Wednesday 23 October 2013

WOYWW 229 - "C" is coming...

Morning lovely deskers! Hope this Wednesday finds you well.. Ready for another WOYWW ? Julia has all the info here (like you need it!)

I have finally made a start on my Christmas cards - well I made a few when I had my week off the week before last, but got some more done at the weekend... here they are
 I've been doing batches of the same design (with little differences) so I can get a bit of a production line going...
and it wouldn't be my desk on the floor if there weren't new stash to share... got some of Tim's Movers and Shapers dies ...  they just arrived on Tuesday (time of writing) so I haven't played with them yet, though I have seen the results as some of my twitter friends cut me some recently. Hence the need to have my own sets.

Can't promise to visit you all, but leave me your desk number and I'll try to get to you soon!


  1. Helen, What lovely Christmas cards! Great idea to batch them.

    I keep seeing Tim's Movers and Shapers and not sure what else I need to have to go with them. Do you know if I need different mats than what comes with the big shot?

    Have fun with your new tools!

    Hugs - Robin #22

  2. Great Christmas cards. Batching them is a great idea. I really need to start on my Christmas cards. happy crafting #4

  3. Glad to see the Christmas Cards are coming along nicely BJ#26

  4. Really admire that production line you've got going there! What a lovely little deer! Have a great day - hope this torrential rain eases off before you have to leave for work! Julie Ann xx #28

  5. oo new stash plus a production line how clever is that.. well done, happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #16

  6. Gorgeous cards Helen and I could really do with borrowing that Halloween die (still not started my October Tim Tag)! Looks like an interesting journal page on the making there too. have a good week. MMx #36

  7. Wow! The Xmas production line is coming along well. Must have a good got at mine soon. The dies look fab. Hugs. Pam#38

  8. Christmas cards are coming along now ...... Well done Helen
    Jackie 42

  9. I do like the raven and cat die - just got my Grand Calibur back from being repaired (2nd one I broke :)) so can look away from fat dies no matter how much I like them!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (40)

  10. I love using my 25 and deer dies. Great batches of cards. I do that too, it makes life easier if you mass produce the same thing. #57

  11. As I arrived at your page I saw the picture of the dies and thought it was a couple of pages in your journal and was going to say how good they looked. Honestly, the two pages look great.
    Love how you have been so busy, I have yet to make a start on Christmas but am afraid it will be a die cutting one this year - no time for stamping - too busy. Thankfully have lots of diecuts I brought home from the shows where I have been dem'ing.
    Take care - Hugs, Neet 24 xx

  12. Ohh you are so good making so many Christmas cards already - I made my first one and I never do a production line so I am way behind schedule! Eh well what can I do??
    Lots of hugs,

  13. Lovely cards Helen, I quite often make little sets of five or so cards, takes the stress out of it! Lovely new T!m dies, hope to see something made with them next week!

    Brenda 1

  14. I quite like making things in a production line, somehow it seems quicker...all perschycological, I'm sure, lol!!
    Those dies look fun too, I bet you'll get a lot of use out of those...and it's good to see Crafting on the Floor again..hey, that's a good could get a spot on Create and craft. The cameramen might have to alter their angles though!!
    Hugs, LLJ 7 xx

  15. Lovely cards. It looks a very organised space
    Famfa 2

  16. Hi Helen I like production lines too but I'm still in 'C' denial I will get to or soon your cards make me want to which is a good thing
    Janet @41

  17. Unless it is for challenges I always batch my Christmas cards.
    Have a great week.
    Krisha #44

  18. Oh my goodness--my favorite is the snowmen with the bunting!! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #35

  19. Love the Christmas cards, I bought the Tim reindeer movers & shapers a while ago. If I get my act together, they may appear on my family cards this year. We can only hope. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #34 xx

  20. Wonderful Christmas cards. That reindeer die is on my wish list! Enjoy playing. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#74)

  21. Well done on the C. cards. I just need to get an idea and then I can get my production line going!! lol x Jo

  22. Well done on getting started with the Christmas cards! Love those snowmen!

  23. Aaargh, Christmas!! I am usualy MUCH more organised than I am this year, mainly because I got nothing done in my week off. If I don't start soon I shall have to buy them or not send any!!Love those dies!! Yes, am pretty fed up - well, I love my job but there are so many vacancies it's run around like a headless chicken time most days and all the procedures keep changing - I'm a bit too old for all this mucking about!! Spose it might make me get off my a*** and find something else. Thanks for the visit, Happy WOYWW Cindy #30

  24. Wow, that's a big pile of Christmas cards! And those dies look fun, can't wait to see what you make with them!
    This is for stopping by
    Debs #81

  25. Ooh you have been busy! A despite not really liking them, I love your poinsettia card design, really fab. Well they all are to be honest..super impressed by your production line technique!

  26. Lovely christmas cards and you are going to have fun with those new dies.
    Have a happy week
    Lynda B #47

  27. Your cards look wonderful & I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with those new dies.

  28. Happy WOYWW. I am going to seriously have to get on with Christmas cards soon, but have lots of birthdays in the coming weeks
    Ali x #49

  29. Glad to see your latest new goodies, Helen! They look great, as do your Christmas cards! I'm very impressed by your productivity!! Happy WOYWW! Have a wonderful week! Darnell #12

  30. Loving the designs, always good to get a production line going, just wish I decided on 1 idea at a time! Take care Zo xx 70

  31. Blimey!! thats a lot of cards, you must have loads of friends lol

  32. Beautiful xmas cards Helen, great batches of fire you have worked very hard!!! Waiting for a certain persons stamps to be released to make mine but only have a couple to make :-) x

  33. Like Janet I too am in denial of 'C'!!!

    Love the new movers and shapers. I always wonder if you need the actual tray or if you can use the TM ATC die (as I think the hole in the middle is big enough for most)?


  34. Looks highly productive... and I'm coveting those Halloween M&S silhouettes!
    Alison xx

  35. Well done with the Christmas cards. I've made... One! But that's one more than last year :-)


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