Wednesday 29 May 2013

WOYWW 208 - 4 years old - Happy Birthday!

Finally we are here! Today is the day - or at least 4 years ago, today was the day the lovely lovely Julia decided to share a picture of her workspace and invited other bloggers to join in - little did she know what she started....What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday..
Thanks Nikki for the badge!

So here we are, 4 years on, and over 150 of us regularly share all. I don't know exactly when I started joining in - it wasn't right at the beginning - but I can't miss a week now!! So, Julia, thank you for making Wednesdays fun and long may WOYWW continue.

I have made 5 (only 5, I am sorry!!) ATC's for the swap - so that is one for the next person to me on the list and 4 more... who'd like to swap? Without wishing to presume, if there are more than 4 of you I will have to draw names out of a hat!!  I realise I should have organised this earlier, it would have been easier!! **

Do you want to see them? That may put you off... lol!!

This was nearly the view you were going to see - or at least wouldn't have seen - because when I got home from work on Tuesday I had no internet.. NOOOOO not on a Tuesday for WOYWW post writing day!!

I am still debating about what (how much) to take with me on Saturday for the Crop -
as you can see by the list propped up at the back of my craft mat!  The coaster is a work in progress from this week's Paperartsy guest designer, Darcy (if you have time, to check out their blog to see what she's been doing!)

Thanks for stopping by, I will try and visit as many of you as possible.

**Oh, and if you'd like to be up for a swap, let me know in your comment and please make sure your email address is available in your profile (or in your comment itself) somewhere so I can get hold of you.  To ensure that the ATC's are sent out as soon as possible, I will contact you on Thursday for your address, so I will say the cut off for comments for an atc is midnight Wednesday, (UK BST  time)

To those of you going to the crop on Saturday - see you there!! I'll be the one with a!!


  1. I had a chance to see Darcy's coasters yesterday. I fell in love with them. Now I just need to find some coasters.

    Happy WOYWW to you, too, dear friend. I may not make the Crop, but I promise to be there in spirit.

  2. Helen can you believe it's been so long wow 4 years of snooping thru everyone's stash fantastic ATC's so bright and bold :) I'll swap with yah
    hugs Nikki ?? and HAPPY WOYWW 4
    elusionary60 at

  3. Oh me me can I SWAP with you too? I'm right into pink, hope you have one spare. BJ #??

  4. Happy 4th WOYWW! Your ATC's look fabulous, I'm not showing mine in fear of (ugh those are a bit rubbish' feeling! But it's early so I add them later!
    HaPpY 4th WoYwW!?!

    ((Lyn # no number yet!)

  5. Happy 4th anniversary
    Love the darcy stuff just had a look on your link thanks for the link

  6. Happy Anniversary Helen! Your packing for the crop, I'm packing for the Extravaganza, wonder who will have the largest suitcase! Enjoy it.

  7. Typical - for ome reason I think this happens n the 3rd birthday as well - it's like Mr Linky KNOWS.

    I so need to pack myself...I am considering just bringing a quilt (or two because I just do not have time to sort out a paper project!

    Happy 4th Birthday, WOYWW!
    MA* (? Can't comment on WOYWW, Open ID not allowed but I'm here)

  8. Your ATC's look lovely, well done.
    Lynn x

  9. Love your ATCs. Pity I can't come to the crop - I minor detail of a 12 hour flight involved...I would be the one moving in! Happy WOYWW4! #12

  10. Love your coasters and your ATCs. Glad your internet is sorted now.
    Happy 4th Birthday celebrations and here's to many more.
    Annie x

  11. Hi Claire,
    what lovely cheery atc's but no swap going as mine still in process slack huh??

    Think am going to pull names out of my commenters for extras I think..

    I know you will have a lovely time at crop..
    I would be there except for minor detail of a 24 hour plus trip :D and heaps pf $!!

    Thanks so much for sharing ~ happy 4th anniversary of WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #37

  12. Der am soo slow just occurred with me to check who comes after my name with a * and it is you, Helen!!

    ... so will send you an email after all as yours is ready :D yay!!

    Thant is one huge plus that is for sure! Shaz in Oz.x #37

  13. Love your ATCs! I won't swap with you because a hug on Saturday is as good as that! The doors to the hall will only open so wide, so try and keep your packing to at last a lorry container...LOLOL!!!!
    Really looking forward to seeing you again...
    Happy 4th WOYWW!
    Hugs, LLJ 9 xx

  14. The coasters are fab..loving what you're doing there. Am enjoying your lack of knowing what to bring at the weekend...will email you later about some plans..

