Wednesday 30 April 2014

WOYWW 256?

I think I'm going to lie this week, and pretend I've started my anniversary ATC's... but I'm not good at lying, so .... I still haven't done anything about them... a little germ of an idea is brewing though!
Welcome to another weekly desk-hop-fun-fest brainchild of Julia - check here for link-up and any details you may need.
 Not much to show you this week, a little happy mail parcel today - despatched by you-know-who..
 I ordered this book waaay back in December, it's publication was delayed but finally I got an email on Monday saying it had been despatched - and look  it arrived in time for an appearance on my "desk" today!
I've long wanted to learn some nifty lettering techniques and having had a quick flick through tonight (Tuesday, time of writing) it looks good.

Especially cos said who-know-who were selling it at a mega-cut down price of £2.53... yes, two pounds fifty three pence... you can see why I didn't mind waiting nearly 5 months for it!!
So  next time you see a journal page from me, there may, just may, be some writing of my own on it!!!
Hope you have a great Wednesday (or insert other desk hopping day) - see you soon!


  1. Hi Helen, I should have gone to bed ages ago, but I never made it and now it's tomorrow! I just saw that you have posted for WOYWW and I wanted to say that book looks as good as it sounds. I heard you talking about it on Twitter earlier. Good luck with the lettering. I never seem to have any time to do anything on a Wednesday these days. I really must join in some day soon. I should maybe try the night before too, but it's so dark and I've always cleared everything away, Julie Ann xxx

  2. Well aren't YOU leading the pack out the gate tonight? That looks like a beautiful (and inspiring) book. I've never been any good at lettering, so I'll leave it to you, but it's sure pretty to look at (and a great price, too).

    Happy WOYWW whenever it starts later tonight/today.

  3. I've seen that book on other blogs, it's supposed to be a great one, so I'm depending on YOU to be honest with the rest of us....LOL

    Looking forward to seeing your handy hand writing.
    Krisha no # yet, just starting early

  4. So relieved to read that someone else hasn't started ATCs yet - I can't start thinking about them until my crafting stuff comes out of the loft at the end of the week. That book looks great, and will provide loads of fun and ideas. Have a good week, Chris # 15

  5. Wow! Can not believe that book cost so little, it looks really great. Going go see if I can find a copy :) have fun with it :)

  6. Love fancy writing and that book was a steal for sure at that price look forward to seeing some fancy texts from you hugs Nikki 7

  7. You've done it know Helen, Amazon won't know what's hit them when all the orders fly in today. I got a package yesterday but can see another one on the horizon. Can't stay....I have shopping to do.
    Happy WOYWWW
    Ann B

  8. Looks like a good book and that price... heck, I'd wait 5 months too! LOL I look forward to you putting some of it into practice! Annette #6

  9. Another one that got it for a bargain price - green with envy!

  10. What a bargain you got Helen!! I have this book on my wish list at the in the UK and it has free postage around the world. But even at their good prices it can't beat yours! Let us know what you think of it after you have read it and played around and if you think it is good..I will buy it :-)! Thanks for visiting me earlier. Happy WOYWW and wishing you a great week.
    Janene #5

  11. Mine came this week too :D A part of me thinks 'you know who' priced it wrong and was hoping us lot would cancel our orders. :P

  12. Thanks for stopping by earlier Helen. I just love getting bargains & just goes to show the early bird doesn't always get the worm.
    Looking forward to seeing what you do using the book to inspire yo more. Happy woyww jill #18

  13. Now that's going to be a useful and interesting book! I think using the correct lettering can make or break a piece of work. You'll get loads of ideas from that bargain!!
    Hugs, LLJ 36 xx

  14. Ooh, wish I had ordered that book - now to go and see if it still is that price. Bet I have missed the boat. Glad you caught it though.
    Hugs, Neet 44 xx

  15. very interesting book indeedy Helen look forward to your creations with it!! happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #50

  16. That looks an absolutely gorgeous book, Helen. I've seen it on Cloth Paper Scissors and was tempted, but then I can do lettering so perhaps I should remain dependent on my own imagination lol! I do hope you didn't throw away that fabulous Amazon packaging. It's great craft card and you can do lots with it.

    I haven't done a thing about the ATCs either... I've got a lot on at the moment but it would be a shame to miss out. I must take a look and see what needs doing.

