Wednesday 8 May 2013

Tim's Tag - May

I think this is the first tag I've been able to join in with - due to some hurried purchasing of the remnants rub ons - boy are they COOL!!   Tim's gorgeous tag is here 

Here is my version
 I remember something similar from my childhood - oh wonderful fun!!
 Used distress stains crushed olive, spiced marmalade and scattered straw, and broken china and mustard seed inks round the edges.
 Added random Tim stamps

I don't have the enamel button that Tim used, so I coloured a fragment with pewter distress stain and added some alcohol inks.

The rest of the tag is done as in Tim's directions.

I had loads of fun doing this, thanks Tim!!


  1. Oooeee...wonderful version of Tim's tag, Helen! Love the rubs and the colors! Whoop!

  2. So interesting to see several photos building up through your tag Helen ending up with one lovely piece.

    B x

  3. love your version of the tag Helen

  4. Fabulous tag Helen, love your choice of image, so you rate the rub ons then hey, perhaps I need to get some after all - lol

    Sam xxx

  5. this looks amazing! hugs trace x

  6. Well, Helen, I think wow just about sums this up, so Wow,
    Rosie x

  7. This is fantastic Helen love it all!!

  8. Glorious - love the colours, and fabulous stamping! Got mine done, but no gap to post in til Sunday!!
    Alison x

  9. Oooh, gorgeous tag!! The rub ons look fab with those colours.

  10. Remnant rubons are cool? Couldn't agree more. Love the tag you made :-)


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