Friday 21 February 2014

Abstract Art - Ellen Style

The lovely Ellen Vargo was back at Paperartsy this week showing off her fabulous new abstract style stamps.  Luckily I had one set on order and on it's way to me - and tonight I got to play!

Ellen made cards, a journal cover and ATC's from a masterboard - I kind of mish-mashed the first and last projects and made this:

I cut a sheet of heavy white Smoothy card more or less in half, then brayered the new limited edition colours, Chartreuse, Seaweed, Tikka and Chutney with a hint of Chocolate Pudding round some of the edges as Ellen did.
 I used the rectangle and triangle from EEV02 and stamped them in Orange Blossom and Potting Soil archival inks.
Then took the square and stamped it in Snowflake Fresco
As I don't have any of the solid stamps, and couldn't find anything suitable in my stash, I added some black marker lines round the squares and then mounted it on some black card.

I have a teeny tiny alphabet set and spelt out "abstract art" on white card and mounted it on black as shown.

This would be loads better with some more of Ellen's stamps so I think a shopping spree is on the cards!  Entering this to the Paperartsy challenge.
Hope you have a good weekend - I am intending to go to Kew tomorrow with my new camera, it's the first weekend the weather is meant to be vaguely encouraging!!


  1. Great project Helen, the colours look fab.
    I am still waiting for my Ellen stamps, and now won't be till next thursday :(


  2. I love the effect of the white highlights on this and you have achieved such a great piece with the few stamps you do have. I hope you have a lovely day at Kew and you can put the new camera through its paces in (fingers crossed!) the sunshine! Have a lovely weekend. Julie Ann xxx

  3. Love the colours, great job with limited tools! Enjoy Kew! X

  4. You did GREAT! Especially with only the one set to work with - awesome improvisation with the hand-drawn squares. Thank you SO much for all your support and enthusiasm - it means a lot!

  5. Love this Helen, it just shows that we don't need all the sets to create something amazing...

    What did I just say?! We don't need all the sets? Wash my mouth out!!! Mwah x

  6. Nicely done Helen, great background :-) x

  7. This is amazing! I love how when you added the stamps it merged the paint colours together! When are you going to Kew - I'm off to Richmond today,

    Lucy x

  8. Amazing how the different shaped stamps merge together effortlessly Helen and make for a really interesting piece.

    Hope you have a good weekend.

    B x

  9. Even without the solid stamps the design is effective. Looks like you will have good weather for your outing!

  10. Woomph - love what you've done with Ellen's stamps - this has got a fantastic Aboriginal feel to it with the amazing outback colours, and strong graphic look - love it!
    Alison x

  11. Great work Helen, you totally took the techniques and made them your own, finding ways to create the look without the exact stamps. Brilliant.

  12. Gorgeous piece, you used the colours so well.

  13. Wow these worked perfectly, great colour combo too

    Sam xx

  14. Wow these worked perfectly, great colour combo too

    Sam xx

  15. Looks great Helen! x

  16. I always love this colour pallet when other people use them but rarely choose them myself -you've inspired me to have a go x


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