Sunday 30 November 2014

Craft Barn Q&L 24 - Heart/Risk

I look forward to the alternative Sundays when a new Craft Barn challenge is announced.  I look forward to finding a great quote quickly wherever possible, that I know I will be able to illustrate in my journal...

I don't so much look forward to fighting with the computer to keep the internet connection alive but that's my fault for (still) not ringing my provider to moan about it!

However, I have my quote, "words, words, mere words, no matter from the heart" - a Shakespeare quote again today; I have my journal page!

 I have kept it really simple today. I used part of a Stencil Girl stencil, and Iced Spruce distress ink to outline the heart in the middle of my page.  I also used  Iced Spruce to stamp a Paperartsy script stamp (my favourite, MN61) inside the heart to continue the theme of the quote

After removing the stencil, I then used the Art is stencil by Crafters Workshop (I think this has to be my favourite ever stencil) and randomly applied Evergreen Bough through parts of the stencil, around the heart.

I wrote the quote, with a black Sharpie marker, as shown, taking the actual words of my quote, as a guide

so, as I say , a really simple, quick entry today.  Am linking to the Q&L challenge here 


  1. Speedy and simple with a fab quote Helen:-) xxx

  2. This looks fab, love the simplicity of it and the muted colours - fantastic xxx

  3. I am off my game, because I just now saw the two words for this fortnight. You have created a beautiful, heartfelt piece. No pun intended, of course. I like simple, and I can empathize with your internet provider woes. I have the same problem. This may be simple, but it packs a big wallop.

  4. Had it not been for you already posting, I would not have known the challenge number. Thanks for that.

    BTW, I'm going to STEAL (OOPS, borrow) your Christmas card idea, since I've not taken time to make any so far this year.

  5. Iced Spruce is such a nice colour. Your page is terrific, I like that heart a lot.

  6. Love this journal page, Helen. That stencil is fabulous and the Shakespeare quote is great, of course! xxx

  7. Iced Spruce is one of my fave Distress Ink colours and I love the muted effect it gives on your page. Lovely quote again Helen and brilliant page as always;

    Lesley Xx

  8. Your page reflects the simplicity of your quote.I don't have iced spruce in my collection but you have made me look at it again.

  9. Oh, a beautiful quote, and such a delicate, ethereal look to the page. I love this!
    Alison xx

  10. Simple, but very elegant! A lovely way to illustrate this quote.

  11. Muted, wintry colours - perfect! Great quote too.

  12. Another great page and the framing around the heart just finishes it off nicely!

  13. Great choice of stencils and quote! Lovely simple page.

  14. This is a lovely quote. Words from the heart are so important to us all.

  15. Love the simplicity of your page. Works perfectly. Fab script stamp. Have to check it out. :)

  16. Lovely, lovely. You kept it simple and often the simplicity says more. Very nice!

  17. Simple and quick it may have been but so effective.


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