Saturday 28 December 2013

Inspired by Paperartsy - Sanded Foundations

Whilst I was at my brother's for Christmas, I saw this video that Leandra posted on the Paperartsy blog - and there's been another fabulous one today, too - make sure you catch them if you haven't already - and I had to have a go, now that I'm home and have my stash to hand!

The video is called Sanded Foundations - and uses tinted Grunge Paste, which is a fabulous way to play with Grunge Paste.  Here is my canvas inspired by Leandra. I actually did a journal page just using paint and this same stencil, but it looks fabulous with the texture of Grunge Paste.

 I coloured the canvas with Toffee and Stone Fresco, mixed together on the canvas, with cut and dry foam, before stencilling Grunge Paste.
After the GP was dry and sanded a little, I put the stencil back in place and sponged a little more paint onto the brickwork to hightlight it a bit more, and then I added the grasses at the bottom, and some die cut birds

It felt very strange working on something that wasn't a Christmas card, it took some time to get back into the swing of it!

Linking here at the Paperartsy blog challenge.


  1. Well done Helen. Very dramatic piece, I love it. Amazing that you did this on tour. Back into the swing....excellent. Xx

  2. This looks amazing love it x

  3. That looks wonderful. I love those windows & the grasses look great in front of them.

  4. Great take on Leandra's challenge love the colours xx

  5. Love the stencil, is it a new one from the Stencil Girls?

    Fantastic colours and i adore the grasses stamp, it is one i use ALL the time, never tire of it. Great take on the technique :-)

  6. Fantastic challenge entry Helen. You've created lots of depth here and used that fan stencil brilliantly.

    Lesley Xx

  7. Beautiful. I do like what you are doing with that stencil - it looks so good with the texture and the grasses.

  8. love your journal page Helen, great stencil

  9. Oh Helen that's fabulous hun! Really gorgeous - I've not worked with grunge paste - looks very interesting!

  10. Fabulous canvas Helen, love the colours and those two stencils are my current favourites.

    Lin x

  11. Love the arched windows Helen and the grasses and birds draw the two pages together beautifully.

    Wonder if we can create pain this afternoon, lets hope so.

    B x

  12. Oh wow Helen this is stunning and that stencil lends itself perfectly to this technique. I love what you did with it in your journal, but this looks even better, bet you've got great texture and of course your colour combo is lovely.

    The addition of the grasses and the birds just finishes it off perfectly.

    Sam xxx

  13. It looks amazing Helen! x

  14. That is gorgeous, window is mysterious look. I love it.

  15. Love how you use these stencils... you're going to tempt me into some purchasing!!
    Alison x

  16. That stencil is great, isn't it? I love this, Helen. Fabulous colours, textures and composition. I hope your New Year is a Happy and Creative one! Julie Ann xx

  17. That's gorgeous! I love the textures and colours - great art piece

  18. Thanks for showing the difference between the two methods. I love the one with the grunge paste. Happy New Year! Cheers, Veronica

  19. The bricks are so effective... and I love the combination of the Grasses stamp with this stencil!


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