Wednesday 10 July 2013

WOYWW 214 - 10th July

Morning again, welcome to another issue of WOYWW. (If you don't know what this is there are lots of details here - but really, where have you been!! )  I'd like to start by repeating my apology of last week, for not being able to visit many of you, it was a hard week adjusting to the new job, lots to learn and not being able to browse desks at work, even at lunchtime!  I'll try harder this week...

Firstly I'd like to start by sending Cindy a huge thank you for the belated birthday card and gift which recently arrived - it is gorgeous!! (and all the more treasured for being late!)
 beautifully wrapped and decorated
inside (yes I saved the fibres, who wouldn't!) was this stunning gift...
that opens up to this!!

Thanks, Cindy, it's lovely!

On Saturday I went to Artstamps Newbury (nightmare journey home, if you have time it's detailed here )

and - ermmm -   spent a little!!

and yes, there's a bag of Minstrels on the floor too...

Didn't meet any WOYWWers (forgot my badge... oops!) but did meet a twitter!

Oh dear... more shopping since Newbury (sorry, Mary Anne!)  Had to be done, I didn't get any red line double sided tape so had to order some. It seemed silly to just get that so...

So, now I have taken up so much of your time, I had best send you on your way to Julia's, to catch the rest of the desks on show...have a great day!


  1. WOW, what wonderful goodies on your desk. Hope the new job is treating you good, I always hated breaking in a new job.
    Krisha #5

  2. You have some really great crafting goodies on your desk. That gift you rec'd is beautiful. happy crafting #7

  3. I swear Helen, I want to come play on your floor. You have the BEST and newest art supplies!! Sorry to read about the nightmare on the tube. Not sure what the tube is, but I guess it's a train. Yep, I'm the dork who live in the States and we don't have tubes that take us places. Happy WOYWW from #2.

  4. Oh Helen, you just can't help yourself can you, loving all the supplies and the gift is super. BJ#36

  5. Am quiet Jealous of all your goodies but oh they are lovely
    Happy WOYWW

  6. ah we crafter really are addicted to stash arent we? love your new works and gifts well done! Thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #35

  7. Public transport is great when it works, but a total nightmare when it goes wrong. Poor you, having to carry your lovely new stash across the city. I am sure you will have a much better time playing with it. Thank you for your visit this morning, and I hope you soon settle into your new job. Take care. xx Maggie #10

  8. Oh oh oh my goodness! Actually your goodness um goodies! I wanna come play! Loving those stencils! I have a couple of new peeps coming to class tomorrow so I'm quite excited! Thanks for the visit. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #22

  9. ooooh! goodies! love the vintage stamps and what a stunning gift!
    happy WOYWW and have a fun week :)
    no. 31

  10. Ooooo, lovely new stash! I adore all those stencils! And what a nice belated birthday thought! I won't read your horror story of public transport as I am just about to hit our very own congested peak hour traffic! (Fortunately, I'm not really too far from work.) Make sure you find time to play with all that good stuff :)
    Rosa # 23 (thanks for visiting too)

  11. What a fabulous gift from your friend! Loving all the purchases I really could do with some more stencils myself!

  12. What a fabby belated gift, love the way it opens out and all those lovely goodies... that set of stamps looks great, loe the man on it it! Happy WOYWW from Annette #7

  13. Well, you had to have a reward after your first week in a new's ok, we all get that!! But your new haul of stash is mighty impressive!! Have fun using it :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 45 xx

  14. Hi Helen
    What's the point in working if you cannot spend a little now and then ( well yes I know you have to pay the bills!)
    Looks like you got some fab masks/ stencils/ stamps etc

  15. Just read your journey post
    It does sound a nightmare and you didn't have katzelbows and fairy thoughts to keep you company either
    Janet... Again

  16. STUNNING stencils I see there,can I come over and play? Just give me 12 hours to make the journey first though...#62

  17. Oh, that fabulous gift! How talented Cindy is! Sorry to hear about the journey, which perhaps ought to have been called an Odyssey! At least you had some folks to help you find your way from Sloane Sq to Victoria. Love that Vintage PA plate. Julie Ann #55

