Wednesday 20 November 2013


Well, here we are again. Wednesday. WOYWW day...

No Christmas cards on my floor this week, I've finished... woop woop! Here they are in the box waiting to be written and posted.

Straight after I said I hadn't been crafty shopping for 2 weeks, I saw on twitter that Leandra at Paperartsy had got some new stencils in... well you know me and stencils!  (and then I saw details of a sale at Craft Emporium and splurged again...on some stamps - but they're not here yet)

They're by Stencil Girl and are from the States, but Leandra has got some in to see how they do.  You may have seen I tried them out at the weekend...

I found it quite hard to work on something that wasn't a Christmas card, when I did this journal page - so I am hoping to get back in the swing of non festive crafting soon!  


  1. Wow you've been productive! Love those new Paper Artsy goodies!

    Happy WOYWW from #2!

    Create With Joy

  2. I'm with you on the Christmas thing, I have been having a ball creating them and I am still in the Christmas mode making something different seems weird somehow.

    Love those stencils, especially love the arches, hhhmmm might have to get some too.

    Happy WOYWW & Happy Creating
    Eliza & Yoda 1

  3. Lot's of Christmas cards! I'm impressed. New stencils are such fun. I especially like the bird one so will have to search it out.
    Happy WOYWW! Helen #7

  4. You must be so excited...getting all those cards done AND new stencils! Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #11

  5. Wow good on your for getting all your Christmas cards done!! Oh boy I LOVE your new stencils and your journal page is just beautifully done! I was just on the Stencil Girl site drooling lol...Happy WOYWW Helen and have a great week :-).
    Janene #10

  6. WOW you have been busy, all my Christmas stuff has been pushed aside.. Love the stencils and Paperartsy..
    Happy Crafting.. De De #15

  7. Well done you for finishing your cards - still in the middle of mine (up to my armpits say family!)
    Enjoy your new stencils and stamps and have a good week.
    Bishopsmate #26

  8. I so need those new stencils from Leandra! Well done getting all your cards done! I'm green with envy, probably a nice shade of 'Hey Pesto' or possibly 'Tinned Peas'!!! Julie Ann #29

  9. Congrats on finishing all your cards :) I always writing inside them 10 times harder then making them have fun and those new stenicls look so kewl
    hugs Nikki 23

  10. Like those stencil girl, stencils very nice !
    Your journal page turned out great!
    Jackie 33

  11. Like those stencil girl, stencils very nice !
    Your journal page turned out great!
    Jackie 33

  12. Good morning.
    Wow, those stencils are fab! Looks like a good size too. You beat me on the Christmas cards; I'm no where near finished!
    Hope you have a good week too.

  13. Gosh, I LOVE that window stencil! You're going to get such a lot of use from that. The spooky rendition with bats is just the beginning, I think!
    Hugs, LLJ 41 xx

  14. Wow thats fab Helen. Love the little spooky bats too.
    A x # 42

  15. Woop Woop indeed H, my goodness you're well ahead of the game now! How nice to be focussing on post season stuff! I will get there,but not this week! Ihave this stupid thing about not using the cards I make for the workshops samples..I think I need to get over it!
    I do like the'll have noticed that I haven't shifted gear or style in the years we've known each makng a few life changing decisions here, so watch this (un)styled space!

  16. Love your journal page - that is fantastic.
    Hugs and thanks for visiting me earlier - Neet 8 xx (saying to herself "no I will not succumb to buying stencils, no I will not succumb to buying ....)

  17. Wow I am so impressed you have finished your cards. Love the journal. Peg #46

  18. Wow, you've finished your cards already, I'm only just starting. Great looking stencils and I love your journal page.
    Have a great week,
    Von #24

  19. I so love your stencils and your journal pages. I'm still not up to much since the tooth extraction, in fact I think I'll go back to bed now :( BJ#51

  20. WOW, love those stencils!! And what a stash of cards! You're a one-woman card factory :)
    Thank you for visiting already and for leaving a lovely comment. Feel free to visit my new blog home anytime - the kettle's always on :)
    Wishing you a very happy WOYWW and a wonderful week xx
    no. 13

  21. I love your stencils! What interesting cards those could make.
    Glenda #52

  22. Your page is lovely, and so are the stencils.

    Bears #57

  23. I like how you get all your Christmas cards done in a week! Here I am, taking the entire year and I'm still not finished, lol! Love the new stencils, the batty journal page looks great. Glad you had a little spend, I was beginning to get worried about you!

