Wednesday 23 April 2014

WOYWW 255 - a right mess - and still no atc's...

Hi, welcome back for another Wednesday snooping at desks from here there and up with Julia here and join in the fun -   this week you find me with not a lot happening (again) and still not a sign of any ATC's for the anniversary swap even though I did say I'd try and get some done over the long Easter weekend...

 It looks worse than it is (kind of!) because I was kneeling down taking this from just inside the door... that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it... As you can see I was watching the football on Tuesday night!
and kind of round the corner of the sofa... a journal page mid-flow on the "desk"...

That's it from me this week, short and sweet... hope you recover from the shock of the mess soon!


  1. I have an idea for the atc's but, as yet, no actual completed ones - in fact, no started ones even. Is it time to panic? xx Maggie

  2. I'm just now starting mine, but I have much farther for mine to travel. I'll say one thing. Everything is within easy reach. Wish I could say the same. In a way, I envy that about your "desk." Happy WOYWW, with no number yet.

  3. There is some serious stash in your space. I missed my floor the other day and found myself sitting on it going through my DP to see what I had :) Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki No# yet

  4. Can you believe I've actually started my ATCs?? I can't! But there's AGES yet...
    Happy WOYWW!
    no. 2

  5. Your desk looks productive, even if you say it isn't. Hey, when I have these moments, I tell people it's because I'm forming my creations in my mind. That too is my story and I am sticking to it...My desk looks tidy, but it's only because it's only one of two desks and trust me, you don't want to see the other one!

  6. Hi Helen - I haven't even started on my ATC yet - and I've just visited a desk with Christmas cards on (for this year!!) Sigh. Your desk looks like a fab place to play - enjoy, and have a good week. Chris # 19

  7. Just looking at that makes my back ache... and I haven't started my ATC's yet either... better get a shift on and think of something pretty darn quick! LOL Annette #7

  8. I haven't started my ATC's yet but, the more I visit the more I think I better get a move on. Your stash makes me a tad envious!.
    Sandra @20

  9. I totally enjoyed making my ATCs and as Idid them in a concentrated block of time at a crop I made great progress. Look forward to seeing yours - and love the journal page a post back BTW. Very muted and pretty.

    Happy WOYWW!

    Mary Anne (1)

  10. Your desk looks very busy, even if you're least it will be all ready for you when you get the urge to make some ATC's. Vikki #22

  11. Ah, so much potential lies on your floor!! Do you know where everything is?!
    I'm off to Julia's tomorrow to make my ATCs...they're not going to be anything complicated, this will only be the second lot of stamping I've ever done!! But I do have an idea after seeing one of her stamps :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 14 xx

  12. My knees scream every time I think of you working on the floor :-/ Such a lot of fab stuff to play with though :-)
    Annie x # 38

  13. I usually don't create ATC's anymore gave them up about 5 years ago (sworn off them actually) but I have been thinking to break my rule and create some this year, just to be different. It's not like I have much time either, I must be bonkers to even contemplate creating ATC's again. Your room and playspace does make my heart skip a beat but then I would love to get into it and have a rummage around and play too, but and here is the big but, I don't play on the floor very well. All being said I still love your room.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 28

  14. It's not a mess Helen, it's a crafters delight. Just enjoy - and aren't your team doing well!!
    Hugs, Neet 27 xx (thanks for visiting me)

  15. G'day Helen
    and happy WOYWW. Thanks for dropping by my blog already. Yes we are fine after the cyclone...still no working TV which hubby hates. OMG Helen it all looks a creative cosy space you watch TV in and create made me smile!
    Annette In Oz #8

  16. Crafting AND football - surely that's just too much fun in one go! (Annie hates the footie but I am a fan -although Shrewsbury will probably go down this season!) x Jo #30

  17. No Atcs for me yet either... Honestly Helen I don't know how you carft on the floor, it makes my knees ache just looking at your photos! Craft and footie - heaven for some (but not me LOL). Looking forward to seeing you soon. Happy WOYWW, Cindy #56

  18. I haven't made up my mind about the swap yet. But if I do participate, I'll try to figure out a design at the last minute. #61

  19. You are not alone with the ATC's- still nothing here either. I'm hoping that inspiration will strike fairly soon, or this could turn into a panic. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #54 xxx

  20. Now that is definitely a hoarder's cavern, I like this low down angle, I can really see everything! So who won the footie?

