise
 as you can see, it turned again!  Used the JoFY stencil with black gesso over snowflake fresco, which picked up the colours underneath, so tainting them pink!
Also stencilled some of the bubbles from Lin's stencil too.

so, I'm still not sure if it's finished, (the edges should probably be coloured over all the drips!) but for now, I quite like it, and I'd hate to do something which would then ruin it...

*Edit*  you are right, Sam though I am not sure the picture picks it up too well... edged with black
oh, perhaps it does..


  1. The only think I would do is go around all the edges with black paint to frame it. Your pens worked fab and love that brusho background xx

  2. while I was at Mrs. O'Leary's recently (the stamp, scrapbook, mixed media store I love so much), I asked the owner if she had heard of Brushos. She assured me she had not. When I told her what I knew about them, which was NOT much, then told her your tip on placing a pin prick on the covering to made sure you don't add too much, she was intrigued and promised to look into them. I told her I had NOT seen them on any of the US blogs, but they are showing up on a bunch of UK blogs.

    You did a fabulous job with this canvas, and I agree with Sam. The black outline was the perfect final addition to the canvas. It set it off in just the right way.

  3. Oh yeah you can see it, looks great, just finishes it off xxx

  4. Oh, this looks great. Amazing how much difference the black edging makes. The flowers really pop now.

  5. Yep, adding the black edging was a good idea. Gorgeous canvas, the Brusho background looks fab.

  6. Wow Helen! This is fabulous! I'm hoping I've dropped enough hints about Brushos….and if I haven't I'll just buy my! The black outline really does give good finish! Chrisx

  7. A beautiful and unique canvas - you couldn't recreate that brusho effect if you tried! I love the flowers, they look great against the background. Claire xx

  8. Just love this - already loved it on Wednesday of course! The Brusho background is stunning - and the flowers look fabulous - the outlining gives real depth.
    Alison xx

  9. The Brusho background looks fab and the flowers integrate with it perfectly.

  10. This is brilliant Helen! Love the Brusho background and the black gesso stencilling looks great. Totally agree with Sam about the black outline. It sets the whole canvas off perfectly.

    Lesley Xx

  11. Wow, Helen! I love this. The background is amazing and the addition of the black outline is terrific. I am so tempted to invest in some Brushos now! xxx

  12. Loving that "drippage" on the canvas Helen, I have asked Santa for some so keeping fingers crossed.

    B x

  13. Amazing canvas, fab background and I love the stenciling. Brusho art work is always something happens and it is fun. xx

  14. STUNNING Helen, a gorgeous background and i love the black flowers very much :-) xxx

  15. Looks absolutely gorgeous! The background is amazing Helen! x


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