Friday 4 July 2014

SCO4 - week 4

Don't know where the week's gone this week - well I do, lol, it's World Cup and Wimbledon again... anyhow, Monday saw the fourth colour prompt announced by Kristin for Summer of Colour 

These are this week's colours  -

Pink and Apple Green with a Smudge, Splash or Pop of Dark Green . I was laughing with pinkly-challenged twitter/blog buddy Sam that it would have to be flowers... so here we go!

I decided to work in my small Moleskine notebook again.
 I coloured my page with the bright green Portfoleo pastel and blended it with a damp babywipe, then added some more colour and wiped it with a paper towel before heat setting it.

I stamped the JoFY flowers (MN34) all the way round the page as a border,

  then coloured the flowers with a watercolour pencil and a waterbrush.

I used two shades of pink, although it doesn't look like it here, the light is awful for photos tonight - the darker flowers are just where I blotted less to dry the water!

I then used a dark green pencil for the dots between the flowers...

When I was trying to find somewhere with enough natural light to take the first photo, I looked out of my bedroom window and saw these great clouds - nothing to do with the Summer of Colour, but I loved the shapes, so have to share them!

this is zoomed in on the brightest part of the cloud in the first shot.
Anyhow, I'm entering my journal page, to the Summer of Colour here !!


  1. Oooh you did it, great page, I'm still pondering, the colours are driving me crazy!!

    Love your clouds xxx

  2. This is a great page and those clouds are amazing! The colour combo is not an easy one, but you've really made it work! I love the flowers around the border of the page. Julie Ann xxx

  3. Love your use of Portfolio Pastels, they have to be in my top three favourite ways to colour.
    Can see why you chose some JOfy flowers, a fantastic journal page:-) xxx

  4. A very lovely page Helen. What have you found that is different about the moleskine compared to a different journal or sketchbook? I've often wondered. Have a fab weekend :o)

  5. Wow, wow, wow. This is beautiful. You have a REAL way with stamping, and I always enjoy reading how you created your art. This journal page is no exception. These flowers are just meant to be added to the SOC.

  6. Gorgeous pages and love those sky shots

  7. Gorgeous pages and love those sky shots

  8. Gorgeous pages and love those sky shots

  9. Gorgeous pages and love those sky shots

  10. Alright smarty pants! You beat me this week :P We new my organisation couldn't last ;)Hoping to get it done today.

    I love what you did with the colours - very Spring-like. OI love those cloud formations too - glad I'm not the only one who goes 'ooooh' at the sky :)

  11. What a wonderful work of art for this week's SOC challenge. I love how you used the colors to make your amazing journal page!

  12. I love this page Helen what a clever way to use the colours x

  13. Gorgeous entry for SOC challenge Helen, with the added extra of cloud photos too. I love clouds and can often been seen staring at them or taking photos. Unfortunately I've missed my chance to enter this week but hope to be with it for next.
    Enjoy your weekend ;D
    By the way I've just been looking at all your goodies from the show. You're in for lots of fun by the look of it!

  14. Your delicate flowers are lovely and I can are why you photographed that sky. Cloud formations fascinated me and this sky is beautiful. Would make a lovely painting.

  15. So pretty what you did with SOC this week. I took photos of clouds yesterday. LOL

  16. The page is so pretty - delicate and natural, I love it. And those clouds are really something - great photos.
    Alison xx


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