    Many thanks for your visit. I'll get to my sewing machine eventually, have no fear!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #28

  17. I want that book and what a bargain price you got it for. I might just have to go shopping and get one myself, been thinking about it.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 47

  18. You got a super bargain with that fabulous book. I love it and even looked up how much to get it here, let's just say it's not a bargain here!! I'll have to enjoy it vicariously through the creations you make with it.
    Have a great week.
    Von #11

  19. That looks like a great book and what a bargain. Looking forward to seeing lots of lettering!!
    Sandra @60

  20. I saw your post last night but i could not keep my eyes open long enough to post a comment. I am so glad I am not the only one not doing their ATC's yet. I have the idea but not the space and not the time this week. That writing book looks a great one to give you good ideas. My writing is too poor to risk doing something like that. Have a good week, H. xx Maggie #61

  21. We'll look forward to some of your own whimsical writings, Great buy. Be well Carole #68

  22. Hey Helen thanks for the visit earlier. What an absolute bargain! Great book. Looking forward to seeing your lettering. Cx #16

  23. Have fun trying some lettering from your new book. My handwriting is so bad, it's way beyond whimsical into the land of horror, lol.

    Happy creating and Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #39

  24. Oh Helen, that book looks like so much fun! And I haven't started ATCs either. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #63

  25. Ooooh fabulous, seen a few peeps get this at the bargain price, wish someone would of shared it, as at that price I'd of liked one too - lol

    Sam xxx

  26. That book looks great!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #40

  27. WoW! That book looks fabulous...I may have to look out for it as I only seem to have two styles of lettering in my journals and it would be nice to have a change. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#61)

  28. Now that looks a really cool book, will look forward to seeing your new learned letter techniques then?! Take care & enjoy your week. Zo xx 75

  29. So jealous....I ordered mine at Christmas for same price as you lol and I can't wait for it to arrive....can't be long now....
    Dawn #52

  30. Happy WOYWW, from what I'm seeing, that book will be priceless I'm not doing the ATC....having mixed thoughts about why not, but just so much going on in May and I'll be traveling some of the time. Darn.... Looking forward to seeing your makes. Off for now, have a crafty week.

  31. That looks like a very interesting book Heln and what a price lol!!

  32. Looks like as great book, hope you enjoy using it. Happy crafting, Angela x 49

  33. Well done on your bargain. I hope you enjoy your lickle bookie!
    Hettie 79

  34. That looks amazing Helen and what a bargain! Thanks for stopping by earlier.......shhh I haven''t made any ATCs yet either! Cindy #51

  35. Hi Helen! What a fab book. Look forward to seeing some doodlicious handwriting from you. :) Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #82

  36. hi Helen playing catch up I never got back to visit yesterday! thanks for popping by,what a fab book Helen and yes what a bargain..thanks for the peak inside. have a good week ahead Andrea #1

  37. Think I may have to check this out Helen, looks like a fab book, & a bargain to boot!

  38. Sorry I'm so late popping over this week.....yesterday was full to the brim with twinnie fun [blogging doesn't get a look in as you can imagine :-) ].
    Your new book sounds fun....will be watching to see what you do with your newly learned ideas :-)
    Annie x # 26

  39. Super book can't believe the price too! Thanks for the visit BJ#53

  40. Helen, thanks for visiting me, yes I have ahuge desk and make a real mess of it sometimes, it has really got out of hand at present and needs a good clear up so I can find things.
    That book looks wonderful, I looked it up on Amazon and it seems brilliant. Undortunately, I am not the type who can write neatly for everyday communication, so trying to do something fancy on a project would be way beyond me but I'm looking forward to seeing your creatios.
    Bless you
    Chris #42

  41. I'm sure you'll get to them in time :) I took an online class with the author, and it was good (still available? maybe) but if I recall at some point it changed and you had to log in to Google to access the blog so I abandoned it. Maybe I need to look at it again - if I can find the log in details, not I actually do a bit of Journaling....

    Happy (day late) WOYWW!

    Mary Anne (8)

  42. Good luck with the fancy writing - I am such a scribbly scrappy writer - brain works faster than hand!! x Jo

  43. Hi, Helen, glad you got your long-awaited book (and a bargain price, to boot!) Happy WOYWW (and thanks for your visit.) ~ Laura #90

  44. Looks like a real bargain buy, and well worth the wait. Looking forward to seeing the fruits of your researches!!
    Alison x

  45. Thanks for visiting earlier - oh I am SO relieved I am not the only one who hasn't even started an ATC yet !! I had that book on my wish list - will go back & look ! Take care Ali #27

  46. Oh yes, that book looks very interesting! I expect it could be quite helpful. Hmm, I wonder if I "need" it :)
    Thanks for stopping by,
    RosA # 10

  47. Wow! What a bargain and it looks like a "must have" book!
    Thanks for your comment and NO! I didn't know about the patchwork & quilting show as my DD's colleague ( an American quilting fan) emailed her the day before knowing I would be interested. Cool!
    Have a good w/end,
    Jo x

  48. hi H
    running a bit late this week.....stuff to do!
    i have seen that book a lot onthe documented life possts..... at that price i mighthave to invezt....lookf forward toseeing what you do with it
    janet #12


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