Wednesday 26 March 2014

WOYWW - 26th March - week 251

Hello and happy Wednesday to you all - time, already, for another desk - fest! Head to Julia's for all the info and wheres-and-why-fors here 

Now, you will all be very very surprised, but there's nothing new on show here today!! (mainly because the post didn't arrive in time, hahaha!)

 if you're still here, despite the disappointment at my failure (!) this is my "desk" today... a birthday card made from part of the Paperartsy Masterboard challenge (see here) which is for a girl at work next week, and the usual detritus - including last week's shopping which hasn't moved far, let alone been used....
it occurred to me that I haven't "swung left" for a while - the pile of completed projects (foreground) is growing ever higher - most of these have been blogged previously and you may spot a sneak peak of a tag for later today (check out the DragonsDream post this afternoon, see if you guessed right....!)

This time next week (the time you're reading this not me writing this!) I'll be preparing for a little trip - can't say too much just yet   - but I am very excited... and it involves a passport.... will tell you more soon!
Till then, have a cracking week, don't forget to change the clocks at the weekend (UK readers, as my US friends have already done so) and I'll catch you very soon...


  1. Sounds intriguing, have a fabulous trip!
    have a great week! Debxx #9

  2. Oh the sound of a little trip is very enticing.We have to wait until May for our next little trip.
    Judy #4

  3. Mm Helen, involves a passport that is very exciting :Dhappy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #15

  4. Sounds like your off on a little holiday ... But is it craft related???????
    Jackie 24

  5. Have fun and safe travels.. Looks like everything is getting finished up for the big trip.
    Happy WOYWW
    Sandy #25

  6. trip sounds intriguing, can't wait to find out where. Have a safe trip, Donna #35

  7. Don't know where you are going Helen but I bet you come back with some more great stash. Love your masterboard, saw the one on PaperArtsy yesterday and was tempted to buy the stamps but I'm saving my pennies for a splurge on Saturday at Port Sunlight.
    Happy Wednesday
    Ann B

  8. My friend used to count Wales as needing a passport so I am wondering if you are joking with us or if you are really in need of using yours. Mmm.. time will tell but it sounds exciting. Are you getting a mini travel kit ready so you can craft on the go?
    Off to loo at this masterboard on PPA.
    Thanks for the earlier visit - Hugs, Neet 40 xx

  9. Is that space to craft shrinking and the stash getting bigger? Maybe, but what a huge stash of finished projects too. Have a great trip Helen and be sure to share some pics.
    thanks for popping in on me,
    Jo x

  10. Ooh a trip that needs a passport is very special. My hubby is coming to your end of the world in a few week. He's going to Scotland with school. I hope your holiday doesn't involve a ton of school kids (he he). Wherever it is have a wonderful time.
    Von #23

  11. Wherever you are off to have fun ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  12. Oooh, a trip sounds good! You'll have to keep us informed of where you're going :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 27 xx

  13. It's been ages since I played with masterboards. I forget stuff, my head is so cluttered, and WOYWW is fab for a gentle reminder of some technique or tool - just the prompt I need to play again. Have a lovely trip!

    Happy WOYWW!

    Mary Anne (22)

  14. The birthday card looks very pretty. I think a challenge for you would be to not buy any stuff!! Ooh, a trip, somewhere warm I hope!

    Brenda 68

  15. Hey, if you have a pile of completed projects, you must be doing something right!

    Have a great trip, we look forward to hearing about it when you get back.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #10

  16. Well, a LARGE stash isn't worth anything unless you have a pile of finished projects to prove that you use it all. (grin)

    A trip the requires a pass port??? Humm, coming my way??? LOL! Well, I certainly would LOVE that!

    Thanks for the visit this week, via Blogland that doesn't require a pass port......thank goodness.
    Krisha #12

  17. Hmmm.... an out-of-country trip... Sounds intriguing! Have fun! And happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #71

  18. Thanks for the visit Helen, I laughed at your comment, when I saw your desk..ok maybe it isn't chaos over at mine:) Hope you are going somewhere fun. Cx #21

  19. Failure? lower your expectations!
    Lots to see and admire here- who can remember from last week?
    thanks for visiting and the snoop around your place!
    Robyn 6

  20. Oh I wish I had such a pile of finished projects! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #66

  21. Love your green mask creation even at this angle. If you are on a trip does that mean no Craft Club on Tuesday 1st April (the last one). Bit sad to see it go but seemed inevitable really, going to try and make it though. Gosh this time last year I started 3 different clubs and now it is down to just 1. Unless you count the one I have taken over in my house! BJ#70

  22. you are a tease we are now all trying to guess where you are off that pile of finished projects the bright and colourful card looks ace....glad you decided for a swing to the lefty this week..have a great trip next week and thank you for your visit earlier crafty hugs Andrea x #20

  23. What an amazing pile of finished projects and a lovely pile of creative chaos is very enticing. I am intrigued by the trip and can't wait to hear about it. Have fun! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#55)

  24. Ya know you don't need a passport to come here right?!! I keep meaning to talk to you about the Crop and a sleepover...remind me do!!
    am slightly pleased that your newest goodies aren't played with yet, gives this mortal a chance to feel less guilty about my own new but unuseds!

  25. Oo a passport eh! It's got to be warmer than
    My trip anyway .... Wouldn't be difficult but it's good to get away for some R and R. No new stash this week I am
    Disappointed I love seeing what's good to buy
    Enjoy your trip
    Janet @39

  26. Oooh, I hope you have a wonderful trip, Helen!

    And how nice to have a pile of completed projects, what a satisfying feeling.

    Thank you for stopping by this WOYWW!
    #16 this week with a
    jewelry organizer

  27. Think I know where you are going and I'm green!!!!

    Lesley Xx

  28. Have a fun trip and look at that stack of finished projects hugs Nikki 5

  29. Exciting!! Can't wait to hear where or what the surprise is!
    Your desk makes me wish I could just jump in!

  30. Love all the stuff you have going on. Can't wait to hear where you are going on your trip.
    April #14

  31. Happy WOYWW... Love your desk full of craftyness. Looks to me you have fun with all your crafting. Woohoo! See you next week.
    Kimmer #91... last , but not least AGAIN.. LOL

  32. That mention of a trip and a passport distracted us from your desk this week. Sounds exciting! Happy WOYWW!
    peggy aplSEEDS@3

  33. Your finished projects made my heart skip a beat. Then you mentioned needing a passport.... are you coming to visit me... oooohhhh how exciting. No seriously where are you going and don't say Whales like Neet said.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 19

  34. Ooh your trip sounds exciting - have a fab time! x Jo

  35. You've been busy! Have fun on your trip. Thanks for stopping by to see my workdesk! Helen #17

  36. Have an awesome trip! Your desk looks very busy and that is quite a pile of finished projects you have there.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #67

  37. Someone else being a tease this week. Wherever your trip is, I am sure you will have a great time and I hope you will have lots of photos to show us. Thank you for your visit this week. I have a major clearance job to be done this weekend, one shed is about to fall down with all the gardening tools inside. The garage is a wreck and because it was built at the time when everyone had tiny cars, it will never be used as a garage again so that is going to be my new shed. That involves moving the caravan stuff into the caravan (logical, but it had been removed when the van went for service) and clearing out the total rubbish to make room for me to get the lawn mower etc into a usable position, and put the shed content in there too. Once that is sorted, it is definitely back to crafting and playing with my new stash. Have a good week. xx Maggie #8

  38. Wish I was going on a holiday that involved a passport...lucky you!! You have a very full desk!! Thanks for sharing..
    Vikki #93


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