Sunday 10 November 2013

Craft Barn Alpha Challenge - Q is for...

This morning saw another letter announced in the Craft Barn's dictionary Alpha challenge.... Q... My dictionary doesn't have many 'q' words in it but my eye alighted on one I thought I could do reasonably well... Quarter..

I started by dividing the page into four,  and began blocking the quarters in different shades of purple Fresco paints. I was going to leave the definition where it was and colour round it, but decided that looked odd so went to a spare dictionary and cut the word out from there! So, back to the painting...
 top row - Spanish Mulberry, Moonlight
bottom - Pansy, Eggplant

the spare dictionary paper is really really thin so I glued it to a scrap of white card and edged it with distress ink - don't ask me which brown it is, as it's just what was left on the brown blender 

I then took one of my favourite (this year anyway) Christmas stamps - the poinsettia by Penny Black (the stamp is actually called Winter Glow, for some reason) and stamped it onto a piece of card. I kept to the purple theme and used Seedless Preserves distress for this. Cut the flower into quarters and fixed as shown.
I hope the link to the challenge will continue to work, as I understand that the Craft Barn are moving their blog to Wordpress soon, but it should be ok for today at least!
Now, I should get back to Christmas cards.....


  1. Really beautiful arrangement and colour combo. I need Spanish Mulberry now! Have a nice Sunday! Julie Ann xx

  2. That is a fab page, I love the colours & the quartered flower looks great.

  3. SNAP - well sort of, I have chosen Quarter Day. Love the purples/lilacs BJ

  4. Great work - I almost went for the quarter too. Interesting colours...

  5. Love the colours Helen great idea for challenge. Xx

  6. Really nice Helen -appeals to my 'neat streak'

  7. Great idea, quarter, and I love the effect of those Freso paints. Hugs Frea

  8. Mmmm very nice I might transfer ur idea to a card xx

  9. Really clever word choice leading to a really lovely page - the colours work so well together, and your quartered poinsettia looks gorgeous!
    Alison x

  10. You're on a roll with those Christmas cards. I haven't even started my Thanksgiving cards yet. Aren't you glad you don't have that day to celebrate.

    This is a beautiful entry for Q. I love the poinsettia. And of course, I love how you quartered it, too.

  11. Beautiful quarter pages, gorgeous poinsettia, stunning project:-)

  12. Lovely colours and great word choice


  13. This is very appealing! A great illustration for quarter!

  14. Really like how this turned out and that flower in the middle is lovely in Seedless Preserves!

  15. Wonderful quartered page, the flower in the middle is gorgeous.

    Sylv xx

  16. Another fab page for the Alpha Challenge Helen! I love that poinsettia image, it's beautiful!

    Lesley Xx

  17. Beautiful spread to illustrate your word. I love that stamp

  18. Beautiful, very elegant. Love the colours and image

  19. Looks like my previous comment did not work.. or did it?
    Anyway, I was saying that I love the quater idea. Great page
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn.
    Winners and new challenges will now be posted on our new blog:


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