  15. Well, you were really No 1 Helen and I feel bad about pinching your spot. Nothing I could do though.

    Cannot imagine anything worse than no internet on a Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Glad it did not last and you got on in time.

    Lovely atc's but I am all swapped out.

    Take care and enjoy Saturday.

    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. No swapping for me, I haven't made a single ATC. But yours look lovely. But so exciting to see you on Saturday.

    Thanks for visiting and have a very happy WOYWW,
    Love Rachel, #48

  17. Hate it when that happens, you don't realise how much you use it when its gone. Love your ATC's beautiful. Thanks for stopping by. Francesca #38

  18. I am with you on the no internet... longest 10 days of my life when we moved into this house and they said it would take 10 days to get us online!! I was a nutcase by the time they connected us!! LOL
    Love your ATC's, all the little details and the colour, wonderful!
    Enjoy the crop at the weekend, hope you have a wonderful time!
    Happy 4th WOYWW Anniversary! Annette #2

  19. Hi Helen, I counted up and I think you might still have an ATC left so I would love to do a swap with you please. I won't presume though, my deets are under my profile on my sidebar. Isn't WOYWW just the most fabulous place to meet friends? I saw Darcy's work this week too, what an amazing talent she has. Happy 4th WOYWW. Hugs, Anne x #62

  20. Your crop sounds like heaps of fun, shame I live 12000 miles away :) Hope you will fit through the door with all that you're taking (he he). I've got a couple of extra ATCs (not great though), so would be happy to swap if you have any left. I have a contact me button just below my main picture.
    Enjoy your crop and have a great week.
    Von #68

  21. Hi Helen, Great to know you through this amazing blogging experience and Happy 5th WOYWW anniversary! I'll swap please if you have one left.
    Glad to be part of it all but gutted I can't make the crop. Have fun ... I know you all will and I look forward to hearing all about it... lots of pics please!
    Jo x

  22. Hi Helen
    I am sure if you forget to take something to the crop someone else there will be able to lend it. I am sure you ladies are going to have a fantastic time
    Wishing you and everyone a Very Happy WOYWW today
    Ria #49

  23. Love your desk Helen, it looks so lived in and shows its battle scars proudly like my usual painty one! Happy WOYWW and hope you enjoy the crop. Hugs, Jenny #101

  24. Gorgeous ATC's you've made! So pretty! Have a great WOYWW and enjoy it on Saturday! ♥ Karen ♥ 106 x

  25. What lovely ATCs. We only managed to make two so you beat our total. Enjoy the crop.

    Happy WOYWW from the bears and thanks for your earlier visit. :)

  26. I.m happy to swap with you Helen' and will wait if you need more time, just use my contact tab on my website and let me know you are ready and give me your Addie,

  27. Hi Helen, your ATCs are so pretty, I'd love to swap. If I'm lucky enough to get picked please leave me a comment on my blog and I'll give you my email address. Thanks for your visit earlier. MMx #85

  28. Bright and happy ATCs. I wish I could be at the crop but sorry - the sea too deep and all... anyway, have fun next weekend! Happy woyww anniversary and a hug from Holland. Marit #88

  29. So crops or extravaganzas down here in the South East. Sometimes think I'm the only crafter in town!! Have a lovely time at the weekend.
    Great ATC's, wish I'd made some to swap...maybe next year! Happy 4th WOYWW. Pam#33

  30. Fab makes lovely. I've been rubbish and busy at same time so no ATC for today but I'm planning on making some for Saturday! See you there, can you believe we'll have met 3 times in less than a year!! Here's to many more meets hey. Take care Zo xx 79

  31. The ATCs look great.

    Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary.


  32. Hi Helen,
    I have emailed you my postal address. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment on my messy desk :)
    Happy WOYWW Anniversary,
    RosA (39)

  33. Hi Helen,
    You have been a busy bee haven't you? ;D
    I haven't had a chance to take part in this year's ATC swap due to so much going on here. But I'm loving seeing what everyone has been creating.
    Enjoy the 4th WOYWW Anniversary and your Crop. I'm sure it'll be lots of fun! :D
    Neesie #111

  34. Hi Helen - I love your ATCs - if you want one of mine send me your addy - I would love one of yours if you have any left but still happy to send you one if not! Happy 4th WOYWW x Jo

  35. Happy woyww anniversary!
    Lovely atc designs there.

  36. Hi Helen, love your ATC's very pretty and beautiful colours. Don't think my hubby wants to see another block of wood any time soon lol
    Thanks for visiting me today
    Hugs Lottie #92

  37. Hellooooo! Happy WOYWW Honey!
    Phew that was a close call with t'internet!!
    Lovely ATCS and if you have one spare I will swap ya!

