Thursday 27 February 2014

Darcy's Month 2 Journal for Paperartsy

I was thrilled to be the random winner for last month's journal page by Darcy - and am loving the stamps!

The second month's journal page was even more gorgeous than the first - check Darcy's here
The lesson's we're learning this month include - paint resist techniques (with stencils),faux tags, masking, embossing, crackle glaze, using a neutral colour palette; and many more - here is my version

 I won't go into detail about how I did this, because the techniques are set out in detail on the Paperartsy blog in Darcy's article.  However, I LOVE this paint resist with the cornflower stencil
the faux tags on their background - or is that in their background, lol!
 using 'found objects' as Darcy describes them - she used a ruler, I used the edge of one of my Paperartsy flexi blocks (it was closer to hand!)

one of the faux tags in close up
 not sure my faux scrunched up wax paper worked as well as Darcy's!

 Resist with Portfoleo pastels over a crackle background - like Darcy I loved this one! the cornflower stencil doesn't show up too well, hope you can see it!
 Forgot to take any pics of this real tag in progress!  Used the birdcage from HP1103 and part of the squiggle flourish from DingDong5 (SIDD5) and detail platinum embossing powder (if you could see how hard to reach my embossing powders are, you'd be impressed I could find anything!) I love the platinum though.
Tag in situ
Finished page - thanks again, Darcy, had great fun with this, once again!  Entering it to Darcy's monthly journal challenge here 


  1. wow this is awesome Helen, so impressed the way you throw yourself into all the techniques. You did a really great job.

  2. Wow Helen, that's fantastic. So much interest and pattern and texture. Fabulous! X

  3. We'll done Helen you page is really good. Great colours and I particularly like your discover tag. Xx

  4. Congrats on the win, Helen! I loved Darcy's journal pages this week and you have explored all her techniques to brilliant effect. This is lovely journaling. Julie Ann xxx

  5. Fab job Helen! Amazing pages love your unique take on the challenge:-) x

  6. Great pages, love those techniques, will have to check them out at some point when I get back.

    Great neutral pallet too xx

  7. Totally brilliant, Helen - completely agree the inspiration was amazing but you've done it justice and then some! Fabulous effects, stamp choices, painting and textures. Love these pages to bits!
    Alison xx

  8. Helen, you've excelled yourself with this page, it's completely gorgeous.

  9. You did a brilliant job Helen, this looks fantastic! x

  10. Gorgeous pages and great job! xx

  11. Great job, and the result is very gorgeous, love your version!! Coco x

  12. wow! Really great page. Love your choose of stencil. :)


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