Wednesday 6 February 2013

A Little Hut

Beach Hut?  Well, South Pacific actually...For this week's Paperartsy inspiration, Michelle has decorated one of the wooden houses that are available at Paperartsy... to say it is stunning, is an understatement. It took her two weeks... so no surprise that I have't decorated mine (I received one for Christmas)

I do however, have a Beach Hut (or Portaloo as it was called for a while in Twitterville)

I started with South Pacific Fresco paint.  I should have mixed it with one of the opaque paints too, because when I added a layer of Crackle Glaze and then Haystack, it didn't crackle very well...

 (that may be me, rather than the translucent paint)

This is it after the Haystack was applied - the cracks hardly show... also I think the layer of Haytstack wasn't thick enough (the thicker you apply the top coat, the better the cracks you get)
I sanded it back, which helped the look.
 I took a babywipe and wiped a thin layer of Beach Hut Fresco over it to knock back the Haystack a bit.

Then it was time to decorate it. Couldn't achieve anything to Michelle's standard,  but I found some half flower pots in my stash - painted them with a mix of Brown Shed and Chocolate Pudding. Took some flowers from my stash - I have loads of these, which I haven't used for years ... Different styles for each side of the hut...

The butterfly is coloured with alcohol inks on this side..
 and this little fella is wood, painted with a thin layer of Claret Fresco paint.

I quite like these flowers!
 Time for inside - I wanted a little figure to be standing in the doorway, but don't have one. So, as I received my set of Paperartsy stamps (Lynne Perrella set 6) that I chose as my random prize from last week's inspiration, today I stamped one of the images on Paperartsy Smoothy paper (it is great for stamping on!)

I used Portfoleo pastels to colour her, blending with my finger.

So there you have it! Nothing like Michelle's house, but I did take inspiration from her. Thanks, for making me think, Michelle!


  1. Helen what a fantastic little portaloo! I really love the half plant pot on the side. That is something I would definitely do! The colours are amazing too, Yes you're right with a thicker layer of paint on the top, you get a better crackle. But your washed out look looks very cool too. Love it! 10/10 Helen. Michelle xx

  2. Well I'm glad you stuck with it and that this piece reflects how you were inspired. I'm liking the shabby chic effect that the portaloo has and the cool little plant pot on the side. Because South Pacific is a translucent paint you won't get the depth of coverage as you would using an opaque, hence then the crackle effect is not a strong as you would've liked. Great piece though Helen and always thank you for supporting the GD with their challenges. x

  3. Aah! How sweet...;)
    xoxo Sioux

  4. That's so cute, love it!

  5. I think we are all on a learning curve with these paints Helen, you're not on your own - lol

    Great little house and I love how you've put your image inside and coloured it with the pastels. They are on my wish list which is getting longer by the day!!

    Sam xxx

  6. Cute little hut. That reminds me in my templates box I'm sure I have one for a bird house - another for the list of things to try!!!

  7. I love the shabby feel tonyour beach hut! To me it looks great! What a greatidea too hugs trace x

  8. Well thats the most stylish portaloo this side of Watford!!

    lol- not that I'm a portaloo expert or anything, heehee made me smile.

    Your gorgeous beach hut would stand out in the crowd here on Brighton the image placed inside. Great 'shabby' paint work, the sanding worked well.

  9. Oh WOW Helen - this is just divine, you really are soooo clever. Love it!! Hugs, Di xx

  10. Hi Helen, its Sam. I too have entered the competition and thought I would have a look at the other entries. I think your Beach Hut looks reallye good, I love the figure inside and I think the plant pot idea is great. Its fun messing with paint don't you think? Sam

  11. Too bad it's not real! LOL...Fab little hut Helen, love the colors and those flowers on the side! Sweet!

  12. It's just lovely, I love your colour choices :) You should pop Bob the Bod in the doorway ;)

  13. This is a brilliant piece Helen! I have some of those plant pots somewhere too! Lol! x

  14. Hi Helen love this project. Good idea with the Flowers on the sides they are really stunning, good on you!!!!

  15. Hi Helen actually Andrea told me where it is and am watching Barbara gray now - see how amazing blogland is??? mind you not sure the one that Maggie sent me is on here as cant see it in the ones available!!!

    However it is amazing to be doing this.. now you are having fun we call them "dunnies' over here and we had one of them as a "long drop" when we were kids - ie pit toilet out the back as that was all that we had in out west of NSW.
    However know it is not that and you do find these down in Melbourne at the seaside :D

    thanks for popping over Shaz in oz.x

  16. I love it! The flowers and flowers pots are so clever, and your paint effect is perfect - weathered and sanded from all the wind on the beach. Perfect!

  17. I love your little beach hut Helen, the colours are perfect, looks like it's been out in the sunshine (if only lol)
    You made me lol when you said you got sidetracked visiting me, as soon as I saw the PA link on your post I had to go and have another look around :-) x

  18. Oh more crafting goodness - absolutely gorgeous again Helen, I'm loving the colours and the distressed look of this!

  19. Too cute, love the flowers on the side x

  20. So adorable... I've a beach hut in the pipeline, and was thinking of going papery rather than painty - but this looks so gorgeous!!
    Alison xx


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