Sunday 18 August 2013

O is for Overlap - Craft Barn Alpha Challenge

It's been a busy Sunday so far here today at 'H' towers.. this is my second creation already!

The new Craft Barn alpha challenge was announced this morning and it's O.  I was flipping through my dictionary and came across 'overlap'.  I then caught sight of my overflowing scraps box.... and the page was virtually done!

 the papers are from the fabulous Paperartsy Thorndon Hall collection and left over from a project that - ahem - didn't quite work out - hence being relegated to the scrap pile!

I cut them into strips and covered the page, overlapping the strips along the way.
 I then did some further overlapping with a Paperartsy mini flourish stamp MN96, which is a new one, and just gorgeous...

Think this must be the quickest ever!!
Thanks for looking.


  1. Fab idea, funny how just looking around sparks an idea isn't it - looks great!!

    Sam xx

  2. Visiting from The Craft Barn - WowWhee, you're quick off the mark! Great idea and creation mind you! :0)

  3. Excellent page, super timing and shame no linky. I have mine pending but am so tired it might just have to wait until I have had a snooze - LOL BJ

  4. Ok, so I am doing these in reverse order this morning, starting with the newest.. LOL.
    Very clever and a beautiful effect.

  5. Great word to choose! Your page is fab Helen! x

  6. Wonderful idea!! Surely you must be the first one to post!

  7. Gorgeous page! The flourish looks so good with the Thorndon Hall papers.

  8. Lovely page Helen..the paper is gorgeous nd a very clever way to use up scraps with your overlap!! that stamp is gorgeous!!!

  9. This is such a fabulous Page, Helen, I love it! I love the Thorndon Hall papers which I bought recently. I don't know why they are no longer in print, shall we start a compaign?!

    Lucy x

  10. Hi Helen, fabulous pages, great word and beautifully illustrated. Gorgeous papers and stamp combo. MMx

  11. This works brilliantly - love the patchwork of papers, and the stamping looks great over the top.
    Alison x

  12. Great page Helen! Love how your word has given you a technique for your design!

  13. Clever idea and a very elegant page.

  14. Wonderful ideas to illustrate the word--love the elegance of the page

    Chrissie xx

  15. Wow, what an original word choice, would never have thought of that one, and I love your page! Hugs Frea

  16. genius choice of word to use all the scraps up - great page

  17. Nice choice of word, and love your interpretation
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn

  18. Ooh! I love that stamp too! I won it in the draw and I can't stop using it! I love the effect you got here and how clever to use those scraps of Thornden Hall! Lovely. Julie Ann xx

  19. Great page and a word I wouldn't have known how to depict. Isn't it great when you can use stuff from the ever growing scrap box! Fab job.

  20. It is beautiful ... and so clever :)


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