Wednesday 22 May 2013

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday - week 207

So one week to go before the big anniversary!  Time to meet up at Julia's for another world-wide jaunt. Are you messy? Are you tidy?

I am definitely of the messy persuasion, though I have dreams of being tidy... I was looking for a ribbon yesterday... look what happened...

Why is it the roll you want is always at the bottom...
Last week Julia asked me what I did with the things I make (apart from the several dozen that just pile up on the box next to my computer)... so I thought I'd show you.
 This is the window cill at the top of my stairs as I come up into my flat.. they are lovely wide ledges, and some months ago I decided - derrr!!!  I could put some of my "makes" on them...
You've probably seen all of these before, they've all been blogged about at one time or another!
now obviously I don't do bronze casting, I found this beauty in a box when I was "clearing up" the other week - I bought her at the Hampton Court Flower Show a few years ago. She is meant, obviously, to be sat on a stick in the garden but she fits my window ledge nicely!

and these are in my living (craft) room.

Now, I've kept you long enough, and you have other desks to visit... see you next time, for the big anniversary party!!


  1. Love those wide ledges, you have quite a stash there
    Bridget #8

  2. Your work is beautiful, and your ledges are the perfect place to display them. Happy crafting #3

  3. G'day Helen
    YES that's me when I am after one thing...Oh wow what a perfect display for your art. Love your work and I wish I had lovely big window sills like yours :o)
    Annette In Oz #4

  4. Those ledges are one thing I admire about British architecture you don't see in many homes in America. Mine are so shallow, I have have very limited space. And certainly, none for art.

    You have a lovely view, too. Happy WOYWW from #10. BTW, I am not getting updates so didn't see your latest entry on my sidebar.

  5. Love seeing all your cards displayed Helen! What a great job you have done on them and it is great to see them standing there proudly! Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #17

  6. So nice to see someone's artwork displayed around the home, good old English windowsills come in handy eh? Love your bronxe... much nicer to see her propped up there than with a stick up her bum in the garden!! LOL Annette #23

  7. Thanks for sharing your displays Helen. Always nice to see such an array of beautiful things. The fairy sits well where she is and it would not be right to sit her outside in the dreadful cold and rain.
    Thanks for sharing your crafty window sills.
    Hugs, neet xx 2

  8. Awesome display of all the projects! I need to find a way to display mine too cause we don't have those wide ledges here. Have a great week. Vickie #26

  9. typical, being at the bottom or last place you look Helen. Love seeing all your work.

    Happy WOYWW
    Frankiesue #36

  10. Wow Helen! These are beautiful!
    Love how you display your "makes" so you can always have something to inspire you. The fairy is adorable, too!

    Thanks for the peek! Happy WOYWW. xx
    Roudi #34

  11. It's nice that you have your projects out on display rather than boxed away .... Your fairy sits nicely with them all on those lovely wide ledges
    Jackie 8

  12. Had to have a giggle about the ribbons - you should see mine! What a wonderful display of your artwork Helen, I really love those JOFY creations, those are my favourite stamps at the moment....Happy WOYWW, Anne x #53

  13. It's like having your own mini art gallery!! Yu are lucky having wide windows to display them on..mine have cats who like to doze in the sun so I can't put much on mine!
    See ya next week....yay!
    Hugs, LLJ 40 xx

  14. Your windowsill pictures are fabulous, so much crafty-ness! First thougt that you'd sneaked into my room and taken a picture of my ribbons I think I can match that picture! Thank you for my snoop!
    Have a HaPpY WoYwW!
    ((Lyn))) #55

  15. Wow, Helen, what a great way to show of your stunning artwork. I love your angel keeping watch over it all.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #70

  16. OMG! I can't believe it! Your first picture looks so like mine! I didn't copy, honest lol! But there is some seriously lovely stuff here. Hope you are now fully recovered from Carol's sadistic beads project! xxx

  17. I'm doing a quick blog dash before I get started this morning cos we have another estate agent coming today to take pics of our house so it needs a final hoover and tidy through :-)
    I love all your ledges full of goodies Helen.....esp your little fairy.
    A x #52

  18. Just realized I've forgotten to leave my number on all the comments I made so far - stupid stupid me #58

  19. You window ledge looks lovely with all your work displayed on it. i can see you've used a lot of the paperartsy stamps. Happy woyww jill #37

  20. What lovely work you have on display must make you very happy when you look at it all.. What a lovely beauty and looks perfect on your ledge there. Such wonderful colors and so many wonderfully different projects.
    ribbon yea I am struggling with the ribbon dilemma at the moment.. I brought some more at bargain prices but now they are overflowing where I put them so will have to upgrade there storage.
    Sandy :) #38

