Sunday 11 August 2013

Stamperama - Funerama!

Well I have had a very tiring day but lots and lots of fun!!  Met up with lots of people once again - Lin, Alison, Carol, Kirsten, Rachel and her mum Janet, Sue (great to meet you!) Jo (also great to meet you) and some new people too!

First off you want to see the stash ..... not much.... (lying through my teeth)

 most of my day was spent watching these lovely ladies!! working their magic

 this is Lin in full flight - fab new stamps!!
loads of Lin's samples

 one of Leandra's
and the main man, Mark - till magician!

and Leandra made this beauty - and gave it to me - thanks Leandra!!!

*** Edited for Sam who couldn't click on stash pic - some close ups!!

sorry about my awful carpet and the tatty rug!


  1. Looks like fun was had by all

  2. WOW, looks like a fabulous day and I see you've picked up some fabulous stash - nice one


  3. Looks like you all had fun, great stash Helen (I'm proud of you), you know how to shop lol. Thanks for sharing your day. x

  4. Great to meet you too. Wow, I think you beat my stash (though I wasn't going to buy anything!)


  5. Wasn't it fun??? Great blog post, well done for being so organised & getting lots of photos.

  6. Oh wow, thanks for the extras and the close ups, looks even better now!!!

    Sam xxx

  7. Good Fathers Child!! How lucky you are and your take home goodies are wonderful!!

  8. oy oy oy, that's a nice haul! Looks like a fab day , love the eclectica stamps, they are really nice.

  9. Looks like a great day and some fabulous stash.

  10. I'm very envious of all that lovely stash Helen - glad you had a good day - i would have loved to have come but not possible this weekend - i am planning to visit Ally Pally in September though for the first time - can't wait

  11. Nice haul.. glad you had a super day xo

  12. Looks like a brilliant day was had by all, especially you! I'm jealous of your mega cool stash. Wish I had been there Michelle xx

  13. Glad you enjoyed your day Helen and what fabulous pics. Love the photos of Lin and Leandra and their gorgeous makes and what a lovely lot of stash you bagged, lol! I can see a 'few' stamps in there that I need ;D!

    Thanks for sharing your day.

    Lesley Xx

  14. Wahey! You certainly did splurge. But after your forced restraint of the last 2 yrs (by your previous employer), By joves You deserved it!'

  15. Ooh! What a great time you must have had! No wonder you were tired! It looks such fun. I am absolutely determined to make Ally Pally come what may! It will be my first craft show! The excitement will be major!!! Enjoy playing with all your lovely stuff! Julie Ann xx

  16. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a tad jealous. How awesome to meet up with new and long time friends, then see these gals work their magic. I especially liked Leandra's houses, and of course, the piece with the fish she made for you.

    You certainly got a lot of wonderful things and now can play with them. I have NO idea how you keep them all separated, or find room for them (grin).

  17. I've soaked clean through my drool rag, Helen!!

  18. Was so lovely to see you again Helen and in all the years that I've been working the shows, you've always been a loyal follower and I think you derserve a medal for putting up with us for so long!!! NIce bag of goodies by the way. xxx

  19. Great stash haul, that's what it's all about....having fun!

  20. What a fab haul! Great photos Helen, love that one of Mark! Lol! Good to see you again.
    Alison x

  21. aw Helen I have such stamp envy now I wish I could have gone as I love paper artsy but I had other stuff on. look forward to seeing what you make with them

  22. Oh goodies galore - I want some - is the gothic arch thingy - a one hit or die to use because I love love love it!

  23. Golly, what a haul - can't wait to see it in action! So sad I couldn't come and play too...
    Alison x


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