Wednesday 24 December 2014

3UP - Masterboards

So today at Paperartsy, the 3UP favourite technique, is Masterboards... you've seen what I and my fellow 3UP-ers love about this technique, this is just to share a few more of the photos

 my supplies! (I did add South Pacific too)
 the first layers of paint added
 and after the addition of some extra Antarctic and Ice Blue
 and the first layer of stamping with paint - scratchy circles in South Pacific and diamonds in Antarctic
first layer of stamping with Watering Can archival and the Lin Brown branch from ELB10
second layer of ink stamping - black this time - the bauble and robin from the same stamp set

 coloured with Inktense watercolour pencils.
cut up into squares (I got 6 plus some smaller offcuts) and ready to layer on to some card blanks - I used the same tree branch and Cornflower Blue to tone with the shades on the masterboard - on my card blanks (they are approximately 6 inch square)
and a greeting from one of the JoFY early Christmas sets
with the offcuts I took a smaller card blank and images from the Hot Pick set HPXM05 and the stars from the ELB10.  9 cards from one A3 piece of paper - and still a little strip left.  Not bad - hope  you enjoyed seeing these, and have fun with your masterboards!

Thanks again to Leandra and everyone at Paperartsy for allowing me to play at being a 3UP-er again.

Happy Christmas!!


  1. A lucky visit to wish you a wonderful Christmas,
    Jo x

  2. Lovely work, Helen! I really liked tonight's post - love masterboards! Have a great Christmas! xxx

  3. Wonderful masterboards helen. Wishing you and your family a very peaceful and joyful Christmas X
    Lynda B no post this week!

  4. Brilliant Helen! Have a Happy Christmas! I see in the previous post that Santa came early!! Hugs, Chrisx

  5. Fabulous, fabulous work Helen and such a pleasure to see you on the PA blog. Happy, happy Christmas xxx

  6. Lovely to see you on the PA blog tonight Helen. Your masterboard and cards look great.
    Happy Christmas,
    Alison x

  7. Great master board Helen, great use of colours and stamps.

    Mery Christmas:-) xxx

  8. Fantastic masterboard & the finished cards are gorgeous. Very well done!

  9. Well done Helen, fabulous makes as usual and love how you create your masterboards xxx

  10. And I can confirm that irl those cards look stunning. Great masterboard.
    xoxo Sioux

  11. I left some love over at PA obviously - so happy to see you 3UPing again, and with such a fabulous masterboard. The cards look fantastic. Hope you're enjoying a wonderful 12 Days!
    Alison xx

  12. Fab masterboard Helen! You are so good at these and I have yet to try one still, lol! Lovely to see on the PA Blog again.

    Lesley Xx

  13. Catching up at last... Love your masterboard and the cards you made with it. Well done on your #3UP appearance (great fun isn't it!)


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