  21. Oh how I WANT all the stuff on your window sills how wonderful, I must come round one day SOON! Yes totally loving the décopatching and SO glad I came to craft club. I have a bag of crochet hooks and crochet cotton ready for next time (when DH will be in Germany again - typical) must have a practice as not done any in ages. Would it be best to arrive early for a parking space? How early do Lynn/Toni get there. Oh gosh forgetting myself, this is supposed to be WOYWW - So thanks for visiting me today and entering the spoon draw BJ#51

  22. Hi Helen
    Thank you for showing us where you place all your beautiful makes it is lovely to see you have them all around you on display to be enjoyed. I think we should all make some space for our work.
    Sending hugs on this WOYWW have a great day
    Ria #24

  23. Thanks for visiting me this morning. I love the idea of using all your window sills for display. I really like the big sunny yellow flower on the card in the first picture.
    diane #30

  24. Love your crafty displays Helen ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  25. You've got some beautiful work there and they look fab as a collection on your window sill. Thanks so much for dropping by, hope you have a great week.

  26. That pile of ribbons looks a tad familiar Helen !!

    Lovely to see your artwork displayed.

    B x

  27. All your makes look just lovely on show.. as for the ribbon mess... im looking away and saying nothing lol
    hugz Minxy #22

  28. You and Julia Ann (@62) think you can out do my ribbon mess...well, you come close! Love how you've got a real life gallery around the house, they al look great don't you like seeing them absolutely every time they catch your eye.

  29. I love that you have your own art gallery. You should probably start giving guided tours.

    Thanks for stopping by and being lovely.

  30. Love the Helen Gallery! Fab. I tried to make room for mine in my re-org, but not enough space! I still have too much stuff hidden away..but then at least I don't have to DUST THEM. So many pieces, and so colourful - and bet they really look great when the sun shines in on them...

    Happy WOYWW!
    MA (7)

  31. A lovely way to show off your creations. I use the ledges in the conservatory.
    Thanks for visiting Helen, good to be back.
    Ann B

  32. Helen, so many lovely creations. And you have displayed them in a way where they can be enjoyed. I give so much of mine away and I do sale a few. If you would like to swap ATCs next week, please let me know. I am making a few extras. #93

  33. Ooh ribbons! Looks like you could do with a good ribbon organiser, wink, wink!! Great place to display some of your lovely pieces, I bet they inspire you coming home from work after a hard day and seeing them as you walk up the stairs. Love the fairy, I bet she's happy she doesn't have a stick up her bum either!!

    Brenda 100

  34. Love your window ledge gallery and what a fine collection you have created. Now that is an amazing collection of ribbon. Hope it didn't take to long to sort through
    Sandra @21

  35. Love the makes on the window sills! Oh to have such deep ledges to display on... Ah yes happens to me every time I dig in my ribbon box. :) Happy WOYWW! Nan G #105

  36. What a fantastic space to display your wonderful creations. I love the angel/fairy, it's perfect.
    Happy WOYWW. Pam#20

  37. Beautifully displayed crafts. Just lovely
    Famfa 101

  38. Lots of lovely things on show, and so nicely displayed.
    Happy WOYWW

  39. So glad you display your beautiful work. Those ledges are perfect for them too. Even ribbon left on spools can look like that at my desk. I think it is the Ribbon Devils that sneak in late at night and make a shambles of all the nice and neat ribbons. LOL
    Krisha #50

  40. I'd like a little fairy or an angel on my ledge like that too!

  41. Lovely way to display your lovelies. Dori #49

  42. Love those window sills- gorgeous to be able to see your stuff like that. See you next weekend! have a great week, hugs Shaz #125 xx

  43. That's a lovely way to display your makes, no point having such lovely creations and not having them on show.

  44. Wow Helen, so much to look at. There are some fabulous creations on your window sill. Thank you for sharing and Thank you so much for dropping by earlier. Hugs Mo x #60

  45. So, you DID find the ribbon you were looking for, right?!!

    Thanks for the visit.

    Joel (aka, Barf Snoodlefart #53)

  46. Hi Helen, thanks for visiting, I ended up playing most of the day with my gelli plate!! Love your little art gallery, have been trying to persuade OH to put me up another shelf (my windowsill is stuffed with craft bits!!) Cindy #95

  47. I love the way you have displayed your creations...there are some stunning makes on display! I had to laugh at your ribbons...that is exactly what happens to me! Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#75)

  48. Funny this weekend I went through a pile of ribbons and trims that looked almost exactly like yours. I sorted them into plastic zip baggies.

