Wednesday 11 December 2013

WOYWW - new toys

Welcome to another Wednesday's desk hop-fest! Julia will set you straight with all the info here at the Stamping Ground.

So, I say new toys - but maybe not the kind of toys you are expecting (they haven't arrived yet, ha ha!) No, this is the new toy I mean... some of you saw the tweets and FB update about this! (I couldn't wait for today!)

I have finally upgraded my 35mm film SLR to a digital one! Found a great deal online which was price matched in Jessops (always been my favourite camera store!) and on Saturday I took myself off to Oxford Street in London to purchase it... now I need to work out all the functions and settings!  The instruction book is 300 pages... Luckily I got a quick demo from the very knowledgeable chap in store!

This was my floor on Tuesday morning - a pile of Christmas cards ready for posting (they've gone now, so it's really cheating to show this today!) the tag is just to hide the addresses...

Underneath is the dictionary I've been using for the Craft Barn Dictionary Alpha challenge, as I've been working on the final two letters - watch this space for the big reveal!

I look forward to seeing what you've all been up to and will be round as many of you as I can, very soon!


  1. What a wonderful DSLR. Very impressive. Glad you had a knowledgeable salesperson to help you, too. I look forward to seeing how it looks after you have used it to leave photos on your other blog.

    Have a great WOYWW from (I'm as shocked as anyone) #1.

  2. Wow. Now that's a very nice camera. Have fun with your new toy. #12

  3. Hi Helen.
    Have fun with your new camera. I have new camera on my wishlist, but won't be getting one for Christmas, maybe a birthday treat. Look forward to seeing your final pages. Hope you have a lovely day.
    Neil # 33

  4. What a fab present to buy yourself. Plenty of opportunities to use it coming up! Have a great week
    Lynda B #34

  5. You will love the camera, I have one very similar. It's a bit of a learning curve but you'll soon pick it up. Thanks for visiting my blog, and your comment. Hope you have a fab week and Happy WOYWW DeDe #5

  6. Yep I saw the FB update on the camera, looks like you have joined the league my DH is in in that department, I just have a little Sony Cybershot but I'm happy. hope you sort out all the functions soon and looking forward to some super photos from you. Glad to see the cards have been done, and can't wait for the BIG REVEAL - I did mine yesterday. Need to make mine into a book now though so I best dust off the BIA and get to. Feeling a bit better in the tooth department but fell down some steps Monday so quite sore now. BJ#37

  7. Hope you have lots of fun with your new camera and we get to see the results soon. :-)
    A x # 41

  8. Nice camera, Hubby bought me a DSLR for my birthday a couple of years ago, I still don't know what everything does. Did go on a camera course (discounted on Groupon) and it was really useful. Thanks for sharing Donna #42

  9. I bet you've been resenting having to drag yourself to work when you could be out in the parks and streets using your new camera. Learn and use as they say.. As you know, I'm not a great photographer, and I'm impressed by size, so your new toy looks blimmin fab!! Am delighted for you,

  10. Can't believe this! You have my camera!!!Well, it's not really mine, it's my daughters, but these days I use it more than she does, as she has flash college equipment at her disposal. Lucky people receiving your cards, Helen! Have a great day and a good week - hope there's lots of time to play with that camera! Julie Ann xx #45

  11. I agree - Jessops was always my go to place for cameras. Have fun with it and looking forward to many great photos. A great upgrade - you'll love it!
    And I am not even TEMPTED to shop for one... :)

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (15)

  12. That's an impressive toy. Have fun playing with it.


  13. I am sure you will have a wonderful time with that new camera. We resisted the digital route for a long time, thinking the quality would not be there, but the modern cameras are superb. You also have the advantage that it costs nothing to take hundreds from which you can choose, rather than being worried about running out of film. I now have my husband's Sony camera which is just brilliant. That was from Jessops, whose service was excellent. The shop matched the online offers and we had the benefit of handling it and getting the expertise of the shop staff. Off now to finish my cards and maybe send some today. Have a great time with your new camera. xx Maggie #23

  14. Oh heck, I am just starting making my C Cards - afraid they will be diecuts that I already have.
    Jessops is my favourite store too nd the last camera we bought we had the most helpful salesman. Shame the store closed not long after, I often wonder what happened to the young man.
    Enjoy your new toy - and those yet to come.

