Tuesday 1 April 2014

WOYWW 252 - the secret is revealed..

Well here we are. Another What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday?  Julia is our intrepid leader and desk marshaller... check out the info here   I was scheduling this and heading for bed when I noticed Julia has published so, so am I!

My forthcoming trip had lots of you intrigued last week - I'll tell you more in a bit... first you want to see my desk right?  I'd like to see a desk too... someday I will make it off the floor..
is it a pizza?   no....
new toys!! stencils and stamps...

Tuesday was the last craft club - sad face!!  - unfortunately my sister in law Lynne and her friend Toni who've been running it, have decided that as not enough people go regularly, they're not covering the cost of the hire of the hall, so yesterday was the last one...
I packed a little bag...
 and once there started another masterboard with my Jo Firth-Young stamps...
and had fun colouring in!

Now for my trip - I'm going to Paris - to the Version Scrap show... with a group of mates from twitter/blogland... woop woop!!  I leave Thursday morning so I am sorry, but I don't think I'll get to visit many of your desks - certainly not before I go - Wednesday night is packing night!

Stand by for lots of stash buying and Paris fun - watch this space - I'm back on Sunday!!


  1. Wow, have fun in Paris!! Love those JFY stamps, very pretty indeed :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 8 xx

  2. WOW - you lucky lady going to Paris. Sorry your group is closing though - that's sad :-(
    Why worry about a desk when there's so much more room on the floor?!?!?!?
    Happy (early) WOYWW
    Caz #12

  3. Ohhhh have fun in Paris and I look forward to hearing and seeing some pics in the next WOYWW! Sad that your craft group will not be gathering together anymore. I have art days here at my house and we have so much fun. Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #30

  4. Oh wow I want to come with you. Have fun Helen.

    Happy WOYWW

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 36
    36 my favourite number

  5. that is a great haul of goodies you have there those masks look like a lot of fun. wow hope you have a great time in Paris we want to hear all about it..can you squeeze me in your case! ;-).sorry to hear your club is closing loving the master board you created and those fab stamps you have used .... crafty hugs Andrea #45x

  6. Oh wow you lucky thing going to Paris. Can't wait to see all the goodies you bring back. Shame about your craft club but love your "colouring in".
    Have a great trip.
    Von #48

  7. Paris? Aren't you the lucky gal. How awesome. Have fun and take lots of photos (as if I need to tell you). Happy WOYWW from # 15.

  8. You lucky girl - have LOTS of fun!!!
    Happy WOYWW ;)
    no. 50

  9. wow Helen well don't think any of us would have guessed that in a million years!! Paris for a craft show no less what a combo.. we will wait for next weeks reveal too!
    I love the desk above, sad for you about group folding maybe the ones who go should take turns in hosting it??
    happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #47

  10. Don't you just love it when the a Postman calls with a parcel, I know I do.
    Enjoy your trip, springtime in Paris, wow!

    Happy WOYWW
    Ann B

  11. Wow Helen. Sounds like you have an exciting time ahead of you....have fun in Paris :-)
    Annie x # 1

  12. Oh Version Scrap! Never thought of that. Now gone a violent shade of green. Wish I could get a friend to go with me. Say "hi" to Leandra, Lynn and Sally from me and just have a jolly good time. Not just at the show but in Paris itself. Oh lovely, Paris in Springtime.
    Hugs, Neet 65 xx

  13. Paris... WOW Helen, how fun for you all, have a great time and take lots of pics xo Sorry to hear your craft club has finished, very sad, i'm just trying to start one up in my local town!
    Happy Wednesday
    Minxy {was #6 now #23}

  14. Wow - wish I was coming with you - have a really fab time! I love the new board, BTW xx

  15. LOVELY masterboard. I have actually done a little bit of shopping recently so working thru my ever changing list. The Jofy stamps are still on the list, but those useful stencils must surely grab a spot as well. I never saw the need for that scatter of different motifs sort of stencil before, but now I can see how great it would be to have ONE stencil and simply flip, rotate, repeat but have a bunch of choices. You are such an inspiration :)

    Happy WOYWW!

    Mary Anne (11)

  16. How exciting! I love Paris as you know, if I had to say visit one place it is Musee D'Orsay. It's stunning. Oh use the Bato bus. A Boat Bus!! A great cheap way of seeing the city. Enjoy your day. Take care Zo xx 83

  17. Paris! Oh how lovely! You are going to have to take LOTS of photos for me to live vicariously through you. Sorry to hear it is your last craft club. Why do all good things have to come to an end? Love your new stash. #63

  18. Looking forward to your return blog, have a great trip and the masterboard is amazing. BJ#76

  19. Well...how fab! Enjoy....and pics pretty please ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  20. Oh Paris in the Springtime! Is there anywhere nicer at that time of year. Euros aren't real currency, so anything you buy won't count as new stash, lol!! And talking of stash, I like your new stencils, shame the craft club is finishing too. Our snow is gone but we want a bit more, just a little bit!! We're at 90.7" for this winter, the all time record for this area is 93.4", set 130 years ago. Everyone feels that we've come so close we may as well break that record! So yeah, I'd like about 3" more! it only has to stay for a day, but I'd like to break the record, I doubt we'll get this close again in my lifetime!!

    Brenda 10

  21. How fun for you! I would love to go to Paris. Bit more of a travel for me than you, unfortunately.
    Sorry to hear about stamp club. Logistics stink sometimes. Maybe you guys can just take turns hosting at each other's dining room table?

    Where did you order the stencils from? I look forward to seeing what you find in Paris Creative Blessings! Kelly #97

  22. Oooh lucky you I love Paris. Im sure you will have a fab time .... I remember a button shop in Monmartre full of the most gorgeous buttons, but wasn't allowed to take photos !!
    if you read this in time have a great time if not..... hope you had a great time, bring your weight allowance back in stamps/ masks
    janet #7

  23. Hi happy woyww to you! I am a sucker for stencils now and those are cool ones! Thanks for sharing your space!
    Kimmer #109 last, but not least, yet again... I think this is a record! LOL

  24. I have missed visiting you, will be good to get back to a routine of playing and do what I want!! Hope your Paris trip is full of lovely shopping, food and laughter. :)

  25. Bon voyage and all that! Hope you have a fab time. x Jo

  26. Have a great time in Paris at the crafty event!
    Sorry I'm lTe returning your visit

  27. Wow - Paris! Have fun. I like the new stencils you have on your desk.

    Also, love the coloring of the stamped image. That's beautiful!

    Thank you for visiting me already! Happy belated WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay (21)

  28. Hope you have a fabulous time and look forward to seeing your stash and photos.

    Kyla #2
    ps - think you have been trolled above...wondered how long it would be before they found WOYWW!!


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