Wednesday 17 April 2013


Morning Everyone!! Welcome to a picture heavy post (sorry Julia...) for WOYWW this week. (If you don't know what that is, check here for all the details)

Last Saturday I went to the half-yearly Big Stamp and Scrapbooking Show at Alexandra Palace, or Ally Pally as it's known. I met up with loads of blog/twitter friends (well now I've met them they ARE friends..) and a great time was had by all... and some serious shopping.  The post with all the pics of who I met is here (except,sorry Dolores for some reason I failed to seize the photo opportunity!, it was great to see you again too!)
Where's the craft space gone??? This was after I'd laid it all out to share it on twitter... the pile it high tidy up method (it's been put "away" now ... this is what it looked like all spread out -
I've had to reorganise my Paperartsy Fresco paints - and move my distress inks... look!
 They are no longer within arm reach of me on the floor, so i don't think they can stay here long term..
but I needed more space for the paints!! I have quite a few now... very nearly the whole set!

ok, I'd better let you go, and blogger is playing up, I want to get this saved and scheduled before it crashes on me again!!   Come back this afternoon for a new Dragons Dream Tag it On challenge!!


  1. Well Helen it looks like you had a great time at ally pally
    Just live your paint collection and all you purchased
    Jackie 13

  2. I too am showing my floor today! Seems to be an overflow issue...#34

  3. Wow that is some paint collection!! Happy playing with your new stash hugs trace x

  4. Helen I loved seeing the stash that you bought...wonderful and I am jealous lol! It is always great and heaps of fun and exciting when you get new stuff to play with. There is never enough room in our craft area is there for all of our things hehe!! Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #8

  5. wow! ally pally was a hit, then :) what a great stash of paints, and so organized! you'll have hours of fun with those!
    have a happy WOYWW and a great week :)
    i overslept, so no 21 this week.

  6. wow you really know how to shop just look at all that lovely crafting stash.
    Your paint collection is amazing how lovely to have so many.
    Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #40

  7. Hi there. How nice to have a look into your world this week. Yes, I agree, you did buy more than me at Ally Pally! It was lovely to bump into you there. Lots of fun waiting to be played with , is there a colour of fresco you don't have.....

    Neil #10

  8. Ooohohh! so many lovely things I want to come and PLAY!! I'm fed up with my mess... Have a great week. HaPpY WoYwW! ((Lyn)) # now 43! I think! (It changes!)

  9. Wow, you did do some serious shopping there!! So glad you had a fab time and met some more bloggy's fun, isn't it?? I'm looking forward to seeing Dolores again I in a few weeks time :)
    So then, watcha gonna do with all them there paints? There's quite a few to work through!!!
    Hugs, LLJ 37 xxxx

  10. It ceratinly looks like you have a fab time at Ally Pally....have fun with the new stash.
    A x # 41

  11. Ally Pally what an awesome name, looks like you had heaps of fun there and getting new toys to play with. Dont move the supplies to far away otherwise they will end up everywhere.

    I think you need to do something with those drawer sets at the back, they are exactly like one set on my desk. Go on alter them, you can do it. LOL

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza 46

  12. Oooh! Helen, what a wonderful stash... I'll tidy up for you any time as long as
    1) I can bring a shopping bag and
    2) you haven't counted them all or made an inventory!!!
    Glad you enjoyed Ally Pally.
    love Jo x

  13. Always fun meeting 'friends'for the first time.
    Sounds like you had a great time. Enjoy playing with your new toys.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #26

  14. Oh my! Loads of paints and stuff, is this just in one room or has it started overflowing into others? Thanks for visiting me already BJ#1

  15. Wow what a lot of lovely new goodies to play with. Mind you it looks like you had a lot to play with anyway :-) Happy WOYWW Anne x #62

  16. Oooh! Such a lot of lovely stash ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  17. Hello there. Lucky you getting to Ally Pally. We always spread out new stash on the desk too, it's nice to admire your purchases for a day or so.