    Brenda 63

  24. Well, congrats on being ahead of the game. I have made ONE card, but then again I really don't send out very many anymore. I really like the arch stencil.
    Thanks for visiting this week.
    Krisha #4

  25. I went the entire year without a single craft purchase and then.. I went crazy lol, stamps, inks, stencils and dies all in the name of creative fun! Congrats on getting your cards done and what a great page!
    Angie #74

  26. Love that journal page...super...and what's that? Finished your Xmas cards? Yikes..I've made the grand total of....1!!! Me thinks I might be buying some this year ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  27. Very productive...I have got the majority of my Christmas cards done too..I love that brand of stencils (I live in NYC), I have only just started using stencils and I already have 6 of these ones...Cx #25

  28. Congratulations on finishing your cards! Love the new stencils and the journal page...very effective. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW> Caro x (#48)

  29. Now that is stack of Christmas cards! Oooh! Love those stencils and the arched bricks on your pages look so cool!! Couple more to add to my 'needs' list. :) Thanks for the earlier visit! WOYWW hugs! Nan G #22

  30. Now comes the hard part, addressing, and posting! You have to feel good, looking at them all in a box, ready to go!

    Have a wonderful week, Robin #76

  31. You are so far ahead...Christmas cards ready to be addressed and posted. I'll give you an A+++ Your stencil look sensational...note to self...look into stenciling. Be well Carole #67

  32. I am so jealous! I haven't even decided what my Christmas cards are going to look like this year. eek! And those stencils look very intriguing. Love what you did with the window one. I can't wait to see what you do with the birds. I'm thinking water color might be good. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier.
    April #17

  33. Well done - just the writing and posting now! It's so good to maintain relationships, and remember folk we maybe don't see the rest of the year.
    Lovely looking new stash.
    Have a fun week trying it all out.
    Margaret #20

  34. well done you finishing your cards im almost there not quite. the stencils look fab and your journal page is awesome...I like the bats and the mood it captures, you would never in a million years guess you struggled it;s fabulous with all the tones and shading etc enjoy your new stamps when they arrive ..see it as a reward for all your christmas card making (such a chore I know ;-)teehee)hope you have a good week ahead Andrea#27

  35. Hi Helen I'm not sure what is more impressive . . . the stencils or the fact that you have FINISHED your cards.
    Have a great week
    janet #34

  36. Congrats on finishing your Christmas cards, that's quite a pile. I love your journal page, I've got to get some of those Stencil Girl stencils.....

  37. What you have done with your stencils is fabulous! Now I need those stencils, great inspiration.
    Happy WOYWW

  38. You always have such lovely paper craftiness on show - I am hopeless with it - give me a yard of fabric any day!! lol x JO

  39. Oh I am always seduced by a nice stencil too ! Love your journal page ! Thanks for calling by earlier ! Ali #28

  40. LOVE what you did with the Church Window Stencil--those bats are the perfect touch! Glad you got to try some StencilGirl! Make sure you show us what you do with the Blackbirds stencil!

    StencilGirl Products

  41. Hi Helen,

    Oh, I like both of those stencils!! Love your journal page and how you used the stencil. Very cool.

    Now, I haven't started my Christmas cards yet. I must confess, I didn't even mail any out last year though....

    Thank you for visiting me already. I'm slowly making it around.

    Happy belated WOYWW
    Peace, Kay (6)

  42. Ooh, I really like that window stencil. I had two arrive today - both crafter's workshop ones. A Balzer Designs face and some birdies. I actually bought them for someone else but like them so much I may have to get them after Christmas. Might add that window one to the list ;)

  43. Beautiful layout! I love seeing what other's do with my stencil!!!


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