Wednesday 26 December 2012

WOYWW? 186

Happy Boxing Day!! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and all your hard worked plans came to fruition.  Depending on what time it is, I may still be enjoying my Christmas at my brother's so I have left this scheduled (I haven't got any means of blogging whilst I am away) - not sure if Julia is hosting a WOYWW this week or when I'll get to link up with it..... Here is how my craft space was left - just in case anyone wondered whose it was....

Jan and Julia - I told you I would treasure this sign from the Crop! The journal page is a part-done Christmas page, though it would probably be better had I been using red rather than sludgy pink paint at the time...

If I'm back in time I may add to the photos.....otherwise, till next time - when it will be next year!  Crumbs, where did 2012 go to!


  1. I'd forgotten it was Wednesday til I switched the computer on but of course I wouldn't miss out our fun for all the world even if life is pretty manic at ours today :-)
    I've done the early prep that I can do for the party later[quiche, icing of buns, cooking of mini sausages etc] so there is just the last minute bits to go in the oven now. Now enjoying a quick bit of blog hopping and a coffee :-)
    Here's hoping 2013 brings good health and much happiness for all :-)
    Biggest hugs,
    Annie x

  2. But the stripy pink looks like candy canes! Love the pages... Continuing good wishes for the festive season, and happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  3. Tee Hee! You should maybe laminate the reserved sign!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Helen.

  4. Hi Helen
    I see you beleive in push it to the sides this week. I hope you had a good christmas at your brothers. the page looks great love the font.
    happy crafting in 2013
    janet #8

  5. I do believe that if that sign was mine it would be mounted on my craft room door. Have a great day and happy WOYWW
    Krisha #48

  6. I guess you are back now, hope you had a great time. Thanks for visiting me today, Happy New Year BJ#15

  7. You're not kidding about this year speeding's incredible how fast everything has gone. It's so lovely to see that the sign is still in good use, yay!!
    Sending hugs and best wishes for a wonderful 2013!
    LLJ xxxx

  8. I'm hoping you are still at your brothers and still enjoying lots of Christmas cheer. Nice to see you popping in.
    Happy New Year Helen may it bring everything you desire.
    Net xx 3

  9. Yep, feels like I slept through and issued a chunk of year, but there were some great highlights too! can't claim any credit for the 'reserved' sign, it was all Jan's of those sudden rushes of 'I know' when we were discussing palms for 'the day' . God knows what she'll come up with next time!
    spect you had a nice but different Christmas without your Mum this year, the 'firsts' can be difficult huh, so am glad you were with your brother, hope it was relaxing and yummy!

  10. I don't think your pages are sludgy pink at all. I think they are a refreshing change from an overdose of red! I hope you and yours have a wonderful a new year,

    Rachel, #26

  11. Glad to hear you are enjoying the holidays at your brothers with family. Weather was so lousy here a lot of people ended up at home. Hope you are having a great holiday week and Happy New Year! Thanks for stopping by and visiting my desk at this busy time of year but like you I couldn't miss the last WOYWW of the year! Vickie #4

  12. I remembered when you went to their crop and they made that sign to reserve your space on the floor! It's a fun sign to keep! Waving hi from the rainy, but wishing it was snowing hills of North Carolina for the last WOYWW of 2012!!

  13. What a great sign! Journal looks good to me. Have a Happy New Year! Nan 44

  14. ohoo Merry Christmas Happy New Year and of course Happy WOYWW too!


  15. Very fun, Helen, no question who owns this desk!! And your page is not "sludgey" in the least. It's quite befitting the rage this year of nontraditional Christmas colors!

    Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!! Darnell #53

  16. Love your sign! I would have that up on the door. Hope you have had a great Christmas. Thanks for visiting me :) and I hope you have a fabulous New Year.

  17. LOL at the sign, so wished I could have made that trip to meet up with everyone!! I have had a lovely time reading reading the extra blog posts and wowed at the secret santa, how wonderful was that!! Annette #19

  18. I remember seeing that sign on the post about the crop but wasn't it on the floor? LOL you should of reserved some floor space too.

    Belated Christmas greetings and Happy New Year I hope you had a great holiday break.

    Eliza #63


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