    Waving hi from the bears @ # 78

  18. Need to go to your AP link but have seen lots of you on Sam's blog.
    Great stash you brought back but the Fresco paints - well I have a decidedly horrid shade of green on my face now. Boy do you love them! Me too but I have nowhere near as many as you.
    Enviously yours, Neet xx 5

  19. HELEN! STOP sharing stuff I don't already OWN! You are KILLING my budget!!


    Good luck with Blogger. It often flakes on me when I am trying to comment and it drives me MAD. I've given up using my normal browser and use a different one just on Weds. so I can comment on maybe 80% of the places I visit (rather than 10% in the usual one!)

    Have a happy day on the floor....

    MA (4)

  20. Ohhh you have a lovely haul from Ally Pally! I have bought a lot but nothing in comparison with you! Love all your stuff - I didn't get those stencils you have - they were gone by the time I went to get them!
    I was very happy to see you there - hopefully our next meeting will be at the crop!
    Lots of hugs,

  21. Woooo! So many great things to play with. Happy Wednesday.

  22. Look at all the fun new stuff to play with. It's like Christmas!!

    Hope you get a chance to check out my desk.
    Lori #103

  23. Ali pali sounded fabulous and I see you purchased just one or two more fresco paints!! :-)

    kyla #113

  24. Wow that must have been a great sale
    Bridget #28

  25. What fun Helen! Your paint collection is incredible--love it! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #96

  26. Lovely new stash, I bought loads at AP too!
    Karen #61

  27. OMG! Love those stamps all piled on your desk top!
    Krisha #114

  28. Wow, I wish we had an Ally Pally here, you got some great new things!

    I love those drawers in the third photo. Happy WOYWW, Kathi #109

  29. Wow Helen what a load of lovely goodies, loving all those stamps especially. Happy WOYWW Gill x #82

  30. What a fun desk you have today, full of new goodies! I'm loving the Crafter's Workshop stencils lately, too. It sounds like you had a marvelous time over the weekend -- friends + crafty stuff = sublime. Happy WOYWW (and thanks for the visit) ~ Laura #101

  31. that is some serious shopping! Would have loved to meet uo with peeps but none except me seems to go on a Sunday. I did get asked about my badge tho! Happy woyww cindy

  32. It looks like you had a fantastic time at Ally pally, wth some wonderful goodies purchased and what a lovely selection of paints you have. Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. Caro #120

  33. Thanks for dropping by - now you had SERIOUS fun at the show!!!!Enjoy it all - looking forward to seeing some of your "playing".
    Margaret (glitterandglue #89)

  34. I must try those paints! Love the look of them all in that box :)

  35. Hi H
    Well if you keep buying stash you are bound to run out of room eventually hehe! looks like you had another great show and so nice to meet up with fellow WOYWWers.
    janet #33

  36. You sure did get yourself some fab new goodies. Am glad you had a super time. One day I will get to one of these shows! Take care Zo xx 71

  37. What a great score of goodies...and what fun to actually meet up with folks. I'm destined for on-line only I fear. Had a great time looking at your haul.
    Sara j #20

  38. Woomph... that's a haul, when you have to rearrange your craftroom for it!! And no, you MUST have the inks within reach... Time for another rearrangement!!
    Alison x

  39. Oh my Helen,

    Lots of wonderful goodies here! How fun to meet other WOYWWers. Is Ally Pally something that happens once or twice a year?

    Thanks for visiting me already. It's my day off today so I'm finally getting around!

    Happy WOYWW
    Kay (14)

  40. Sounds and looks like you really had fun. Love the variety of paints and inks you've accumulated!! Have fun with them
    Running late, but being gone the 2 days wore me out! Drove home in a snow storm, still very cold, strong winds, and snow on the ground here. Unreal.
    Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend

  41. Oh my my look at all the cool goodies! I sense rearrangement coming on...maybe even a full blown reorg of the space can't have those distress inks so far away now can we?! :) Finally getting do my woyww snooping. WOYWWer #3. Nan G

  42. To quote George Takei, ohhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyy : D. That is some serious crafty fun!! And so organized, I'm green with envy! Thanks for visiting me earlier in the week. #15


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