Wednesday 13 February 2013


Welcome to the latest round of desk sharing....What's on YOUR Workdesk Wednesday?  Julia will show you the ropes..

My desk sees evidence of a WIP for a future DT piece - no, I can't tell you any more yet!!

This is the box of goodies I picked up last week from the post office - some box canvases, a wooden icon triple, and a couple of sets of stamps. (all Paperartsy)
I have used some of the stamps so far, but not the others.

Thanks for all of your comments last week, I hope to visit lots of you again this time round.

Coo, that WAS short and sweet!!


  1. Hi Helen - you beat me to it this morning! One minute there was no WOYWW, a cuppa brewed and voila - I was number 4.Love the parcel contents you share with us today and need to go over to PPA as I believe I have missed out on lots whilst away.
    Happy WOYWW - Hugs, Neet xx

  2. Lovely stamps you have there just live her stamps they are a great quality.... Look forward to seeing the finnished article
    Jackie 3

  3. Morning Helen - some lovely goodies there - can't wait to see what you do with them! Happy WOYWW x

  4. Dying to see what you do with all this yummy new stash!

  5. I'm into green at the moment so love the start of your WP. Also love the stamps and need to add to my Lynne P collection. Did you watch Leandra's video using that set? A good one.
    Ann B

  6. Oh Helen,

    Lynne Pyrella is one of my favourite artists along with Leonardo Di Vinci, yes years apart for sure, but she is up there. Love the stamp sets you have and the triptych.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza 13

  7. Happy WOYWW. Gorgeous stamps. So glad that I am no longer being inky in my crafting, as it stops me buying everything! Ali x #12

  8. I like green on my cards too, in fact I made a 'green' card yesterday but haven't photographed it yet.

    Thanks for sharing your desk. Happy WOYWW :)

    Jackie #40

  9. wow your postman delivers some lovely stuff those stamps look very interesting and I can't wait to see what you do with your canvas.
    Happy WOYWW I hope you have a great day
    Ria #46

  10. Wow, love those LP stamps - am green with envy. I have been watching all the amazing happenings over at Paper Artsy and enjoying every minute - how wonderful to be a part of that! Happy WOYWW, Anne x #37

  11. love the colours of your project and all your goodies look a lot of fun x

  12. Happy WOYWW love the look of your workspace and your goodies.. look forward to seeing what you create with those lovely stamps... happy crafting Gillx #64

  13. Green is the colour of the day eh? :-)
    A x #55

  14. ahhh! it's a day for sharing goodies on our desks...
    i just LOVE the stamps *sigh*
    thanks for stopping by already and leaving a comment :)
    happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week :)
    no. 7

  15. Very nice! I love seeing all the new goodies people are getting! Beautiful stamps! Vickie #17

  16. ooo enjoy your new goodies thanks for stopping by.
    Happy WOYWW tfs Mrs.C #54

  17. It might be short and sweet but it is looking good and so creative. Love those PA stamps!
    Love Jo x

  18. Hello there, your WIP is looking intriguing, we're green with envy over your lovely new stamps. Thanks for visiting the bears this week.

  19. Oooh, new toys! Gotta love that. Enjoy playing with them.
    The wip looks very interesting.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #20

  20. OH look new things to stamp with always fun to get nice parcels in the mail and yours look lovely. Will keep an eye out for the DT project on your desk looks interesting.
    Sandy :)

  21. I'm liking the look of all the Paperartsy goodies. Thanks for stopping by today x

  22. Hi Helen, thanks for stopping by so early. Those are some really interesting stamps and wooden (looks like a screen)Can't wait to see what you do with that. #83

  23. How fun to see all the stuff on your desk, there's so much to see!, and I am drooling over your new stamps, wowzah! Love from Holland, Marit #89

  24. That looks a ‘busy’ desk this week Helen.
    The tag and the shades of Green all look very interesting but not as interesting as the pile of new goodies on your desk. I’ve always found Paperartsy stamps a little scary but I bet you’ll have fun with them.
    Thanks for stopping by this week.

    Happy Crafting!
    Sue @ 68

  25. Hi Helen!

    I had another peek around your blog and have seen lovely things that you are making! Also your new stash was a good snoop! I hope you enjoy making things with the new stash! I have also ordered a few bits from Paperartsy so I hope to get it all soon!
    Lots of hugs,

  26. Sweet new goodies! Have fun. Happy WOYWW! Nan 5

  27. Hi gals must get up at the crack of dawn to post!,,,,I adore your Paperartsy stamps....your mystery project looks interesting too...

  28. Up early and ready. . I'll have to stop back to see the DP project.Great stamps. #101

  29. I'm a fan of green so I like what you've got going on there. Great new stamps, bet you'll put them to good use.

    Brenda 100

  30. Looks fab! Your new goodies are great, must look at those stamps and their site! Enjoy your week, take care Zo xx 93

  31. Yummy, yummy goodies - can't wait to see what happens with them... and with the DT prep - looks very promising already!! Love the fresh spring greens...
    Alison x

  32. Can't wait to see what you create with those goodies. I have not tried LP stamps yet, but seeing these now has me putting them on my wish list. Loving your tag so far..Can't wait to see it finished.
    Thanks for the visit! Have a great day! Winnie#79

  33. ooh what a lovely package to collect, I love those Paperartsy stamps

  34. Hi Helen!

    Oh you big tease. Tell us more!

