Wednesday 2 July 2014

WOYWW 265 - the one after my birthday!

Thanks to everyone who visited last week and left birthday wishes. it was a great day, despite being at work - champagne and chocolate cake at lunchtime!!   I had lots of gorgeous hand-made cards - I blogged them in detail  here but will share just one group shot here before we get down to business!

So, here we are again, into July already and time for another global journey visiting desks and other workspaces. Julia will fill you in and provide the link here
Not one to disappoint Mary-Anne, I have some new stash to share...
the paintbrushes were a gift, I was given a voucher for my birthday for Country View Crafts (if you don't know them, check them out, their service is fabulous, speedy, efficient and for UK, free postage... and I bought a couple of extra Paperartsy mini stamps whilst I was browsing.. thanks, Lin!  And some more new stencils too.... You may spot Janet's handpainted mug (yellow) being utilised as a pen-pot in the background...

Also sitting on my square journal (page part done for Darcy's monthly challenge) is the last ATC I was waiting for for the anniversary, from Chris (Pearshapedchris) which I forgot to pose in last week's shot!
Hopefully you'll be able to click on the photo for a closer look.

I'm off to the stamp show at Newbury on Saturday (hope it stays dry, although I've just heard a forecast for the weekend... maybe they'll have got it wrong!) and hope to meet Mary Anne at least, (as well as some non-blogging crafty friends). You know what that will mean - MORE new stash next week!!

Have a great week, enjoy the desk hopping and see you soon.


  1. When do you find the time to play with all this new stash so amazed at all you have Have fun shopping on the weekend hugs Nikki C no # yet

  2. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
    Lots of lovely cards! :-)

    Create With Joy #3

  3. wonderful desk and great cards and new stash too Helen, Shaz in Oz.x #4

  4. Hi Helen your starting to go down my slippery slope of more shopping than crafting! Still I am up in England for a school reunion Saturday so might sneak in a couple of hours at Newbury on Sunday! Ali #5

  5. Hi Helen, really lovely b'day cards and what better than to add some more useful gear to your stash with gift vouchers and an upcoming craft show...neat looking stencils, have fun. Happy WOYWW and have a great week RobynO#8

  6. OH, Helen, I hope you have a great time at the Stamp Show! I just got back from one, and had so much fun!
    I am glad you had a great birthday.
    I think you have some interesting stash there, especially the stencil.

  7. Birthday goodies yay!!!!!! Hope you enjoy your trip out on Saturday too!

  8. Well of course you have new stash
    ... It was your birthday. The stencil at the back looks particularly interesting... Very splodgy. Great use for the mug I would probably do the same .... They should sell some without the handles lol
    Have a good week

  9. Happy Birthday - and yet *I* get the gift LOL! Lovely stash to look at - I never looked at the sort of stencils that have loads of small areas on a large "sheet" but I am starting to see the sense of them as a way to get many areas that you can extend by rotating and scattering. It's just a different way to use a stencil than the usual all over ones. When I use the full sheet ones I do tend to use this area then that one, so it makes more sense to have a big stencil with 20 different "bits" you can use!

    Stupidly excited for the weekend show - hope it works out and we can meet up...have your personal shopper hat on!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  10. It's never too soon for more new stash. Love the way the basket started with the paintbrushes, and then, and then..! Happy days. Janet's mug looks right at home on your 'desk', am so admiring that you keep up with the regular challenges.

  11. More new stash and more to come next week I guess (after Newbury).
    You have some lovely cards there Helen, I think I will go and check them out.
    Glad you had a lovely birthday - not all of us get champagne. Sounds as if the job move was a good one.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  12. Shopping in Newbury sounds great! I thought there was going to be a heatwave so you might be lucky. I thought you met Mary-Anne at the WOYWW crop the other week? #26

  13. Goodness! What a massive stash of goodies. When do you get time to use it all?
    Your handmade birthday cards look lovely.
    Hope you have fun at the craft fair at the weekend.

