Saturday 16 November 2013

Christmas cards with Joanne Wardle

This week, Joanne has been making some stunning clean and simple cards with Paperartsy stamps. I don't have the same ones Joanne used but quite by chance the Jo Firth-Young mini JM03 arrived on my door mat yesterday...

Here are my versions based on Joanne's bauble cards

Loved the white shading on the Kraft cardstock...

 or should stars be yellow?! (sorry it's a bit blurry!)
 and the bauble version of Joanne's

and I also did this one, left it mostly white apart from some edging with Evergreen Bough distress ink (had forgotten how much I love this colour!)

I painted the bauble with a couple of layers of Fresco Gloss Glaze, (that also happened to arrive yesterday...) though it doesn't show up in the photo...

Thanks Joanne for some great ideas and another 4 cards ready for me, yay!!  Check out the other fab entries to the Paperartsy Challenge here 


  1. Love this Helen, & glad the stamps arrived for you to enter. Lol.
    Linda x

  2. Beautiful cards the white on the craft!!

  3. Very nice Helen I love these designs x

  4. what a lovely selection. thanks for taking part.

  5. Really lovely and isn't that Evergreen Bough Distress gorgeous? I wanted to have a play with white pencils and so on over the weekend, but I don't know how I'm going to fit it in. It's been lovely looking at everyone else's, though - they're really effective! Julie Ann xx

  6. Great cards, I see why you love that distress ink, it's not one I have seen before.

  7. Great cards to add to your ever growing collection, you surely must have enough by now!!!

    Sam xxx

  8. They are gorgeous. I love the yellow star & the little touch of Evergreen Bough on the white is fab.

  9. Cards are lovely Helen great on Kraft card!

  10. Wonderful use of Jo's stamps, gorgeous cards! x

  11. love the effect on kraft card - off to try this xx

  12. They're fab, Helen - and I completely agree about the white on kraft, they're my favourites... especially the highlighting on the bauble - so effective. Love the frosty turquoise version too - can imagine the gloss on the bauble looks great.

    Hope you're having a lovely Sunday.
    Alison x

  13. Wow wow wow absolutely gorgeous stunning cards, I love what you have done and the one with the evergreen bough is amazing :-) Kezzy xxx


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