    I am lovin those stamps you got there. Thanks for the visit today.

    Have a blessed day!
    Belinda (80)

  35. Lovely stamps you've got!!
    Have a creative week!

    Hugs Marleen #11

  36. Love the stamps. Your desk looks very busy, I like that!!!

    Have a great day!

  37. Oh looking lovely! I used to hate green, and now it just SPEAKS to me :) And fab stamps too - I have just managed to get mine organized and am hesitant to add any more and upset the delicate balance but I know that restraint is never going to last. Thus is the power and danger of this desk hopping lark. And yet, who among us could give it up? Not ME!

    MA (38)

  38. Helen, I like where that tag is going! Is it for your art journal? I spy so many fun things on your workspace today!! Crafty hugs and happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #106

  39. Love your Lynne Perella stamps! I am sure you will create something yummy with it!

    Enjoy your WW-afternoon!

    die amelie x

  40. Ooh, your green bits look nice!
    Happy WOYWW,

  41. Its always great to get to collect a parcel of new crafty stash from the post office - enjoy.
    Bernice #67

  42. I spy a tryptic (is that spelt right??) waiting to be altered on your desk. I love doing those. You have some gorgeous stamps too. Have fun with them all.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #66

  43. loving those stamps, can't wait to see what you are making tag wise!

  44. You tag is well on it's way to being a master piece I'm sure. New stamps and stash are always to be bragged on.
    Krisha #133

  45. Can't wait to see the unveiling of the DT piece...You have a sonderful box of goodies! Those stamps look fab!

  46. That was short and sweet! But it looks like you have been busy and have lots of new goodies to play with! Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and say hi, it's always appreciated! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  47. You are a real tease, showing us that much and then keeping the rest a secret. I hope you are going to show us the end result. I did get a better night last night, until big dog decided that he had an itchy ear and made sure we knew about it. However, I also managed to stamp out all my wooden stamps ready to cross reference. Now I just need to stamp them all again to create cards. Have a good week and thank you for your visit. xx Maggie #8

  48. What a great delivery and I look forwards to seeing the stamps put to work.
    Monica 113

  49. Not surprised at that short and sweet post - I'd be wanting to get on with what looks like something really interesting on your desk! Signing up as a follower so I don't miss seeing it! Chris

  50. Lovely looking stamps, can't wait to see what you make with them!

    Happy Wednesday! /zildara #92

  51. Wow can't wait to see the results of your playtime with your new stash.
    Happy WOYWW
    Alison #76

  52. I have distressed one of those triptych things with Kay Halliwell Sutton herself at Harrogate! She is very lovely. Happy woyww jenx

  53. Hi Helen wow that was short but hey are those stamps fab.... are you going to make it at farnborough? I'm going on the friday
    janet #15

  54. You got some lovely things in your package. Enjoy! #154

  55. Those stamps are fab, I love the images! Barb 101

  56. Looks like you have lots to play with. I look forward to seeing what you make. :-) April #119

  57. morning Helen belated WOYWW wishes thanks for visiting yesterday I din't get the time to visit anyone last night so making up for it today. I love those stamps they look fab and intrigued about your plan for the die cuts..cogs and leaves have teased us.. now I will need to pop back to see what you do with them . I hope you have fab week. Andrea #21

  58. Oooh those stamps are nice - cant wait to see what you create with them. Thanks for visiting me :)

  59. Gorgeous looking start to a green project and what lovely stash! Thanks for sharing. Happy belated WOYWW! Caro #65

  60. Sorry to be late popping over to your desk but I was struck down with the dreaded lurgy yesterday and really quite poorly. Intrigued about the green pieces, similar to an ATC I made recently on the theme of Nature or Nurture. Thanks for visiting me and cheering me up BJ #36

  61. Your desk is always a fun visit, Helen, with lots and lots of tiny crafty goodies to linger on with the eye, and a nice big package of stamp treats, too!!

    Thanks for visiting me earlier! Have a fantastic week! Darnell #46

  62. Hi Helen-
    What glorious goodies you have - the icon triple looks particularly fun. Can't wait to see! I wasn't going to get the distress paints either, but i ended up bartering for them and I must say so far it was well worth it. I've been using fluid acrylics lately which I love, and these are almost as fluid, but the coverage is thicker. Does that make sense. Anyway - I bet once you try one or two, you'll want them all. Besides the colors are so familiar and comforting! Thanks for stopping by this week. Hope its a good one for you!
    sara j #52

  63. So late doing the rounds this week - had a craft workshop Weds, day with daughter Max on Thurs and day with twins Fri! Enjoy using all your new bits and bobs. x Jo

  64. You have a good eye for FAB stamps and yummy colours ♥


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