Wednesday 9 October 2013

WOYWW 227 - scraps- sorted!

Welcome to another week of What's on your Workdesk Wednesday 
Well, I was set a challenge and rose to it....  here is the "before" ...

 I did a bit of rummaging since last week!

I filled the wastepaper basket in the living room....I was ruthless!

it is still full, but it's not AS full, honest! and it's kind of tidy for now!

the "desk" shot... a part done journal page...

I spent Tuesday up in London (I am on holiday from work this week) and walked for miles and for hours... or so it felt! Well I guess I was there 4 hours and sat down for maybe 15 minutes all together! so I may take it easy today...

I have started my Christmas cards though!!
some super speedy ones, coloured with my (new) Inktense pencils

Hope you all have a great week, and will get to as many of you as I can (I know I say this every week!)


  1. I like you Christmas cards. The snowmen are cute. I really need to start my Christmas cards, but I'll wait till the last minute. Happy crafting #4

  2. Wow Helen, that box filling is impressive, good for you as for the desk, are you sure it is your desk? Love those cards, I like the snowmen with the holly in the corner most.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 3

  3. Your week sounds similar to mine with some tiding and crafting in the mix. Your snowman Chrissy cards are adorable. Have a great week! Danie #16

  4. Love the snowmen cards! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #14

  5. Hello Helen! Hope you have a RESTFUL week. Yes, take it easy today, you work hard enough without exhausting yourself on your week off! Aren't you good making C word cards! I haven't made a single one! Have a great day! Julie Ann xx #38

  6. Well done on getting started with the Christmas cards you didn't say what make of stamp you used looks like a JOFY
    Jackie 40

  7. Oooh, I'd love a close-up of your AJ pages... the yellow really pops off your desk!
    Happy WOYWW and have a fun week :)
    no. 22

  8. Oh you tidy upper you. Gosh that was some act of tidying up wasn't it. Good for you - now you need to get through to me with this. I am just afraid i will throw something and then need it. The two year and throw does not work with crafting.
    Lovely journal page and lovely "C" cards on show - enjoy your week off and craft to your hearts content.
    Hugs, neet 35 xx

  9. Well I hope your enjoying your week off, and I love your journal page and your scrap sort out looks good. I will do mine soon! Take care Zo xx 73

  10. well done on sorting your scraps! You are a better crafter than me - mine is still a mess even if my desk is tidy :) And the snowmen are sweet as can be. Have a great day!

    I am determined to be early this week
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (27)

  11. Great job of sorting, if you ever need practise, you can always come to my place :) I love those snow men. I'll have to get some stamps and get my little miss to make some cards, I'm hopeless.
    Have a great week,
    Von #55

  12. We love your journal page so far and your christmas cards are so cute. We really must make some more.

    The bears no.83

  13. Hi Helen, congrats on the sort through - bet you discovered scraps you forgot you had too :) The snowmen on your cards are fab - apparently it's only 78 days to C day so your making good time :)) Enjoy the rest of your jollies - so nice to take your time and do just what you want to do even if only for a week. Happy WOYWW. Elizabeth x #41

  14. That is a lot of crafting stuff! I started putting all my bigger scrap papers in a big box, and little scrap papers in a smaller box, I even sorted it according to color. That was a while ago. It's a chaos again ofcourse, with papers put into boxes where they'd fit. I do have to put everything away, as I craft on the dining table, so it kind of forces me to organize a bit.
    I love the journal page from what I can see of it! Great colours :).
    Fun snowmen as well!
    Debbie (Daqa) #53

  15. Hi Helen
    you have done a great job on the tidying up. Love you journal page and all the great crafting stash that on show for us to poke around. Hope you enjoyed London
    Happy WOYWW and wishing you a great week
    Ria #50

  16. I think going to London always means a lot of walking! I have walked miles there - can't do it these days! You are good starting on your Christmas cards - I intend to start today! Sorry I haven't been commenting lately but I am back now and will be a good girl now :-)
    Lots of hugs,

  17. I like your journal pages, great colouring,
    Happy WOYWW

  18. Ooh it's tidy H, even I can see that! Well done, now let's see if you can keep it that way, lol! Love the Crimbo cards, very sweet. ALthough the caddy won't get moved around I'll be constantly taking things out and putting them back, I can see me scratching it or chipping the paint so I think a top coat of something would be best.

    Brenda 1

  19. Your art journal is stunning and I love the snowman Christmas cards, well done making such a good start!

  20. Helen, snowmen are my favorite and your cards look so ready for Christmas. Have a very crafty week!

  21. Your desk does look organized!! The art journal pages looks awesome and good for you making Christmas cards early (i think it is early. i make them on the 26th usually! kidding,of course).

