Wednesday 17 July 2013

WOYWW - not much, truth be told! Episode 215

This week my workspace for WOYWW is empty..we're in the middle of a heatwave in the UK and it's too hot to do anything much at all, let along fire up the heat gun!! I think my mojo has melted, too!

Plus the new job (it's going well, I really like it) is pretty full on and I am not in the swing of it yet, so by the time I'm home and eaten, I just slob out in front of the tv most nights! (and twitter of course!)

poor craft mat!
Even my Stampers Anonymous stamps are hiding from the glaring sun during the day! (I am sure they'd be ok, but I'd rather not take any chances and try to keep the brightest sun off them if I can)

I hope inspiration and mojo returns soon as I have some DT challenges to get done soon!

Don't forget to check out more amazing desks at Julia's, for now, have a good week!


  1. Glad to hear you like your new job.
    so that is what a clean desk looks like?...LOL
    Krisha #5

  2. I had to laugh at Krisha's comment. She knows you well (grin).

    It's hot, hot, hot here, too. But I guess we are used to it, or we sit under the AC all day. Happy WOYWW from #2.

  3. Good luck with the new job. I'm glad you like it. Happy crafting #13

  4. It's hot in the Southern US too. We have AC though. I am loving all your stamps. Have you seen the new ones coming out by DYLUSION?? They are AWESOME. I just bought like 8 sheets of Dylusions stamps. I got them 50% off, I couldn't pass that sale up. I'm glad you're liking your new job. Makes getting out of bed every morning easier. I'm on disability now, but I'd love to be able to work again. Not working was fun for a minute or two, now I'm a bit stir crazy. Thank goodness for ART, and WOYWW. Stay cool and have a great week. (((HUGS)))
    WOYWW #3

  5. Sounds like the new job is exhausting you and that heat you should come here to Australia it is really cold ATM I feel sorry for your desk, it must be missing you.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza 26

  6. Well congratulations on your new job, sounds as if things are going beautifully there.

    It also sounds as if Julia isn't the only one trying to keep fragrant and cool this week--it's nasty hot everywhere, it seems!

    Happy woyww to you,
    #27ish this week
    with mail art

  7. good that you like your new job. I'm melting to in all this heat & yes it's too hot to do much crafting right now. My poor garden is crying out for some rain. Happy woyww jill #29

  8. When needs must am sure you will be able to get going, Helen. I find I need deadlines to motivate sometimes :D and yes glad you have some warm weather.
    Happy WOYWW, thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x #30

  9. Glad your new job is going well. I'd love some of your heatwave here, it's freezing. I'll have the 30 degs and you can have our 20's. Hope it cools down a little for you soon, can't neglect the desk for too long.
    Have a great week and enjoy the sunshine.
    Von #31

  10. Heat can definitely lessen the urge to craft, so I hope it cools down for you soon. I love the look of your stash of Stampers Anonymous Stamps. Looks like you are a huge fan of them. Looking forward to seeing what you get up to in cooler weather.
    Danie #32 WOYWW!

  11. Oh poor you, I thought I had it bad but it is always hotter upstairs. Keep those windows and curtains closed in the day to keep the worst out. Hugs BJ#56

  12. So glad you're liking the job! You must be exhausted adjusting to something new in all this heat! Missing your posts and creativity, Helen! Hope you get a bit more time to create soon! Julie Ann x #45

  13. Sounds as if you are suffering like me, but i don't have the job like you do, nevertheless I vegitate in front of the tv each evening.
    Glad the job is working out ok, that's one worry less than you had a few months ago.
    Thanks for visiting me earlier and take care - Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  14. Glad to hear you're liking your new job. They do tend to wear you out in the beginning. So much new things to get used to and learn. Hope your mojo comes back soon.
    Happy WOYWW and I wish you a lovely week.
    Monique # 70

  15. So glad the new job is going well. You'll soon be in the swing of it and enjoying evening crafting again I'm sure. Fab space though! lol Take care Zo xx 81

  16. Hi Helen
    I am pleased to hear that your new job is going well, it is always a worry when you start a new one.
    I hope Mr Mojo hurries back but he knows you need your time and energy for the job at the moment
    have a great day enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #75

  17. this heat is a killer for us crafters, i had to go on a long walk with the school yesterday, couldnt craft at all when i came back the heat had burned me out but you have lots of craftyness going on, thanks for the snoop

    Happy WOYWW
    Jay NO.65

  18. Glad the job is still going well. Nice to see I am not the only UK bod not enjoying the heat, must play havoc with all us crafters then, I think its due to us working in the lightest of places which are of course now too hot.
    Let me know when to schedule the rain dance..