  18. Look at all those wonderful goodies there is a few things there I would love to play with, love the stencils wowsers..
    Thanks for visiting me already..
    Sandy :) #43

  19. What great shopping you have there Helen ... Always like your stuff sounds like your journey home was not good though!
    Thanks for visiting me already
    Jackie 15

  20. Hi there.
    Just popping my head around the door to say hi as I haven't been around for a while. Great goodies on your desk this week. Love the new stamps, I just got a nice lot of PA stamps too!
    Hope you have a great week.
    Neil #39

  21. What a beautiful gift. Love all your new goodies have fun playing.Thanks for popping by my blog. Anne x #50

  22. I am loving your new goodies, and can't wait to see what you do with them. I spotted the Minstrels, yum, one of my favs, but I shall have to only look not consume as I want to lose some weight. Take care Zo xx 65

  23. I love that card...what a clever girl she is. Fab new stash too so have fun this week.
    A x #61

  24. Must be a week of gifts, yours is absolutely stunning
    Bridget #1

  25. Hi Helen, Great stash from the show. That's the kind of mess on my desk I love! What a lovely gift from Cindy.
    If you miss my strawberries you will spot some on Janet Fairythought's desk and I think I'll donate one of my cloths to her when I next see her.
    BTW at Port Sunlight show I bought a super bumper bargain box of 20 reels of redline tape (of different widths) for £10. It is good quality as I've used it and it was from Crafty Craft Packaging 01924 235 219
    Even with postage I think it would be good value.
    Jo x

  26. Can't help drooling over your stash. Beautiful things you have been lured into buying. Notice I absolve you of the crime of spending and say you were 'lured'.
    Lovely card and gift from Cindy - what lovely blogging friends you have.

    Hugs, neet xx 9

  27. Great stash Helen. love the card but a warning about the fibres.... I have a pin cushion with them on in the corner of my window and on the rare occasion when I went to dust under it, the dark blue fibres flopped over my hand and I thought it was a spider - nearly had a heart attack!!! x Jo

  28. Stunning card and your collection of goodies is mouth watering.
    Sandra de @84

  29. I read of your journey home via FB but of course I was on my ipad and it just wouldn't let me comment. Forgive me for being too lazy to go to the PC and log on! You did well at Newbury I must say, lots of masks..your Journal types are so good with such things. Love your red tape purchase. Hope you find the new job exhaustion is wearing off a little. A bag of Minstrels will make a good pick-me-up if you can find some!

  30. Great inspiration on your desk! Hope your omission of the musical theme doesn't take you out of the DT running.


  31. What a fabulous gift - fantastic :-)

    Happy WOYWW

    IKE xx #93

  32. Sounds like you need a bag of minstrels after that journey and starting a new job too, those lovely goodies made up for it though, brilliant new stash. Be careful of the seasonal stuff though or Julia might be calling you out on her blog too, lol!! Love the tag you've posted today too and fantastic gift from Cindy.

    Brenda 3

    PS. Cold almost gone now, thanks!

  33. Wow what a beautiful goodies for your birthday. I love when you open it up.

    Good luck on your new job and thank you for visiting my desk.

    Have a blessed day!
    Belinda (20)

  34. Aww. I went on Sunday. Good thing, as if I had seen what you were buying I would have come home richer in supplies but poorer in pocket. :) Enjoy.

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (56)

  35. I am now suffering from massive stamp envy! I love those clear stamps you got! Your card is oh so clever and cute too. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #95

  36. Hi Helen, Wow! you have some fantastic goodies on your desk today, I bet you cant wait to get playing. Your gift from Cindy is lovely and so beautifully packaged. I read about your nightmare journey home I bet it felt like forever in the heat. I didnt go to this show and have heard mixed comments, but it is true what you said about it depends what you are after.Have a great day. Hugs Mo x #60

  37. Great stash, and you're right, have to get the most out of your postage, lol. Lol too at saving the fibres- don't we all squirrel away all the 'stuff' that comes with packaging! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz xx #51

  38. Color me GREEN… I love all your new toys. Wish i could come over and play.Your gift is beautiful as well. I just recently got some new supplies too, not nearly as much as I'd like to have. Curse the person who thought up the word "BUDGET". I just got a few new stencils and a few Dylusions stamps myself. One of them is the same one I see in your background. I'm a stencil and Stamp Jesabelle. Well HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY!!! Thanks for stopping by my desk and taking the time to leave a comment. :D Enjoy all those new supplies. (((HUGS)))
    WOYWW #6

  39. it is always a relief to find someone else who has some of my silly ideas like what a waste to buy only one thing when ordering online.