    Brenda 64

  21. I love seeing your photos and straight away amongst your stash I spotted the footy on tv first!! No surprises hey? Am just popping in to say hi as no desk from me. Not been too great after going to 2 footy matches in 3 days so desk is empty. Take care Zo xx

  22. SNAP - no ATCs here either, really ought to write it on my list along with the timmy tag for this month. Thanks for your visit BJ#52

  23. What a wonderfully busy space. My ATCs are planned in my head, but have yet to materialise in real life! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#89)

  24. What a wonderfully busy space. My ATCs are planned in my head, but have yet to materialise in real life! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#89)

  25. im sure your ATC will make it to life soon busy work area as always and it doesn't shock me but does amaze me!...there is so much to see. hope you enjoyed the football ?I am not taking part this week had my sis visiting for Easter she doesn't do craft of any sort and no enticing her I tried !.... she has gone home was great to see her and went so quickly ;-( . I will be back next week and I hope have a lovely week ahead hugs andrea

  26. Happy WOYWW! You'll have more fun making the ATCs when you're in the mood -- why force it? (The advice of a lifelong procrastinator, so beware -- ha, ha) ~ Laura #69 []

  27. What a busy space, thanks for the earlier visit, Donna #26

  28. Hi Helen - thanks for visiting ! Wow that craft room sure looks busy ! I keep planning to make ATC's but haven't quite made it yet either ! Ali #17

  29. Hi H
    no new stash this week I am disappointed but then you don't have much room left do you he he..
    I haven't planned my ATCs yet either
    janet #24

  30. Hi Helen, it's not a mess, just full of activity.
    Happy Crafting, Angela x48

  31. Hi Helen, interesting how 'desks' look so different depending on where the photo is taken from ... yours looks very much like a crafting nest from this angle :) Hope the footie went well and your team won. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #39

  32. I always love your "desk" as it look just like mine only lower :) ATC's are out for me this year, way too much on my plate. Hope the mojo comes quickly and you get heaps of them done.
    Have a great week.
    Von # 13

  33. Happy WOYWW Sorry to peek in and dash... You have so much inspiration around you and I love that your art journal is out, I am doing the DLP also and have mine tucked in a spot I don't see it all the time. That is why I am behind (boohoo)!!
    hugs, Kimmer #96

  34. I haven't started my ATCs yet either. I have never made one before, but I want to take part! :)
    You have a great space for creating.

  35. Hi Helen, and thanks for stopping by my desk earlier. Your "floor space" really works well for you - I use mine too and quite often have to pick my way through the folders and boxes to get to my desk. It;s not a mess it's a working space. Cheers and have a great week Robyn#18

  36. Oh lawks H..are you backing yourself out the door with increasing stash?!! Can't tell you how pleased I am to finally get the ATCs underway. Ok, SMUG!

  37. I agree, the angle of the photo can make the desk look more cluttered than it is! Looks like you have lots of fun supplies.

  38. Hi Helen,
    You've got lots of creative possibities on your "desk" :)
    I don't sit at a desk either, I have to stand up to do any art/craft. Makes it tricky going to workshops as I do not feel comfortable sitting at a table and everything seems to be at the wrong angle somehow :)
    Have a good week and thanks for dropping by,
    RosA # 36

  39. I love the knee-level view of your centre of operations... right in the midst of the action (and the footballing action too!).
    Alison xx

  40. Kneeling down perking round the door, now there's an idea for a weekly desk hop - what position do you get into to photograph your desk. I too was kneeling down
    Famfa 65

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