Sunday 6 October 2013

Using up my leftovers...

... from my Jo Myhill project yesterday... I mixed up too much grungepaste with my South Pacific Fresco so as prompted by Jo used the leftovers - through the same stencil, but onto a 5x7 canvas....

 and then used a watery mix of the same colour to paint the whole canvas, I used a couple of coats. Wasn't sure what to do next until I had an idea....
 I took some more of the material I'd stamped on yesterday (that was such a good spot at the Bead Scene last week, this fat quarter of whatever it is!)

Stamped Jo Firth-Young's beach hut from JoFY16 and painted it in Beach Hut and Mermaid, both watered down, before I  frayed the edges,

Fixed it to the canvas with Liquitex Multi Matte Medium, added some little shells
to the bottom.. These shells came out of an air plant display (that I managed to kill off) that my Dad had given me a few years ago... the vase with the shells sat on the kitchen window sill for age before I decided I could use the shells in various projects!
and then stamped the words on another scrap of fabric.

Hope you'll agree this is a fun way to use up leftovers!


  1. It's great Helen!! and what a good way to use up your leftovers!!

  2. Fabulous use of your leftovers. I always mix far too much GP with a colour too!!! But I guess it's better to have more than less, coz to get the exact same colour would be impossible!! Great find of your fabric at the Bead Scene too!!

    Sam xxx

  3. What a fab canvas and a great way to use up leftovers - beats Bubble and Squeak any day! Seriously, though, it's a gorgeous colour combo and I love those little shells. I managed to kill off a huge one of those gardens you have in a jar - can't remember what you call them. I've just filled it with Christmas lights instead! Have a great weekend! Julie Ann xx

  4. It turned out great, I love the colour, it's fab.

  5. What a fabulous "leftovers" creation, Helen - I love the South Pacific texture paste text... and it's the perfect setting for the beach hut. Gorgeous!
    Alison x

  6. Where do you come up with these beautiful ideas - it makes following your work (which I don't always get to do) a pleasure!

  7. Fab use of not only your left over paste... but your left over shells too :)

    I love texture paste.


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