Wednesday 12 March 2014

The Green Man - inspired by Julie Ann at Paperartsy

Earlier this week, Julie Ann shared three gorgeous canvases using ceramic masks, beautifully decorated - see them here 
I didn't have any ceramic masks nor time or patience to wait to find one so had to think outside the box.. I settled for this:
 the stamp is by Judikins and I rarely use it... I stamped it on Clearly for Art, Wendy Vecchi's moldable modelling film.
 Painted a canvas with lots of different green Fresco's.
 Die cut a load of leaves on Smoothy paper that I'd painted with lots of green Frescos.  Stamped on some of them (though after I'd taken this photo, lol) I painted the face with more green Frescos, after heating the Clearly for Art and making it face-shaped.
 and started to assemble the canvas...I added some texture to the canvas with grunge paste through a stencil and splodged some Chartreuse and French Roast Frescos over the paste.  I've largely hidden it though... Also used some broken twigs round where the mask would go
 It's looking a bit shiny from the flash... not to mention the wet heavy structure gel I used to glue the mask and the twigs in place and was too impatient to let dry...
then stuck the die cut leaves to the canvas.
Thank you, Julie Ann, I really enjoyed this one!
Entering it to the Paperartsy challenge here and also to the Stampotique Designers Challenge #138 which is "green"


  1. Wow! Helen this looks fabulous. What an ingenious idea. It's been so interesting seeing the amazing ideas and the resourcefulness of the participants so far. I've loved the different interpretations. That Wendy Vecchi stuff is great. I'd like to get some of that myself and using the stamp with it was inspired. I'm so glad that you found it fun - that's what I wanted. I just hope I didn't scare too many people off with creepy masks! Thanks so much for playing along. Julie Ann xxx

  2. You clever girl you! This is fab and as Julie Ann says and ingenious idea. If I can find a mask stamp hidden in the depths of my cabinet somewhere I might pinch that but will credit you too if I do. What a brilliant result you achieved.

    Lesley Xx

  3. Fantastic bit of thinking outside the box, great piece Helen. Love the greens and the mask nestled in the leaves. Tracy x

  4. well done Helen, that looks wonderful.

  5. Great piece Helen, love how you used what you already have and adapted it.

  6. I can tell that you enjoyed it Helen cos you went the extra mile to solve a problem and it is fantastic. love all the elements. well done for also thinking outside the box!!

  7. Fabulous version of the Green man. II was debating how I could do this without buying the masks and didn't even consider clearly for art - fabulous idea! I love your creation Helen.

  8. So clever to create the mask from modelling film. and your canvas looks amazing! So sorry to be a bad visitor at the moment.... looking forward to proper catching up at the weekend.
    Alison xx

  9. Fabulous Green Man canvas, fab leaves & mask:-) x

  10. Fab canvas - love the mask and all the different layers and tones of green xx

  11. Helen this is fabulous! I must admit I often give up if I don't have the right 'ingredients' but you've used what you had and really made it your own. I love your stamped leaves and all the different shades of green. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Stampotique. Sue xx

  12. You have made it your own...looks's great when your supplies come to the rescue!
    xoxo Sioux

  13. Fab your green man! Wonderful mask and different green leaves.

  14. Fab improvising with the mask and love what you've done with it, background is lovely, well it would be, it's green

    Sam xx

  15. What a wonderful idea to use the Judikins stamp! Beautiful work!

    Lucy x

  16. Beautiful! What a wonderful use of the stamp!

  17. wow Helen you've done a fabulous job on this. Great idea to use a stamp and the bendy Wendy Vecchi stuff. I love how all the colours have mingled on the mask and all those different greens look great!!

  18. Helen,
    Where there is a will there is a way! Great thinking and your project turnout wonderful.

  19. Helen it's great to see you joining in with the Stampotique challenge, which is as you know Green this week!
    The canvas has come out well with the Fesco paints, just love those paints, I used them to stamp with last week!!!
    Great canvas you have put together with super step by step photos!
    Thank you for joining us at stampotique Designers Challenge
    P.s seems strange doing a comment with my SDC hat on instead of just visiting you on a Wednesday and leaving a number!!!!!

  20. This is just magical, Helen! And, how very resourceful you are! If you don't have it, make it! I am going to remember this! Thanks for participating this week in the Stamptique Designers'"green" Challenge!

  21. Oh Helen not sure how I missed this and so glad I saw it. It is really fabulous. What a clever idea, and brilliantly created. Love love love it xxx

  22. What a fab canvas, love all the details on it. Thanks for joining our Stampotique challenge this week.

  23. Helen this is so beautiful. Like a pagan witchface in the woods :)
    Thanks for joining us at Stampotique DC

    xx Arwen

  24. It looks brilliant Helen!!! x

  25. Ooo...that's a cool take on the challenge! Love all the leaves and the mask is fab!

  26. Clever use of the Clearly for Art, most effective. Your green man looks wonderful!

  27. Hello Helen, thanks for visiting my nest,okay this is BRILLIANT, looooooove that mask you created, the canvas background is beautiful greens,your leaves are GORGEOUS,thanks for sharing..


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