  38. It’s amazing that the internet can bring together so many likeminded people and I’m grateful that WOYWW has also brought along so many new friends, thanks to Julia.

    Can only imagine the panic you felt at not having any internet last night, what a time to happen. Your space is looking good this week Helen and I’m loving the Pint ATC’s.

    Enjoy your Wednesday snooping on this very special Day
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @82

  39. Thanks for stopping by Helen. Lovely pink ATCs and I am loving the coaster that I believe you said is still in progress. Happy WOYWW4, have fun.

  40. I hate it when the internet is off, always at the wrong time. We have a brand new laptop that I'm not looking forward to setting up either! Lovely atcs, have a great day at the crop, I'm sorry that it couldn't all be worked out for when I was in England though, would have been brilliant!

    Brenda 120

  41. For 4 years now i've been dropping by,
    To view your desk and see what I can spy,
    Will it be a card, some stash or ATC,
    whatever it is, thanks for sharing it,
    Have a Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary

    Hugz Minxy #60

  42. Oh Helen, your ATCs look so cute!!! Happy anniversary! And Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #78

  43. Lovely ATC's
    Happy 4th!
    My internet connection is often wonky too!
    thanks for visiting,Robyn 122

  44. Your ATCs look great! Wishing you great fun at the crop.

    Happy 4th Anniversary WOYWW.

    Sarn #57xxx (Thanks for visiting me)

  45. Your ATC's look great! Love the background and color combo. I haven't tried making one yet, but hopefully next year I can participate! Enjoy the crop, that sounds like a blast!! Happy Anniversary! Winnie#98

  46. Hehe, I have no idea how you pack for a crop... I'd want to take everything!
    Thanks for stopping by
    Happy WOYWW

  47. Happy 4th ...good luck with your packing ...I haven't cropped for ages ...thankfully I never seemed to take what I needed ...DD said make kits and take them ....but by the time I got there i'd changed my mind as to what I was doing again ...good luck lol ...and have fun xx71

  48. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed the bubbly and chocolate. It did sound a good idea, didn't it?! Think the internet has been redhot today with us all going mad visiting everyone. Like the ATCs - folk will enjoy those when they arrive. Well done.
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #70

  49. Beautiful ATCs!!!
    Krisha #140

  50. nice looking ATC...good job! Love the coaster in progress. I think the net must be having issues everywhere cause I have very sporatic connectivity this week myself. Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary. Have a great week. Vickie #14

  51. Lovely ATCs and gorgeous looking coaster. Thanks for sharing. Have a very happy 4th WOYWW birthday. Caro x (#67)

  52. Beautiful ATC's! Pink is one of my very most favorite colors. :) And I have never been to a crop so I can only imagine how difficult it is to pack for one. I mean, I can't go 100 miles away for 9 days without taking 4 suitcases so...I think I would need a lorry(that's a bus, right? lol Americans(me)!) to go to a crop! Thanks for leaving me a comment on my desk already. :) I would love to swap ATC's if you have one left and if not I would still be tickled pink to send you one if you email me your addy. :) Deeyll #29

  53. There's nothing worse than that dreaded message is there and on a WOYWW day too, do the powers that be in tinternet land not know how important it is that we can post!!
    Your ATCs are beautiful and I'm sure they will be snapped up.
    Have a great day at The Crop, I will be there with you in spirit.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #95

  54. Hi Helen
    lovely ATC's I would love to swap I will be bringing some on saturday anyway just in case, It's the only thing i have thought about taking.... what else is a mystery at the moment hopefully it wont be a cold this time.
    janet #32

  55. G'day Helen
    thanks for dropping by my blog for WOYWW. Happy 4th WOYWW to you. OMG your ATC's are gorgeous. They could be called "love/friendship blooms at WOYWW" the dark pink and I usually hate pink. Well I should say I hate using pink really LOL
    Annette In Oz #46

  56. Fab ATCs, love the colours.

  57. Happy 4th, Helen!

    I'll see your 'no internets' and raise you a 'power cut!' I'd written my blog out and my finger was hovering above the publish button when everything in the house went off. Could not believe it. Thankfully, Blogger saves drafts! I hope you have fun at the crop next week! Thanks for popping by, have a great week, Lucy #22 x