  22. I'm off this week as well but my days seem to be filling up acting as a taxi driver for hospital and other appointments! Sometimes there is a real down side to having a car! Love the snowmen, must start Christmas cards SOON....... Happy WOYWW Cindy #106

  23. Hello! Those Christmas cards are so sweet and I love your chaotic creating space. Lovely to have a peek thank you.
    Karen Busby no.57

  24. Love the journal pages and those Christmas cards are cute! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x #80

  25. Very cute Christmas Cards and love you used your new Inktense Pencils, they add to the look. Hope you enjoyed using them, i use mine all the time now :-) x

  26. Your art journal page is looking fab and so are your super cute Christmas cards. Enjoy all of your time off! Thanks for the visit and happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #5

  27. Hi H
    I thought you were later than usual this week ... I never beat you in WOYWW. Happy holidays (sounds a bit Christmassy). Sounds like you are having fun ... tidying? sorting can be fun I hope you find a load of stuff you had forgotten about. enjoy the rest of your week

  28. I need to be ruthless soon! I have a lot I need to go through! Your Christmas Cards are lovely! I just got those pencils this year an LOVE them too! Glad you had a great holiday! Winnie#76

  29. Hi Helen,

    Oh yes, doesn't it feel good to do a sort through? No need to try to reach a deadline date for the total tidy! At least I'm not pushing myself.

    Your Christmas cards look so sweet. Funny you mention the inktense pencils. I almost ordered some from Amazon yesterday. What brand do you have and do you like them?

    Thank you for visiting me already. If you would stop back by and let me know about the pencils I would really appreciate it!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (19)

  30. Love your snowmen! Looks like lots of goodies on your desk and in your box! :) I have a lot of paintbrushes too, but still had to go buy some for an upcoming watercolor class! LOL
    Sharon #110

  31. You sure did 'do' London! Walking is the best thing to do there...I did much the same in Bath today. The backs so buildings are always more interesting then the frontages for me!
    And well done for your sorting!!
    Hugs, LLJ 44 xx

  32. Love your journal pages as usual and the Christmas cards are great. BJ#102

  33. The christmas cards look great. Love the snowmen.

  34. Hi Helen - just hopped over from your photos blog... long time no visit - i'm so sorry about that... lovely to be here though...

    Great Christmas cards - need to start mine too. I have some Inktense pencils but haven't opened them yet - i'm finding I'm preferring pencils to alcohol pens at the moment (also see a lot of people making a switch too)... I have two other tins of Derwents too which are different kinds, so it's nice to interchange them.

    Hmm, there was a serious amount of stuff in that waste paper basket - hope you put it in the recycle bin!!! I'm like a recycle monster in my house - where it can be, it should be! I never realised I was so 'green' lol...

    Take care, big hugz
    Paula x x x

  35. I have heard it said that if you want to get something done, ask a busy person to do it. Helen you are busy. Your journal pages look pretty good and look at those wonderful Christmas cards.

  36. The snowman are very cute. I'm so impressed that you are so far ahead of the game on Christmas cards.
    April #21

  37. After all the walking & tidying I think you deserve a rest today. I'm liking that journal page a lot.

  38. Well done you making Christmas cards...I have no idea if/when I will be making any this year. So much to do and so little time to do anything in at the mo :-)
    A x # 46

  39. Wow, seems like you threw out a lot! I would love to rummage through your garbage bin! Cute Christmas cards you're making! Happy WOYWW!

  40. Nice Christmas cards. Hope you're enjoying your week off.


  41. Hope you are enjoying your week off, the journal look great, the desk? Hmmm, sure you tidied it? LOL OK, now I am beginning to feel the pressure, everyone is C card making! Annette #7

  42. The journal pages look fantastic. Loving the cute snowmen Xmas cards.
    Enjoy your time off work. Hugs. Pam#37

  43. I HAVE MADE A CHRISTMAS CARD! Just one. But I have made one. You may actually get a made Christmas card this year. Don't faint :D

    Loving your little pile!

  44. Well done with the cards - I might get round to thinking up a little "dumfed" design this year. x Jo

  45. I love your Christmas cards. I wish I were on your mailing list!!

    I need to come up with my Christmas card plans. Last year I had a family photo card and then made a few for close friends.

    Thanks for the visit.
    Belinda (8)

  46. busy girl. I'm sure you will enjoy your paints when you get them.
    thanks for visiting.
    robyn 6


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