Sunday 31 March 2013

Alpha Challenge - R

Happy Easter to you all.

I was a little late checking the new Craft Barn alpha/dictionary challenge today, what with the clocks going forward in the UK today, and losing an hour's sleep!! Summer Time - well, can we have some summer weather now please??? ! I woke to frost, although to be fair, the sun was shining too!

My perusal of my dictionary brought me to REFLECTION. I knew that I could go all deep and meaningful, but wasn't sure how to interpret that, so set about searching for my mirror image stamp and some reflected images.

The mirror image stamp is simply a block of solid rubber, that you stamp your image onto, before stamping it on your piece of art, thereby reversing the image.I have had it years, rarely used it and had to rummage hard to find it in amongst the drawers of stamps... So, here are some reflected mirror images - I chose stamps that work particularly well for this technique.

I decided to stamp the images on cardstock, and stick them into the dictionary, rather than stamping them straight on the page. I used a yacht (Stampscapes) an elephant (Tim Holtz) and the hand writing a letter (Wendy Vecchi) I used Paperartsy Fresco paint Tinned Peas to paint the background of the page, and some   watercolour pencils to colour the hand and the elephant, but distress ink to create the background for the yacht.  I used an alphabet set to spell out the chosen word to further highlight my choice.


  1. Oooh great word and great interpretation of it, love your mirror images especially the hand and of course your fab choice of background colour!!!

    Sam xxx

  2. love this helen..the reverse stamping is a great idea, didn't know you could get such a thing!! great page!!

  3. Super page and thanks for explaining the reflection stamp. I guess some of the plain lino tile I used to carve my stamp would work for this technique too. It is a great technique and works so well for your word. BJ

  4. Ooh... fabulous page! And I love the sound of the mirror image stamp - how cool!
    Alison x

  5. Great interpretation of your word!

  6. Great page and word choice


  7. Fabulous work Helen...I really must get myself one of those 'reflection' stamps! Karen from The Craft Barn x

  8. Love your reflections on your page - a great word to choose!

  9. Clever choice of word and technique.

  10. Your page is very clever Helen, thanks for visiting and managing to leave a comment on my blog!

    Cazzy x

  11. Forgot to say I have that mirror image stamp and didn't manage to get it to work, might have been the inkpad drying up!

  12. Fab word and heard of a mirror image stamp technique...and I just love that TH elephant stamp! :)

  13. Love your word choice, the images are fantastic.

  14. Clever page and great use of the reflection stamp ( think I have one of those somewhere?)

  15. Love your take on this Helen will need to find out about this reverse stamping lark xxx

  16. Brilliant page and a great word to chose

    Love Chrissie xx

  17. Great word and I like your DPS.

  18. What a good word choice! You've done a great with it!

  19. Brilliant page Helen, love the reflected images!
    Val x

  20. This is a wonderful way to illustrate the word Reflection. Your stamp choices work fun. Love the background colour, too.

  21. Great pages, love the stamped reflections.

    Sylv xx

  22. brillant idea. love it

  23. Such a clever idea, love your choice of word and your interpretation, those mirror images look great. MMx

  24. Brilliant page Helen, what a fab technique too, thank-you for the info. I love the elephant stamp, not spotted that one before!!
    Hugs x

  25. Great take on the letter. Cool stamping.

  26. I think you were quite clever with your interpretation of the word reflection. Neat!

  27. Very neat! Great interpretation of the word
    Thanks for playing with us.


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