    That pressie is to die for (or maybe it should be dye for). What a treasure.
    Monica 28

  40. Hi Helen, lovely gift and if I didn't wish you a happy birthday at the time - memory like a sieve these days - then belated good wishes to you now. That's a super lot of goodies on your desk from your spendathon at Newbury - I think I should be grateful that I live too distant to attend most of the craft shows, my purse would never rest :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #57

  41. What a beautiful gift and love the way it opens up!!! and nice new stash you have to play with :) hugs Nikki #16

  42. Sweet giftie, and lots of new goodies--you're going to have lots of fun with those, Helen!

    (The little books really aren't too difficult, but you are right--it IS easier to have someone show you how!)

    Thank you for visiting me this WOYWW, I appreciate your comment!

    delighted to be #26 this week, instead of my usual 200--something!

  43. Hi Helen - I spy templates, lots of lovely templates - now that's what I call a shopping spree! Good luck with you Y and Z pages, I'm just hoping there's no twist on Z! Thanks for your visit MMx

  44. Look at all the great art supply on your workspace, it must be fun, crafting with it. And you gift is just adorable!
    Thank you for visiting my page and
    Happy WOYWW
    Gabriele 58

  45. Look at all the great art supply on your workspace, it must be fun, crafting with it. And you gift is just adorable!
    Thank you for visiting my page and
    Happy WOYWW
    Gabriele 58

  46. New stash can really inspire! Thanks for sharing it all and leaving a comment on my desk already. Deeyll #48

  47. Lovely new stash! Is there anything better than that?! Happy playing.

  48. What lovely happy mail, and great crafty purchases too. Have fun playing and thanks for your earlier visit to us.

  49. Congrats on the new job and WOW! You really did go on a shopping spree!! Good for you!!

  50. Thanks for swinging by my blog. Great gift and that pile of new stash is going to be fun to play with. Happy WOYWW Cx #30

  51. happy WOYWW! i'm happy to get a chance to peek at your desk today! what a lovely gift you received!
    peggy aplSEEDS@18

  52. Good job getting the new goodies to play with, Helen, although I'm sorry to read that you missed the first train! What a fantastic gift and card from Cindy!

    Happy Belated Birthday if I haven't already sent you my good wishes! Have a great week and thank you for coming to visit me! Happy WOYWW!! Darnell #24

  53. what a lot of gorgeous goodies.

  54. What wonderful stash, have a great week,
    Rosie x

  55. What a fabulous gift from Cindy - and what a haul you've got to play with there!
    Alison x

  56. wow - some seriously gorgeous goodies there! :o) Annie C #68

  57. Happy WOYWW!

    I went to Newbury Saturday too! Also had a spend up!

    Love the look of your haul.

    Cazzy x #123

  58. That's a good haul of new stash. I have a little green pot of decoupatch glue like that. I should get it out and use it sometime! What a lovely and clever gift from a friend. Sorry I am late doing the rounds, but i made it in the end. Kate x #46

  59. What a lovely shopping trip!
    Thank you for visiting
    Karen #63

  60. Gosh that stash looks amazing, the stencils especially.

    Thank you for stopping by on Wednesday. I am in the process of altering the skull, since you asked!

    Happy belated WOYWW.
    Cheers, Rachel #69

  61. I so miss WOYWW when I read your posts but I got such guilt at not getting to many desks. I might have to try dipping my toe back in...

    And Helen - thank you so much for still managing to come see me even when you are so busy like you are. I always love reading your comments, you always make me smile :)


Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a comment so I know you were here!