Tuesday 19 March 2013

Linda's back - Eyes tag

The oh so talented Linda Cain is back wowing us at Paperartsy and yesterday she created an amazing tag, mixing Fresco paints and distress inks - crafty heaven!

I didn't have the same house/shrine stamp Linda used so had to adapt - here is my version!  I followed the method that Linda used so won't repeat all the instructions here - check the Paperartsy blog for Linda's step by step...

 here are my pieces waiting assembly.  All stamps are by Paperartsy, from all sorts of plates!!
I broke open a new black archival ink pad today, as I wasn't getting much luck with my embossing - wow, what a difference - my old one must be soooo dry!! (Must get a re-inker at Ally Pally next month!!)

It's nearly time for Linda's second project of the week - I can't wait!!


  1. WOW great improvising - I love it.

    Your new archival black looks so black.

    Can't wait for tonight's.

    Sam xxx

  2. great tag Helen love the colours!!!

  3. Looks fab! I think we often use drier pads and it's not until we use a juicy one do we realise. I'm the same with my pens!! Take care Zo xx

  4. Ohhh Looks great Helen!!! Thanks for playing along this week!

  5. Cool Helen! Love the colors, and Linda is inspiring, isn't she??

  6. Fabulous Helen. Love the bright colours.

  7. Those eyes are fabulous. I dread to think how dry my ink pads are - bought them a couple Years ago and they are rarely used :-)

    Bet I've missed loads of your posts, am off to catch up :-)

  8. That's gorgeous!

  9. Wow! A totally gorgeous tag Helen! xx

  10. It is great, you have improvised brilliantly!

    Lucy x

  11. Brilliant work and excellent take on Linda's idea.

  12. Great job! You really made it work!


  13. This is beautiful Helen, though it's a shame to cover up your gorgeous background xx

  14. Love your interpretation of project #1 Helen, love the colours you opted for. x


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