Wednesday 14 August 2013

WOYWW - the new stash reveal! 14.8.2013

Morning all!! Hope you're ready for a feast of new stash.... as promised I had a big old splurge on Sunday just gone at the Stamperama stamp show in Stevenage...

I travelled with my friend Lin and met up with a load of other friends there... a great day was had by all! (check the post here if you're interested)  This is a really lovely, small, stamp-oriented show held twice a year (February and August) and I love it!! If you're ever able to get there I heartily recommend it.

Anyway, the stash... some of you saw this picture on Sunday
stamps (the wooden ones were a complete steal - £1 each - someone was obviously clearing out/closing down!)
Some of the Paperartsy stamps were brand new, never seen before designs...
paints, embellishments, and wooden 'stuff'
and what looks like sheets of white paper (top left) is in fact EZ mount for the unmounted stamp sets!

you can see some of the bargain wooden stamps here better, the "desk on the floor" shot! Not quite sure where I'm going to store them - my wooden stamp drawers are quite full...but I'll find a hole for them (before you all offer to "help" me!!

Hope you all have a great week - as always I failed to get round many of your desks last week, sorry! I'll try harder this time...

Just realised I've got all the way to the end of this post without telling you why I'm showing this  - it's for What's on your Workdesk Wednesday, check out the link at Julia's blog here 


  1. That's a fabby pile of stash !! I have a few wooden blocks I removed most of my stamps off them to save space :) have fun with all your goodies hugs Nikki ??

  2. That's a great stash of crafting goodies. happy crafting #2

  3. I forgot to mention julia one week, too. But at least YOU remembered in the end.

    I got some stamps one time similar to that at a company that makes their own stamps here in Wichita. It was fantastic to get prototype stamps no one else owns. Yours were a far better bargain than mine, though!

    Happy WOYWW from #1.

  4. I am really happy to help you store those stamps, they don't seem to fit anywhere in that craft space of yours. Awesome purchase by the way, what a bargain and find.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 14

  5. What fun things to have available ! Lots of goodies. Always fun to see what's new. #30 wishing you fun and excitement this week. Such beautiful weather here, I'm enjoying outside activities.

  6. It sounds like you had a great time! I will have to try to make that one next year! Good luck with the Ez Mount!!! The last time I had a long session with that stuff it somehow got stuck to my hair - ouch! Enjoy all your lovely bargains! The stamps look amazing! Julie Ann xx #39

  7. Oh, my word, Helen, talk about a lovely load of NBUS - welcome to my world!! Once I get my place sorted out for my stash, I'm on my way to your place!! Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week! Darnell #19

  8. Lovely stash you have there, I just went to a craft fair and my stuff is still packed up lol
    Bridget #15

  9. A quick catch up after our hols Helen to say hello and so pleased to see you did justice to Stamperama, disappointed I missed it this time round.

    Fastening seat belts ready for the weekend, not sure what to expect at all, seems like we might be a bit weak as things stand.

    B x

  10. Hi h
    I stoll have stamp envy of course you could always have a boot sale and off load the old stuff.... Or as you say I could help you out LOL
    Have a fab day
    Janet @44

  11. So glad you had a wonderful day at the show with lovely friends. Must be great to meet up at shows.
    What a wonderful lot of bargains you got too. How fortunate to find the stand that was selling off cheap - and PaperArtsy stuff too! Envy!
    Thanks for the visit earlier - I have just got up.
    Hugs, Neet 66 xx

  12. A quid each huh. I'd have had trouble not buying my body weight in them. Love how you rushed to say you won't need help about storing them..I wouldn't either. Best stash purchases I've seen for yonks!

