Wednesday 16 April 2014


It only seems like yesterday I was writing last week's WOYWW post... not sure how it's already Wednesday again!

Since we were here last, I have been to Ally Pally for the stamp and scrapbooking show (report, photos and stash here) - the credit card took a bit of a bashing (again!)

 but in case you can't visit the previous post here is just one of the 4 photos it took to share the new stash.. told you there was a lot!
I've been playing a bit with one of the new stancils in my journal, one of the doily ones by Rebekah Meier for Crafters Workshop... it's not finished yet.... but here's a closer look...

Not sure yet where it's going from here... watch this space!
I still haven't started my anniversary atc's... maybe I'll get time over the Easter weekend...!


  1. Lots of lovely stash... I'm afraid I've already put my haul away into its places - got to be organised ahead of the crafty packing to come, so no photos, sorry!

    Absolutely in love with that journal page - magic colours, and the doily's beautiful. I have it and haven't used it yet - tut tut!!
    Alison x

  2. I love your floor :) always so many treats to see I love your journal page it's so pretty with all the spirals on it
    Happy WOYWW still have to write my post up hugs Nikki C

  3. I went and had a look at your pictures from Ally Pally at the weekend, looks like you had a fab time and bought lots of stamps ... I want that Dylusions one you bought I think
    Jackie 21

  4. That's going to be a great journal page Helen, the background is beautiful and I 'need' those new stencils. Had to go back a post for a closer look and you got a whole lot of fab goodies at the show.
    Ann B

  5. One day I'll get to Ally Pally event - I would be in heaven...
    Great photos :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    no. 27

  6. LOVE that stencil and what you have done with it in your journal. Great new haul you got at Ally Pally. I so wished we had "beam me up Scottie" in real life, I would have loved to have joined you! #36

  7. I have been eyeing off those stencils in some of the online I think that I will HAVE to buy them lol! So glad you had a good time at Ally Pally. Love your art journal page even if it is not finished..lookin' good!! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier Helen, have a wonderful week and happy WOYWW.
    Janene #5

  8. Oh gorgeous new stash and a beautiful page

  9. That is such a gorgeous journal page you've done - LOVE the colours and that stencil pattern is amazing!
    Are you hiring a van to bring your stuff to the Crop??? ;-)
    Hugs, LLJ 38 xx

  10. Oh I'd have laid out for the doily stencil - isn't it a stunner!
    And you say it only feels like yesterday - it does..feels like last week when you were last at AP!!

  11. I'm a little later visiting today cos I've been cleaning, sorting and tidying [again] ready to put our house on with another estate to get this house sold!!
    I love the pages you're working on....just my colours and I love the doily effect. :-)
    Annie x # 40

  12. I love all the wonderful new toys you got! Those keys really caught my eye!
    Glenda #49

  13. You REALLY enjoyed yourself over at the show - took a sneaky peek at the post there - and now you are trying them out. The stencil is lovely, and really effective. Well done.
    Enjoy the Easter weekend.
    Margaret #18

  14. Adore that doily stencil and your resultant page. BJ#44

  15. What a lot of lovely goodies to play with! The journal pages look very promising - do show us, when they're finished. Easter blessings, Chris # 32

  16. The blue lace journal page is beautiful Helen, I bet it takes ages to do. Happy Easter. x Jo

  17. AWWWH, LOVE the beginnings of your journal pages. Looking forward to seeing where you go from here, although I like it just like this.

    My ATCs are almost finished (23 at last count, still trying to use up a lot of stash)I still need to edit and pull the ones I don't think are the way I want them. I did them in an assembly line, due to the multi steps involved (grin)

    Gotta keep hopping or it will be time to go to the gym (ugh) Thanks for the visit this week.
    Krisha #3

  18. Those stencils are beautiful, they remind me more of architecture than doilies I think. I love the colour in your journal but I'm thinking mellow stone colours for another spread would look fab.

    Brenda 56

  19. Oh my goodness I love what is happening on that journal page!

  20. Oooo, you did get goodies. Love the butterflies towards the back.

    That doily stencil is pretty, I like what you're doing with it.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comment.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #17

  21. YAY! new stash- must live vicariously! and that's why we are here! sweet doilies.
    thanks for visiting , your kind words and the snoop around your place!
    Robyn 2

  22. I absolutely LOVE the pages with the hearts! Happy WOYWW - Sandy Leigh #67

  23. I do love to see a new crafty stash and that's a whopper you have some great goodies there. I hope you have a great time using them and being creative. Your journal pages are great I love the colour and texture you've created and those doilies are awesome they stencil beautifully .thank you for visiting and your kind comment I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend and the time to make your atcs as planned ...crafty hugs Andrea #24

  24. So of course I had to jump over to the post where you showed *all* your new stash -- I think I'd be severely tempted if I ever went to a big show like that, as well. But see, you're already using your new stuff -- must be you needed it. ha, ha The doily masks are lovely -- and the Cartographer paper (looks like Prima, maybe?) looks great. Happy WOYWW from Laura #64 []

  25. Hi Helen, stash shopping is awesome, isn't it? lol. I think I too will be using the easter weekend for Atc making- still not got started. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #34 xxx

  26. Love that stencil. Journal page is looking good and can't wait to see your ATCs - save one for me :)
    Better late than never :)
    Happy WOYWW!

    Mary Anne (23)

  27. Ooh! That stencil looks great, Helen! I can't wait to use mine, but Easter looks like being hectic! I am so impressed you've been able to use some AP purchases already! Once again I had to work all morning (and prepare for students last night :( ) so no time for WOYWW. One day I'm going to be able to manage it again! Julie Ann xxx

  28. I say, that's a lot of goodies! Love the colours on the page. Karen #36

  29. Aw Helen you crack me up ..... you really are going to have to move soon ... for more space.
    some interesting stash, especially what looks like a foot scraper at the back, cant imagine what you are doing this that in a crafty sense.
    happy palying

  30. Excellent stash, Awesome Art Journal and Amazing stencil! I have to get it!

  31. Super space, lots to see. It looks very productive

  32. Love the way your journal page is coming along - I have stencil envy of course!! Loved looking at your stash pics! Thanks for visiting - sorry only just getting back now - a few problems needed sorting yesterday! Chris 69

  33. Great stash! Love the doily stencil, your pages look spectacular! Have a wonderful Easter!

  34. Hi Helen,

    That's a lot of nice new stash - I will go to the original post to see what else made it's way into your cart!

    I love your journal page. I just recently bought a small moleskin journal. Can't wait to get it inky!

    Thank you for visiting me already!!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay (13)

  35. Wow love those new stencils your pages look fab, and funky. Fab WOYWW, yes I'm a tad late but never mind hey! Hope you have a great weekend. Take care Zo xx 53

  36. Lots of lovely things & that journal page looks amazing already.

  37. Super doily page there Helen, and thanks for showing us one of your pages of stash (off to see the others shortly).
    Hugs, & Thanks for your earlier visit - Neet 28 xx

  38. Love that stencl!
    Hppy belated WOYWW!
    Tertia #88

  39. New stash is always a joy! And I love the blue/white doily pages - pretty.

  40. What a many fun goodies to see. LOVE when that happens!! Thanks for sharing :)

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