    Lynda #84

  19. Lovlely to hear your new job is going well. Plenty of time to craft once you have settled in and it doesn't sound like the weather is helping. Have a lovely week.
    Sandra @89

  20. Well at least the desk is all ready and waiting for when mojo does return.

    Waving hi from The House of Bears @#86

  21. You are right it is too hot to be creative. My garden is all dried out, I hope for some rain, but not a flood like lately.
    Thank you for your visit and leaving a kind comment
    Gabriele 23

  22. Def worth covering the stamps, I frazzled one a few years back and it shrivelled up! I hate this heat too, I'm an Autumn gal, so moan away. Enjoy vegging out and hope you soon feel at home in the new job.

  23. The heat in England must be horrid, because I'm hearing the same type of comments from most of my British blogging friends. At least your new job is going well, but sure hope you can get back into your creative mode. Blessings!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Hi Helen
    Sorry to hear mr mojo is on holiday I know what you mean about the heat although I love it it is too hot in my ro too but at least I can knit in my lounge which is much cooler. I have brought the sewing machine down stairs too. I would suggest early morning crafting but I know you get up really early anyway. You could go back to your cross stitch you started the other week
    Janet @41

  26. Helen, you are so cute! I can only imagine your creative muse is taking this rest from the heat to simply fuel you up with energy and ideas for next week. I too can be a total slob kabob, vegging out in front of the TV--especially when Downton Abbey is in season! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #6

  27. I'm so pleased that the job is working out well! Doesn't half help :-). And it's too hot to craft, isn't it...I've only done a little bit.... And that empty cotton reel....I've thrown it in the is too short to alter it!!!
    Hugs, LLJ 46 xx

  28. Poor lonely craft mat but you're right, Helen, it's far to hot to craft. I'm pleased for you that the new job is working out for you and that you like it ... always a scary time when you start a new job. Hope you've had an enjoyable day and have a great week. Elizabeth x #47

  29. I too am finding it difficult to craft - well do anything anyway in this heat. Glad your job is going well. Hope your mojo returns soon. Anne x #69

  30. Glad to hear your job is going ok. Feel free to pop over with a paintbrush and/or bottle of something cool!

  31. We are having a heatwave here in NJ! NY and other east states included. It is not normal!! Stay safe and cool!! Your craft mat looks lonely but it knows you will be back!!

  32. I agree with you, Helen - much too hot to do anything. Glad you're enjoying your new job.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #116

  33. The heat can't last for too long, Helen, although we have already had many more hot days than normal here and it's early days for it to be this bad. All we can do is hope for the best ~ we don't want melted craft supplies and lonely craft mats!!

    Thanks for stopping by to visit me! Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week! Darnell #20

  34. I'm only just getting round to doing a bit of blog hopping to check out what my friends have been up to this week....a 6am to 9pm day with my gorgeous grandchildren yesterday sort of got in the way of blogging....but I'm not complaining cos it was a wonderful day. :-)
    I think this heat is getting to all of us but one thing is for sure wont last :-)
    Hope you have a great week.
    A x #55

  35. Yes - I don't think we're really suited to all this heat - especially here in N.Ireland - but we'll make the best of it while it lasts! Happy belated WOYWW.
    Bernice #7

  36. Yes - I don't think we're really suited to all this heat - especially here in N.Ireland - but we'll make the best of it while it lasts! Happy belated WOYWW.
    Bernice #7

  37. Just as well I don't even have the choice to craft at the moment - my room's in the attic and must be completely sweltering... I only hope all the rubber stamps won't have melted by the time I get home!!

    Glad to hear things are settling down with the new job... enjoy your relaxing evenings!
    Alison x

  38. Yep I agree with a comment somewhere above...keep the curtains closed! We do here in Florida to prevent sun damage and to keep the house cooler so the A/C doesn't have to work so hard. Although I keep my house temp at 80F all the time. Stay cool (if you can) and good luck with the new job. I'm running a day late ... Happy WOYWW! Nan G #104

  39. I think you should enjoy the heatwave while you can, the stamps and scrap stuff will still be there when you go back to it. Glad the new job is going well, always a very stressful time getting to know new peeps and the way things are done. Annette #8

  40. Humm after reading about your heatwave I hope my stash is ok in our sunroom till I figure it all out where everything will be :) hugs Nikki 32

  41. I know exactly what you mean Helen - my shed is like an oven till about 7pm, then it's quite pleasant but of course then it's get the kids settled for the night time. I can usually sneak out for half hour or 10 minute stints throughout the night but nothing like a good sesh.

    I never thought about protecting my stamps! I have a perspex panel in my shed roof! Hmm. But then I only own a few - they should be OK... I hope.


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