Wednesday 12 February 2014

WOYWW 245 - after the (latest) stash spend...

Hello, Happy WOYWW (hosted by the lovely Julia "weird but effective" Dunnit (just read her post before today's WOYWW) .... some of you saw the post on Sunday (below this one, if you want a proper snoop!) after I got back from the lovely Stamperama show at Stevenage... and the rather large pile of new goodies....

 most of which are still on my craft mat because I haven't had time to do much with them yet - stamps at the bottom, that need mounting on EZ mount - a job I hate but will do, eventually!

the "Paperartsy" box is full - there are a few other bits in this box too which now need finding a new home for, as there isn't room for the new ones!

I have had a little play with some of the new stamps, but can't share yet partly because they are on cards for my SIL and my niece's birthdays next week, and partly because they are new Paperartsy stamps which although they were at the show, haven't officially been released yet (they will be, on their blog later this week) so they're kinda under wraps!
Secret new products too.... oh boy!! Right up my street...
So that's all I have for you today, hope you enjoyed!  Have a great week - stay safe from whatever form of extreme weather is being a nuisance in your neck of the woods, as everywhere seems to be suffering from hot, cold, snow, wind, rain or a combination of all of them!


  1. That is a seriously fun looking desk with so many lovely goodies to study. Have a great time testing them out. I am saving up for the NEC in March. Hope you are safe and dry. xx Maggie (no number yet)

  2. Like Maggie, I'm here with no number, either. I saw your stash earlier in the week, but I don't understand the EZ-mount and its significance. I've never mounted any of my red rubber stamps. That may be why I'm not a good stamper, but I see no real reason to mount them on something when I'm going to use an acrylic block to stamp. Not today, because it'll be busy, but one of these days maybe you could explain the advantage of this process.

    Happy WOYWW.

  3. have fun playing with your new stamps, backing them with EZ mount was never my favourite past time either! luckily, I mostly just use Whimsy stamps now, they come ready mounted!
    Debxx #7

  4. Great desk and what a stash. You really are staying very busy
    monica 16

  5. That is one serious collection of rubber you have there wow!! I actually don't mind my stamps not mounted. I found that if I put my paper on foam it stamps wonderfully and don't have to mount them is that the lazy way lol hugs Nikki 4

  6. Swipe your scissors, now and then,on Versamark clear when you are cutting your easymount and it renders them non-stick! good tip! Looks like you've got a mjor job on there as there is plenty of new stash to sort.
    Jo x

  7. I did see the new Papaer Artsy stamps on someones blog...Linda Cain? The ones you got on the top of the pile, she did great things with them. Lucky you to go to a show. #32

  8. What a fantastic haul - and secret stash too!!!
    My favourite job - EZ Mount - NOT! Puts me off buying stamps these days and I have a drawer full of rubber waiting to be done - perhaps I will have gone off some of the images as they have been there for so long.Take care
    Hugs, Neet 38 xx

  9. So much fab stash.....and if you're like me just too little time to play with it all :-)
    Annie x # 50

  10. Well, I'm glad there was some stuff you could show in amidst all the Secret Stuff!! You had a fine old time at the show, didn't you?! I was looking at your photos in the blog before and what struck me was how long it must take these people to set up the stands when there are thousands of products to put up there! Must be worth it though :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 39 xx

  11. I like the new paperarsty stamps Helen, & will be investing in some for myself . Have fun playing with yours Happy woyww Jill #35

  12. Wow, my heart went pitter pat when I saw all those yummies on your desk.Love the prev post too.What a lot of stimulation you've had.WOW> Thanks for visiting me, and leaving nice comment.
    Judy #6

  13. You sure didnt hold back at the stamp show. Love the photos of the stamps in the previous blog, makes me drool
    Bridget #21

  14. Loving all your stencils (just had a nose at your previous post) I think you need a bigger house BJ #58

  15. Would love to go shopping with you Helen, bet you are a fab 'encourager'. So many goodies, so much lovely art.
    Happy Wednesday
    Ann B

  16. Wonderful messy desk! Lots going on there! Have a great rest of the week!
    Glenda #60

  17. Get Stamperama shopping you have there! I think it's a great little show I have been going since it was set up so many years ago! I really is for the rubber stamper which is my first love!
    Jackie 22

  18. When you have no must purge...I'll take the excess. Hehe! So much fun playing with new toys. Happy Trails Carole #68

  19. Love seeing your stash, though I do wonder where you are going to put it!! Those boxes are full!! Enjoy your day. Take care Zo xx 71

  20. Lots of lovely stuff for you to play with there Helen. My head is too fuzzy with a cold to be creative today - think I will be hitting the cold rememdy soon! x Jo

  21. Great stuff, Helen! Yet another week when I'm too 'snowed under' (not literally, but you know what I mean...) and now poorly to show my desk! I think I'm losing the hamster pouch, but I feel a bit ill. Let's hope the Anti biotics do their job soon. Oh, I hate mounting on Ez mount too. It's always such a bonus when they're already done for you! Julie Ann xx

  22. Oh what a wonderful desk this week, so much to look at. I would love to come and just look at your stamps, and maybe even try a few LOL
    Krisha #34

  23. That is quite a haul of new stamps you have there. Enjoy playing with them,
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #25

  24. We had some of the motorway disappear down a sink hole this week and then a manhole cover disappeared down another sink hole on another stretch of road. MUST be all the rain - surely.

    I hate doing the ezmount bit too - am so rubbish at it! Have fun with that ;)

    Happy WOYWW x

  25. p.s that is a SERIOUS amount of stamps. When are you opening your own shop or workshop? ;)

  26. Oh my, those Paperartsy goodies look divine! I LOVE crafty shopping! Hugs! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #11

  27. Oh my gosh, New Goodies!! Can't beat that. Loving your tremendous stash
    0f supplies.
    Cathy #89 WOYWDW

  28. oops that would be #90 at WOYWDW. :)

  29. OOOh like the look of the big sleeve full of Lp images, and lots on one plate too..nice. well you didn't disappoint then, mind you never do! I'm a bit worried that you may not have reached your full potential with the archival inks...I want to hear about it a new set of colours or is it a really nice new ink...

  30. OOOh like the look of the big sleeve full of Lp images, and lots on one plate too..nice. well you didn't disappoint then, mind you never do! I'm a bit worried that you may not have reached your full potential with the archival inks...I want to hear about it a new set of colours or is it a really nice new ink...

  31. love love love all the stamps! :) Lx 91

  32. Hi H
    its no good ... you are going to have to move soon, you are running out of room gal. just looked at your latest journal page gorgeous love the new stencils. I must go to a show soon I'm getting new stash withdrawal lol hopefully going to Farnborough at the end of the month, will look out for them there.
    janet #32


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