Sunday 28 April 2013

Shhh, it's a secret!

So the secret is out.... the Paperartsy  #3UP hashtag secret...that engulfed twitter around the time of Ally Pally craft show... a lot of fun...

A secret that involved a mystery craft parcel being sent to mystery tweeters... and I was one.

 we were told to incorporate it into one project - you can see how I did it over at Paperartsy but here are some more pics!

This is what I received...

Thanks to Gillian and Leandra for some brilliant twitter fun!!  it was really really hard to keep this secret!


  1. this is fab Helen - really clever use of your elements - and very clever to use the word secrets!

  2. What a fun and clever idea! How did you keep a secret like that? Julie Ann

  3. your telling me lol!! so glad the secret is out and your project is fab!!

  4. I just realised what you did with the zero - fabulous!!

    I love the stamping on the tissue too, it looks fab, especially round the sides.

    Great make and well done for keeping it a secret!!!

    Sam xxx

  5. Thanks Helen for joining in our 3UP fun, great way to combine the mystery elements and cool idea using the Eclectica "word" stamp. x

  6. Fabulous work Helen - well done for keeping the secret so well!!

  7. Absolutely wow fantastic and mega awesome. Bet you're glad the secret is out lol. Happy Crafting :-) Kezzy xxx

  8. A really clever idea and love what you have created ! Great colourstoo hugs trace x

  9. This was a brilliant little project Helen and you pulled all the supplies together beautifully. Heaven knows how you managed to keep it quiet, lol!

    Lesley Xx

  10. Fabulous make, and congrats on your 3UPing... such fun!
    Alison x

  11. Well done ! Lots of good ideas.

  12. Looks fantastic! Great use of your mystery items Helen! x

  13. Gorgeous canvas, and what a fun idea! I'm still not tempted by twitter tho' lol

  14. Oh that's fabulous hun, what fun but hard work keeping the secret!

  15. The hardest part was keeping the secret! Great use of the space and love the colour combo


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