  58. Hi Helen!! Thanks for stopping by, of course I'll swap ARCs - I'll bring some with me Saturday. Cindy x Happy WOYWW4

  59. Have fun on Saturday! I shall be there in spirit for sure. Happy anniversary!

  60. Will be thinking of you Saturday at the crop...what fun!! I treasure the button that Julia sent me; how fun to wear to an event where I might actually meet someone else. I hope you, and the rest of the "deskers" as Julia calls them (love that name) will show use what you worked one Have a great week, and thanks for stopping by the Fun Room this week.
    Sara j

  61. Awesome coasters and ATCs, Helen! Have fun at the crop and please don't put your back out hauling around that suitcase!!

    Thanks for coming by the Playhouse already! Happy WOYWW Anni and have a great week! Darnell #34

  62. Lovely ATC's. sure you will get many takers. I am not participating today but happy 4 anyway
    Famfa 121

  63. What lovely little ATCs! SO glad you got your internet back in time for WOYWW! I would have been in a panic!
    How fun it would be to actually go to the crop! Enjoy!!
    Anna Leisa #138

  64. Suitcase, huh? :) Something tells me there'll be quite a few of those besides yours! Your ATCs are lovely. Is that a stamp or hand doodling? And spritz n flick of my fave techniques. Thanks for the earlier visit. Happy WOYWW4! Nan G #6

  65. Thanks for visiting yesterday I dint get the opportunity to get back to anyone so making an early start today your atcs look fab I shamefully only managed 1 !..have a fab time at the weekend crop Andrea#40

  66. I bet your suitcase is not as big as Shaz's. I reckon she is filling the whole car with things to play with. I have every faith in my technical department (Shaz's clever husband)that my computer will soon be better than new, and firing on all drives. Have a good time at the crop. I am aiming to go next year. xx Maggie #43

  67. Hope you have a brilliant time at the crop Helen - keep an eye on Sam please!

    Hugs, and Happy WOYWW, Di xx

  68. Lovely ATCs Helen.I am still rushing round trying to comment on a few more blogs. have a great week. happy Anniversary. Kate x #44

  69. Your ATCs look fab. Hope you have a great time at the crop. Lucky you getting to go.
    Thanks for your visit earlier.
    Hapoy WOYWW 4th birthday

  70. Hope you have a fab time swapping and cropping - look forward to seeing that coaster when it's ready...
    Alison x

  71. Thanks for stopping by, Happy WOYWW4 and what pretty ATC' the colors. Enjoy a great week, I'm taking a break from rhubarb !! pie, jam, cobbler and still raining.

  72. Hi Helen, Beautiful atc's. There are 5 lucky people out there going to receive these. Sorry I am so late visiting, I was out all day yesterday and today. Thank you so much for your visit. Hugs Mo x #50

  73. Happy belated WOYWW4. Sorry i am so late in responding...Wednesday is babysitting the grandkids day and then crafting with my neighbour all evening.
    I never seem to have time to leave many comments till Thursday. Your ATC's look great...I am sure you have found swaps for all of them but let me know if you still have any left to trade!

  74. What beautiful ATC's. Pink is such a great color. April #125

  75. Very nice SWAP. I'm not playing this year, too close to my vacation, but I'm loving looking in to see what others are doing. Have a crafty week.

  76. Hi Helen! HAPPY 4th WOYWW Anniversary! Thank you for being my faithful WOYWWer! Always commenting! Love all your makes I will be bringing my ATCs to the crop and there will be one there for you! See you soon!
    Lots of hugs,

  77. Happy WOYWW 4 - Feeling a lot better than is humanly or sanely correct, all things considering and am looking forward to Saturday!

    See you then....

    Thanks for stopping by!

  78. Hi Helen - have fun at the crop - Happy 4th WOYWW Birthday... Mxx #137

  79. Thanks for visiting ne! Your ATC's look nice! :)

  80. Hi there Helen,

    Oh, the screen of death (at least that's what it can feel like)! I love my computer when it's working properly but when it doesn't it definitely throws a kink into everything!

    Your ATCs are great - love the little doodle hearts. I'm sure you've been taken up on the extras but if you haven't let me know. My email is in my profile.

    Thanks for visiting me already! I came back from Phoenix and had some appointments to am just now getting around. Better late than never!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (158)

  81. Your ATC's are lovely..
    Happy WOYWW 4th Anniversary.
    Thanks for the visit to my blog..
    Sandy :)


Thank you for stopping by. Please leave me a comment so I know you were here!