    Hugs, and thanks for visiting me earlier. Neet xx 14

  15. I bought DH a is the best camera to use. I take all my blog shots with it. Though I pretty much use it on auto all the time, G is really good at at the manual settings. Have fun!
    Hugs, LLJ 43 xx

  16. Congrats on the new camera, great choice by the look of things. Dont worry about cheating on the posts, I am sure you are not the first or will be the last.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 66
    Happy WOYWW

  17. Oh I love those dictionary challenges and I can't wait to see your work! How fun, a really nice new digital camera--something every blogger needs! Well, yes, we have a lot of snow and it is pretty to take pictures of, but very horrible to drive in. It is getting better out there today on the streets of the USA Ozarks. Hugs! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #10

  18. Welcome to digi photography!Thanks for visiting and the snoop around your place.
    Robyn 18

  19. Congratulations on getting your new camera I am sure you will love it ... I'm a Nikon. Girl myself ... However use my I phone or pad mostly nowadays to take pictures!
    Jackie 40

  20. What a lovely camera! I hope you have a wonderful time with it. #44

  21. Super treat getting your new camera. Enjoy! I never go out of the house without a camera and always take a spare battery and memory card too. I have over 11,000 pics on file now so just think how mush that would have been for film, developing and printing!
    I love digital.
    Jo x from the Lakes.. went to the Derwent Pencil museum today in Keswick. Guess what I bought? You guessed it !!
    Jo x

  22. Oh, my goodness, Helen, that is a bomb of a camera! You are going to be taking some very professional photos and I'll be watching with keen interest for your review! I'm jealous that you have your cards out the door!! Happy WOYWW! Thanks for the visit to me! Have a great week and a fun time playing with your new toy!! Hugs, Darnell #22

  23. Oh Wow! That is my dream present a really good DSLR. Cant wait to see some of your photos with it. Have fun playing. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#52)

  24. Wow - that camera looks amazing (and pretty scary!)... and just look at all those cards all done and dusted!
    Alison x

  25. Don't you just love new toys but so much to learn with settings etc ... If you want to .... If not just point and shoot
    Have fun

  26. Have fun learning all the wonderful things you can do with your new camera. :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #29

  27. Helen what a super toy, you will be having fun with that.
    Thanks for visiting me and your praise of the poem,
    Hugs Chris #31

  28. Beautiful Camera!! I'm sure you'll have loads of fun with that!! Great cards too!Thank you for stopping by earlier, Have a great week, TFS Ginny #16

  29. What a great toy! I must admit I use the camera on my Samsung Galaxy S3 as it's better than my actual camera. I too have a pile of cards to post including yours!! Mum is going to go to the Post Office for me as it's crazy down town. It's only a small town really with limited parking. Drives me mad!! Lol Take care Zo xx 82

  30. A fantastic gift indeed!! Oh what a great time to get a camera. You can play all winter and then really show your stuff in the spring.
    Have fun.

    Thanks for the visit!
    Belinda (7)

  31. Whoa! That's one serious looking camera. Enjoy learning to use it. Yea, I guess the glassine tree does look like a stack of crisps. :)) Thanks for the earlier visit! WOYWW hugs! Nan G #69

  32. Ooh, a super dooper new camera, how lucky! Let's hope some of those 300 pages are for another language so you don't have to read them all! Not sure what I'm thinking of wanting to knit a lacy shawl, what I really need is a hat and a pair of gloves, what with another 6" of snow arriving tomorrow!

    Brenda 4

  33. Hi Helen!!
    I am so sorry I'm late!
    Wonderful camera! I admire anyone who has those fancy cameras, and knows how to use them!!

  34. Thanks so much for tip about leaving the rubber stamps in the window sill...fortunately I don't leave them there long, and then of course there's the fact we don't have much sun these days....
    Have a great time with your new camera...I'm looking but haven't made the plunge yet!

  35. Can't believe it's nearly Wednesday again before I visit!
    That's an impressive new toy!
    Karen #54

  36. Whoooooo! I bet you already know how to use it much more than I know how to use my bridge camera. I haven't took it out of auto yet and I've had it a couple of years!


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