  49. Oh boy you're suppose to leave your no, when you comment shesh I must start:O).
    Your too funny, the ribbons is so funny, well funny cause I have a couple of bags just like that, amazing:O).
    Oh I do love that you have so many spots to display your wonderful art and you do all sorts of lovely things, you're a wonderful Mixed Media artist. I see you made a mosaic Tile I love it,I loooove making glass mosaics, your dress form is very pretty, I looove your orange canvas, and you use a lot of birds in your art, wonderful since I'm partial to them:). I had a good look around and thoroughly enjoyed myself, thanks for visiting and sharing have a wonderful creative day...
    See almost forgot^-^
    good thing I always check for spelling mistakes:) Magpie Dianne #96

  50. Ooh lovely ledge for a lovely display! Deborah #141

  51. Great displays for your gorgeous 'makes'. Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz@145

  52. I love that you are surrounded by your lovely art,
    Happy WOYWW
    Rosie x

  53. Hi Helen,

    What a great way to display your art. How fun to have it on the ledges where you can appreciate what you've accomplished!

    I noticed the dress form - it's great!

    Thanks for visiting me already.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Kay (6)

  54. What a great reminder of the fun you've had creating these fabulous pieces! BTW your ribbon tale had me smiling - how many times does that happen? Chris 88

  55. what a fab way to display all your beautiful artwork also was good to see everything together, you are very talented and what a great way of enjoying them rather than than keeping them stored away. thanks for visiting me earlier have a fab week Andrea#42

  56. Gorgeous projects and the fibers are beautiful. SueC#129

  57. Gorgeous display areas for your fabulous makes... they look so glorious all lined up (love the little bronze too!).
    Alison x

  58. Hi H
    looks like you found some ribbon and the rest he he. brilliant window ledges are they shared with other residents I wander what they make of all your art works.
    looking forward to the ATC's next week
    janet #18

  59. What a wonderful way to display your "makes"and the thickness of those sills is incredible. Most of my windows go to the ground so I don't have many sills. Love looking at your messy ribbon pile, makes me feel right at home (he he).
    Have a great week.
    Von #66

  60. Hi Helen! Today is my first day at WOYWW. What wonderful things you have made and are able to display in your home. I am a very neat person when it comes to my home, however when it comes to creating something I am as messy as it can get...and the more messier, the better. I guess it brings out my creative juices. What a lovely blog you have and great to meet you. Have a wonderful evening.

  61. Oops, I forgot to add. Robin #139

  62. What beautiful windows and ledges you have in your home, Helen. The display of all your works of art is fantastic. You occupy a living museum of your art!!

    Thanks for coming by the Playhouse earlier! Have a wonderful week!! Darnell #64

  63. i love your window ledges! thanks for visiting me, jenx

  64. wow, I simply LOVE those wide ledges and your lovely displays that you have on them. What an awesome way to enjoy your crafty goodness! I hope you got a chance to vote for me: If you have, then I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and if you haven't, well, I sure would appreciate it ♥ waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  65. I love the ledges, and your art work is beautiful, but oh the dusting. ;)

  66. Lovely post, Helen. I'll sort your trims out anytime you want ... just don't expect all of it back :) Love your nice wide windowsills - mine are a lot less generous - they make the perfect display area for all your lovely projects. And the view from your lounge/craft room is beautiful - one of the bonuses of living in a flat I guess. Elizabeth x #81

  67. Now seein all those crafts on your window sill would just make you smile as you walk by lovely creations :)hugs Nikki #9

  68. Hi Helen - what lovely creations and they must bring you pleasure - happy WOYWW [Friday cheat - I am a bit slow lol] Mxx #169

  69. Wow, what a lovely display.
    Sorry I'm uber late!!
    Laura 83

  70. Fab idea - I take it you don't suffer from terrible condensation in your house? We do, and it leaves big puddles on the sills.... :-( See you very soon!!!

    Thanks for stopping by...

  71. Wow... all your creations are fantastic! Love how you displayed them. Thank you for sharing. ^_^

  72. Yep, my ribbons are like that too. LOVE your window ledges, your projects look fantastic!!

  73. I love your window ledges too, your makes look fantastic

  74. Look at all that ribbon!! I just want to dive in :-0 The window ledges look great.

    Sorry I am a bit late in doing the rounds x

  75. ribbons do that, don't they?? just love your sitting angel :)
    sorry it's taken so long to reply - the days have just evaporated!
    happy belated WOYWW x


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