  13. Oh what wonderful stamps and goodies.. I love the choices of your stamps you will have so much fun with those had a peek at the link wow what wonderful projects they made.. love your art journal page on your desk it is awesome love the blue and the stamps.
    Happy WOYWW
    Sandy :) #71

  14. Now you have seen where I could store them for you! Great bargains there. Love it when they are heavily discounted.

  15. Lucky you!! A stamp orientated craft fair sounds divine.

    ~Kate~ #76

  16. Lol..I can just imagine your face when you saw that £1 bin of bargains...I'd have bought loads too!! What a happy pile of new stash..have fun using them all :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 60 xxx

  17. Boy, they were cheap stamps, you got a big bargain there. I don't know how much stamps are in England but here the wooden ones are $10 and up. My stamp that's around four inches with small handwriting was over $20.
    My little miss is into stamping and she would go crazy over a stash like that.
    Have a great week and have fun playing with the goodies.
    Von #13

  18. Now Helen, are you sure you wouldn't like me to help? We are quite close, I could be there I n a flash........ What a great pile, I'd have a grin on my face if I'd had that lot (bank manager wouldn't be too pleased but that's another story..)
    Happy WOYWW Cindy #85

  19. Well done Helen! You made out like a bandit with those £1 stamps, what a great price and yes, you will find somewhere to put them.. we always do! So glad you had a lovely time as well as getting bargains. Annette #9

  20. We are so easily pleased aren't we - enjoy your new stash. x Jo

  21. Thanks for the welcome back Helen, I have missed joining in. Great stash, can see you had a clear out as well- of the bank balance.
    Was lucky enough to go to a Leandra and Lin workshop a couple of years ago, great time but I always wonder why my efforts don't end up looking as good as theirs and then I get stamp and paint envy grrrr.

    Ann B

  22. Hi Helen
    well it looks like you had a great day and you sure know how to shop girl that is some serious crafting stash.
    I was going to off to come over and help find places for it all to go!
    Enjoy WOYWW and have a great week
    Hugs Ria #43

  23. So jealous - I love a bargain...looks like you got quite a few, happy creating Cheers RobynO#48

  24. Wow, fabulous stash haul there, our fur is green with envy.

    The House of Bears @#93

  25. I can just imagine stopping by your house and the extra stash pouring out of the window or door, what are you like? Enjoy it all BJ#90

  26. Great finds and lots of goodies.
    Thanks for visiting
    Famfa 7

  27. wow, I am very impressed with your new stamps, that is quite a haul!
    Happy WOYWW, Debxx#8

  28. As always, your 'desk' is full of fab stash and I can see why you go to these shows, great buys! Enjoy playing. Take care. Zo xx 98

  29. I love shows, you can usually find a bargain. I'll have to try and get to Stevenage. I'll be at Ally Pally in September and Kettering in October though. I'm working but can always find time to shop!
    Hugs. Pam#33

  30. I agree, some of those wood stamps look awesome! You can always unmount them. The show sounds great, I shall have to persuade Beloved Hubby its vital I visit it, lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #45 xx

  31. You did warn me, didn't you? Oh dear. The only saving grace is I refuse to click the photo to see it all BIG - simply too tempting :)

    Happy (so late) WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (37)

  32. Oh WoW! What an amazing load of lovely looking stash. Have fun playing with it all! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#128)

  33. Oh WoW! What an amazing load of lovely looking stash. Have fun playing with it all! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#128)

  34. That is a beautiful haul! I also love that glimpse of your pretty art journal! Hugs! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #117

  35. Sounds like a fun time. Now about this 'no help needed'.....erm....may I "borrow" the funky bird and houses, a couple bottles of paint, the paperartsy on the right and the fish stamp. {grin} Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #4

  36. Oh my gosh...I love love love stamping conventions. I buy too much and love it all. Glad you had such a great time! Happy WOYWW! Sue K

  37. Good to see what you bought at Stamperama looks like we both did most sloppy at paperartsy
    Jackie 32
    Thanks for your visit

  38. What a lovely lot of goodies to play with. I rarely buy anything these days other than see through stamps (usually Clarity), but I have been tempted to one or two just lately, but I am removing them all from the wooden blocks to cut down on storage. I can then attach them when needed to Clarity mounts. Thank you for your visit this week and thank you for pointing out my complete loss of a week. Time is just flying by at an increasing rate. Have a lovely week. xx Maggie #116

  39. What great finds! Definitely too good to pass up.

    Thank you for stopping by this woyww, I appreciate your visit and comment, Helen!
    #27 this week

  40. Holy moly! I say you certainly found some great deals. That's a lot of new stuff to play with. I hope you have time to enjoy all your new purchases.

    Happy WOYWW

    Kay (23)


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