  14. Lots of goodies on that desk I would like to own x

  15. Glad you had such a great birthday - and there are some lovely new goodies just waiting to be played with. Have a great time at the show.
    Margaret #9

  16. I'm glad your birthday was a happy one! Love all the new things you have to play with! So good to have a good look around!
    Glenda #41

  17. Oh my more stash! Still as it was your birthday I will let you off, just don't go too mad at the weekend!! Love the cards.

    Hugs, Cindyx

  18. Sounds like you had a splendid birthday, considering you had champagne and cake at lunchtime. Your new stash of goodies looks magnificent, and I'm sure it was oodles of fun shopping for it too. Blessings!

  19. Lots of new pretties to play with. Love those stencils! And a gorgeous ATC. Have fun at the stamp show don't spend too much...yea right, huh. :) Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #53

  20. Belated wishes for a happy birthday Helen, and many happy returns too. Lovely new goodies on your 'desk' - I like the look of the stencil with the heart detail - I can see lots of possibilities there. Happy WOYWW and thanks for sharing. Elizabeth x #47

  21. So glad you had a lovely birthday, Helen, and what a gorgeous set of cards you had! Thanks for your visit and your nice comment. As for my health issues, I feel very positive as something can be done about a lot of it, even if nothing can be done for the M.E. I'm having a great time in my ARTHaven though, and I'm glad you like what I'm working on!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #23

  22. ooooh, love your workspace! Ant the stencils look great! Happy WOYWW, Evelyn # 58

  23. Gorgeous new stash, so much fun having new stuff but it can get to the stage where you need expanding walls Lol!
    Happy crafting, Angela x #48

  24. More goodies lucky you and going to meet up with Maryanne too, I would so love to travel one day and visit you all. Maybe it will happen . Have a great time at the show.

    Hugs Eliza
    Not posted desk yet will later today, long story.

  25. happy belated! love your pile of handmaids!
    thanks for visiting and the snoop around.
    Robyn 25

  26. Gorgeous birthday cards and lovely new birthday stash...sounds perfect to me! Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#38)

  27. Belated birthday wishes.

    You mentioned on my blog about having oddments of ribbon to store. If you take a look at my blog WOYWW for 5th March you'll see some of the ways I store mine.

    Hope you enjoy the stamp show on Saturday.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Happy WOYWW Sue 24

  28. Ooh! Look at all the fun new stash! Look at all that fun old stash too. Your desk looks like a great place to play or just come and snoop around in. Happy belated birthday to you and hope you keep on celebrating! Enjoy the stamp show. Judy #72

  29. oh YAY for a good birthday and that is some really cool new loot you have to play with :) ~Stacy #63

  30. You always have interesting stash to peruse! I have two days at Annie's with the twins this week so no sewing or crafting for me. Have a lovely week. x Jo

  31. New stash is fab no matter the day but even better for a birthday. (I have ordered new pens arriving tomorrow so my new stash will be in my pen storage come next week!)Glad you had a fab day. Take care Zo xx 46

  32. New Stash and you're off to stamp show!! Yay! I bet you get more stencils too!!! Chrisx

  33. Hiya Helen ... thanks for popping along to my blog earlier ... can confirm I didn't get lost but also have not yet attempted the Gelli plate! I did take it from the packet to show daddy but swiftly put it away again. Afraid the heat got to me today and I flaked a bit but I know what I want to do for my first Gelli project so will give it ago in a day or two. LOVED enlarging the photo of your desk and having a good old nosey - fab stuff on a fab desk! Enjoy the show at the weekend and Happy WOYWW'ing. Love Debbie xXx

  34. belated greetings for your birthday. Lovely cards and goodies to play with. Anne x #32

  35. It's been a long day full of fun for me but that means this has been my first chance to call by at my blogging friends to see what they have all been up to so I'm sorry for the delay this week.
    More fab new stash Helen and it sounds like there may be more after your trip on Saturday ;-)
    Annie x # 17

  36. Love looking at our weekly stash of goodies, always so fun. Looking forward to seeing what you create with them. Happy belated birthday.

  37. That's a lot of new stash! Have fun using it!!

    Also, happy belated birthday. Cake and champagne at lunch sounds wonderful -- although I'd be a goner for the afternoon.

    Happy belated WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (60)

  38. Fantastic looking cards - glad to hear you had fun with the birthday shopping!
    Alison xx


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