Wednesday 5 November 2014


Here we are, ready for another Wednesday Workdesk hop? Just in case you don't know the info and Mr Linky can be found here  at Julia's Stamping Ground

Once again there isn't much on my desk today... a bit of a wide angle can tell it's turned colder, slippers are out! the only reason they're not on my feet is so I could move back further to get the shot in!
the open journal is a bit in limbo, Fresco paint background, bit of messing/dripping with Brushos - and no chance of carrying on with it tonight (I am writing this on Tuesday night) as I am watching football (soccer if you prefer) on TV.

I have however, as you may have seen from the previous couple of posts, started my Christmas cards, and got a huge chunk of them done (33) at the weekend... which is a big relief! (here's a sneak of some of them )

I'll be along as soon as I can to see what you've been up to - Happy WOYWW.
Oh! I had new stash to show too.. bargains - Tim stamps on clearance from the Stamp Attic (think they're mostly all gone now!)


  1. Hi Helen, great standing shot of the floor which looks wonderfully full! LOL OMGoodness,... you have loads of cards done and I haven't started yet! Annette #4

  2. Looks like you sit on the floor and craft LOL complete with slippers. christmas cards look great and you are doing well to have done 33
    Bridget #2

  3. Hi Helen - I take my hat off to someone who can watch footie and craft at the same time!! I have to remember to breathe when I'm crafting LOL! I love your Christmas cards - what a lovely mod, refreshing colour change from the usual. Have a wonderful week, Chris # 7

  4. Your Christmas cards are really cute. #8

  5. Well done you for making so many of your Christmas cards! A master board is a great way of doing lots of backgrounds quickly, although I'm still struggling with mine. They are just not working for me! I think they are too fussy. Yours are great!
    Have a happy week
    Lynda B 10

  6. 33 is a pretty good start Helen.

    Might not have been a win, but a much better outcome than feared.

    B x

  7. Well done you with the Christmas the design.
    Annie x # 27

  8. You have got a production line going there! A master board is a great way of getting lots of backgrounds quickly, great idea :-)
    And your name is top of the list for the crop, even without asking you!!! Lol
    Hugs, LLJ 25 xx

  9. Fab Xmas cards and to have 33 completed is amazing. Love the pic with your slippers peeking in to the shot. have a lovely week.
    Sandra de @21

  10. I laughed when I saw the slippers! Very cute Christmas cards, such a great start! Like that set of Tim Holtz chest set stamps. had not seen those before. Diane #25

  11. If I were there, I'm afraid I'd not know where to begin! So many wonderful things to play with showing. I'm afraid I'd have a very difficult time deciding what I wanted to do.
    Glenda #37

  12. Waste not, want not! space I mean, if there's room on the floor use it that's what I say.
    Love the christmas cards, that looks like a Masterboard has been cut up to make them?
    Happy crafting, Angela x 40

  13. Great creative workspace there the Christmas cards, you'e doing well. We all love a bargain, cool stamps. Happy WOYWW, cheers RobynO#39

  14. Amazingly creative desk. Your cards are very pretty and I really like the colour. Anita woyww #42

  15. Well dang. I have always loved the Chemist one, and there is another similar set, and now looks like I missed a bargain. Typical. And I am feeling quite optimistic as so far most blogs have only the number verification not the word on! YAY!

    And I have to say I love the cards too. Well done - fab design. I am knitting socks to keep my feet warm, instead of slippers...


    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  16. Love your stamps! Lucky you - I never see Tim Holtz stuff on clearance! Am I the only crafter who doesn't do Christmas cards? I find them too much of a hassle, to be honest! I can see why you're relieved! Looks like you had a production line going there! They look rather cute, but now time to move on to some fun stuff with those new stamps! Have a wonderful week! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #42

  17. Hi Helen, love the cards, and what a find with the Tim stamps! They are usually a bit of a ridiculous price, aren't they?Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #14

  18. Wooo it looks like I would love to be with you Helen, hehe.. Such a great collection and your Christmas card - so superb!!
    Thank you so much for sharing
    Kind regards

  19. Well done you for doing so many cards already. They're lovely I must say.
    And got a bargain too! Normally those stamps are quite expensive.
    Thank you for letting me look over your shoulder.
    Have a good week.

  20. Thanks for the visit already! Who can't resist tim stuff on sale? Not me...wish I saw it here to start with...hence I will never see it on sale...It is getting warmer here, so have dispensed with my slippers! #22

  21. 33 cards done? All I have are a couple of sketches and idea notes. Every year I tell myself that I'll start sooner but...
    I love the color and style of yours.

    Katie #61

  22. Oh Helen, my knees ache when I see how you work on the floor!! Lucky you with those stamps - I enjoyed my TKMaxx Tim bargains last year! The only reason I got my phone from Virgin was that it was a very good offer - unlimited broadband that i thought would be useful at the caravan, and it was for the first two years - it's just gone downhill since then! I used to be able to link it to my laptop! No idea what I'm going to do next!!! Chrisx

  23. I am still amazed after all this time at how you can sit on the floor and back and knees would kill me! I an envious of the Christmas cards! I need to get started on mine soon. Love the stamp sets. I have the chemist one and have used it for a lot of things. Have a great week. Vickie #68

  24. Hi Helen I had to laugh at your comment about your knees.... you really need to get a desk and some storage. now I'm off to checkout which stamps you left for me to buy.
    ps love the page on the left
    janet #16

  25. Great shot of your 'desk'. Bummer having to put things aside but it has to be done. I'm going to need to a bit of aa production line myself at some stage - need about another 20 cards I should think. Love your birdies!! Thanks for the earlier visit. Cindy

  26. Wow 33 xmas cards in one shot very impressive love looking at all your fun new stash hugs Nikki 20

  27. Shucks, missed out on that sale!
    Nice to see someone so organised with "C" cards - mine are 'in production' as we write. Busy with the journal too - you put me to shame as I seem to have done so little of late.
    Hugs and thanks for visiting me earlier - I am so behind this week.
    Neet xx
    ps enjoy the poppies again - I am not going to make it to London and would have loved to have seen them. Just too many other commitments getting in the way.

  28. Hi Helen, thanks for visiting my blog this week.

    LOL, you really should watch "Frozen" it is the cutest kids movie that has come along in a while. As I have a 4yea old GD today (not feeling well enough for day care) I will most likely get to watch it AGAIN!.......LOL

    Well done on the Christmas cards! Mine are on the back burner until I get the BD stuff finished.

    Your space looks quite creative this week, slippers and all. It finally cooled of enough here to start wearing mine.

    Have a GREAT week....what's left of it......grin

  29. I'm late. Sorry!
    I don't get it though...step OUT of your slippers to move back for a photo....I'm missing something about that logic!! Hey I like your that handwriting JoFYs too? Makes you a bit green, huh!

  30. Hi there. I am SO late visiting this week.
    What lovely cute cards you made - well done on getting so many done in one go!
    The funeral was simply an amazing tribute to a gorgeous, lovely gentle gentleman!! And, indeed, very colourful. One friend even turned up in his African shirt!
    Thanks for visiting and for your comments.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #11

  31. Oh how lovely those cards are - such pretty colours for Christmas.

    I got the David set cheaply in NY but popping over to see if they've sold out of the others... thanks for the heads-up, though I know I'm probably too late catching up with it!
    Alison xx


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