Thursday 4 July 2013

Tag Screen - inspired by Sue for Paperartsy

This week has been tiring for me, starting my new job and having to concentrate on learning new systems and processes, and not to mention working all day to 5.30.... got so used to having afternoons off!  Still the arrival (finally) today of part of the redundancy pay perked me up no end and after dinner I had to get painty...

This week, Sue was back at Paperartsy and showed 3 gorgeous projects.  I am not going to have time to try them all however (I am going to Artstamps Newbury on Saturday, can't wait!) but did want to join in at least one.  I decided on yesterday's tag screen (all the instructions how Sue did this, are HERE)

This is mine....

Lots of photos, but I'll leave Sue's post at Paperartsy to explain the methods, as it's only fair being her idea.

 Limelight and Ice Blue, stencil with Snowflake
finished tag (the one I took of it on it's own, was out of focus but of course I didn't notice till I came to upload it...
 Limelight and Bora Bora

 Limelight and Beach Hut.  Instead of blending out with the babywipe I pounced the babywipe to blend.

 stencilling (love this stencil so much!)

and it's finished tag

 final tag, I used Limelight and South Pacific.

Mounted them on black card (thanks to Darcy for helping me with the way to do this using 2 bits of black card even though I still messed it up, I was able to rescue it!!)

I decided to have the two darker ones on the outside and the two lighter ones in the middle.

As it's 11pm it's a bit hard to get decent photos of the finished thing, hope you can see ok

 Sue, I am so glad I got to play along this week, thanks again for some lovely inspiration (I want to have a go at a canvas like your second project but that will have to be one for later!!)

Entering this to the Paperartsy challenge and also to Simon Says as they have an "anything goes" week.


  1. These are wonderful tags Helen and well done you for getting them done after your quite gruelling week. I keep trying to pick a favourite tag but find it's impossible.... love them all! I think I need that Roman lettering stencil, it's really effective.

    Lesley Xx

  2. looks great Helen, well done for getting them finished, its' been a gruelling week for you. Hope you have a fabulous weekend.

  3. Fab Helen!! Amazing you could fit it in tonight!'

  4. Oh bless getting used to new systems and longer days - not fun! However, your crafting as always is utterly gorgeous!

  5. great screen Helen - love the stamp of the girl in the second from left tag xxx

  6. Beautiful variations on the green theme, and all the stamping and stencilling looks great!
    Alison x

  7. These are great Helen! Love the layering.
    It is Friday Honey. Chin up!

  8. So good to see you on form again, Helen. This is lovely - great colours and fabulous stamping! Have a lovely time on Saturday and hopefully the coming week will maybe be a little less exhausting? Glad to hear about the redundancy money too. Julie Ann xx

  9. This is a fabulous project Helen!
    Bet you're glad it's friday, hope your first week went well.
    Alison x

  10. Well done, with the help of Darcy in mounting your tags onto the black card.

    Love your tags, you've chosen great colours and images

    Sam xxx

  11. Well done for completing all the tags! Lovely they are too...

  12. Hi Helen, firstly huge congratulations on your new job. Love your painty tags, wonderful images a d texture and great colours too, love them. Tracy x

  13. These are fantastic Helen! Love the colors, stamping, everything! Glad you have found a new job as well!

  14. This is absolutely wonderful! Great stencilling. Well done after such a difficult week and good luck! Hope you get to spend some of your redundancy money at Newbury today and can I ask a favour? I am going tomorrow - would love to hear about it tonight - such as what is worth getting, etc, if you have the energy to post!

    Lucy x

  15. Fabulous tag screen,have a great day
    Janet x

  16. Well done, they look great!

  17. Wow, these tags are really stunning! love the backgrounds and then a few bold image stamps on top! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. Hugs, Sandra


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