Wednesday 27 November 2013


Well we are here again... Ready to desk hop? Ok, let's get going...Julia's waiting for us at the Stamping Ground 
Shame I haven't got anything exciting to show you that I've been doing this week...oh hang on, I got some new stash a few days ago..
 Afraid this is a staged shot, I seem to have forgotten to take a picture when I opened the post! As you can see, I've already used the new Tim stamps (well one of them!)

and here's the full journal page.

the stamps are "put away" (well, this is as put away as things get round here...) the box to the left contains my Fresco paints (under the stencils, which I really need to find a better storage solution for...)
Please don't comment on the threadbare carpet... can you imagine how difficult it would be to empty this room to get a new carpet installed...

I hope to have something more interesting to share next week - I am away for the weekend in York at the Christmas market, so who knows what I'll find there!

Till then, have a good week, and happy WOYWW...


  1. Lovely new stamps to play with. Enjoy your shopping in York. I just can't get going with the shopping thing at all!
    Hugs Lynda B #29

  2. Have a lovely time in York...I love that place :-)
    A x # 43

  3. Have a great time in York!
    Thanks for the visit already, you were bright and early
    Love the new tim stamps
    Jackie 38

  4. Oh lucky you with those stamps. Brilliant journal page too, looks like you have been having some crafting fun. Thanks for visiting and leaving a lovely comment.

    Happy WOYWW & Happy Crafting
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 12

  5. The Christmas market sounds fun! I can't wait to see what you find there! Have a lovely weekend and those Tim stamps look great on your journal spread. I do love his designs! Julie Ann xx #55

  6. OOOh, a Christmas market on York, how lovely...such a gorgeous city!
    That's a very sophisticated colour palette for the knowledge page of your journal. The grey and burgundy fits really well...serious colours, if you know what I mean. Bubble gum pink just wouldn't have the same gravitas! Or yellow, wonder why that is??
    Hugs, LLJ 25 xx

  7. Gorgeous journal pages and those stamps are wonderful :-D

    Happy WOYWW #234

    IKE in Greece xx #57

    My Challenge Blog:
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  8. I do love an Xmas market and York is a favourite town - perhaps due to DSs insane train fixation as a child. :) Fresco paints are def. on my wish list. I'll have to browse back to see how you used them. Am I right they have a chalky finish? DOH! Now I have to Google too..... :)

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (28)

  9. Have fun at your Christmas market, now don't go buying too much (cough cough).
    Love your stamps and journal page. I tried to do some stamping this weekend but they still only half come out, I must hold my mouth wrong or something.
    Have a great week,
    Von #27

  10. Happy stash finding in York ;) But where you are going to put it I don't know! ROFL
    xoxo Sioux

  11. Spend the new-carpet-money on more stash!! :)
    So good to be back desking this week,

  12. Great new stash, Helen, and the journal pages are lovely. Have a wonderful time!

    (You're right, there are lots of lovely advent calendars out there--every time I see another one, I want to make one like it it, too!)

    Thank you for stopping by this week, and a Happy WOYWW to you!
    #13 this week
    with another advent calendar!

  13. Such wonderful Journal pages! I love Tim Stamps and see some I don't have. I am still chuckling over the DR funny ones, I have to dig mine out this weekend. May you have a fabulous time on vacation!! Winnie#74

  14. Well I don't think carpet is important. The stamps however are! Fab, and I hope you have a fab time in York, will you see Emma I wonder?! Take care Zo xx 76

  15. Di and Tim stamps are very interesting do you did have something to show us.
    Enjoy York, wish I was going - I remember the time we went - the ice sculptures were great and the pretend snow was blowing. We missed the Parade though! Darn it!
    Enjoy - Hugs, Neet 23 xx

  16. Hi Helen, thanks for swinging by my blog earlier. Love the journal pages. Have fun at the market in York.. Cx #30

  17. Great stamps! Can't wait to see what you have to show us next week! I won't get new carpet in my area, because it would be to hard to move everything, AND I will just get paint on the rug again! :)
    Thanks for stopping by earlier and the comments.
    Sharon #3

  18. Lovely new stash - and you already know I love those pages! I've now got my stamps stashed in wooden crates from the fruit stall at the market. Means I can either use the crates as shelves or store the crates on shelves - depending on the space available!! But otherwise, this looks very familiar!!
    Hope you have a great time in York.
    Alison xx

  19. I like it when the postman brings me that sort of package. You will have fun trying out all those stamps. Storage is always a problem isn't it, but I figure that as long as I know wherre my things are, it isn't too important what it looks like. Kate x #64

  20. Hi Helen you tease you ..... Nothing to show indeed!
    love the crazy Christmas sayings I wish the postman would bring me a package like that
    I woke up at 2.30 this morning with a cold and feeling hot so I thought I might as well post. Sad or what ?
    Janet @15

  21. Lots to see on your busy desk - enjoy!!
    Have a great week trying all your new things.
    Margaret #26

  22. The diamond stamp on the left is one of my favourites. Love it. You always have great new stash. You will find some stamp shops in York and there are also shops with great beads too. It's a great place to visit even without the Christmas Market. Hope you have a great time. Look out for the little red devil in the Shambles!
    Jo x

  23. Oh new stuff is so fun. I pray you have a wonderful trip to York!

    Hugs Robin 87

  24. NEW TIM STAMPS!!?? gosh I have had my head under a rock!! I haven't been to a stamp/craft store since July!!!!!Have fun and a Wonderful week! Ginny #19

  25. Love the new Timmy stamps and your journal page too. Apparently we were supposed to "hide" something on our last CB page but it didn't get put on the blog listing, I saw it on Karen's entry. Still taking the paracetamol BJ#51

  26. How lovely to have Timmy stamps.
    Bit late visiting this week, thank you for stopping by my blog.
    Karen #59

  27. great stamps and fab journal page we had a great time photos to follow on blog soon.hope you have a lovely time at York Andrea #29

  28. have fun with you new stamps. thanks for visiting. i used the silver bell!
    i am very very late this week, sorry.
    famfa 2


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