Sunday 14 July 2013

Turning a sunset into a journal page....

A week or so ago, I captured a beautiful sunset from my bedroom window, on my phone.  My friend Sam suggested it would make a good journal page. I can't get the photo from my phone to my blog (it's on my Facebook page or way back in my Twitter timeline) It's probably just as well you have nothing to compare this to!!!

I am NOT an artist - that's why I love my rubber stamps!!  But this morning, I decided to try.. I can't capture the light properly... but it's ok-ish!

The little bird sitting on the telegraph wire is a die cut that my friend BJ gave me a whole bunch of, and I knew it would be ideal (though not in scale!)


  1. Oh, I remember that lovely photo on Twitter! I love the way you've created such a stunning sky and maybe the little bird isn't to scale, but he still looks very effective in silhouette on your journal page. Capturing lovely skies in a journal is a great idea! Julie Ann xx

  2. Had to pop by (mid chores) and leave a comment here Helen. This is wonderful! I think you should be very proud of the job you've done here having seen the original photo. I also think the little bird is great and just looks like he is right in the forground as he should be. Excellent piece of work and that was a beautiful original photo too.

    Lesley Xx

  3. Helen tis is better than ok's great..great colours and the bird is fab!!!

  4. OMG - absolutely fantastic, love it, great representation of the fabulous photo you took

    Sam xxx

  5. Oh Helen that is beautiful!

  6. Wow, good job!! It's fantastic.

  7. ell I think its a wonderful representation of your photo, and I love the addition of the bird on the wire

  8. What are you on about? This is gorgeous - I love the birdy and I really love those tree tops peeking into the sunrise. It's beautiful!

  9. It's more than ok-ish, Helen, I think it's fantastic... a really beautiful swathe of colour to create a glorious sunset.
    Alison x


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