Thursday 27 December 2012

Secret Santa 2012

This year I signed up for my lovely friend Carmen's Secret Santa swap - I was going to join in last year but the sign up cut off came just after I lost Mum and I wasn't in the right frame of mind - but this year I was there like a shot!

I didn't get a very good photo of the parcel before I packed it to take away at Christmas - this doesn't show the true size!
Then I forgot to take a picture before I started unwrapping them! I couldn't believe how many individual parcels there were! Just look at them all!!

stamps and some flowers
 A book and some journal prompts to get me started - about time I wrote something rather than just painted in a journal! I love how Santa has decorated these items!
 No words needed! YUM YUM ...

A jar of cookie mix - just add butter and an egg - I can't wait to make these - also YUM YUM!
Masks - love these!!
Gorgeous adhesive fabric paper
 AND a gorgeous new journal - this is stunning!
look at all these wonderful blank pages!

Now, there was a bit of a hiccough with me actually getting this, as there was a mix up with the name and address of who it was coming to, but rather than wait for Royal Mail to send it back to Santa to be sent back to me, Santa - with a day to do it - replicated the original..... so I would have it in time... Who says Santa doesn't exist..... so a HUGE thank you to Santa for being so incredibly generous in the first place - and for the effort she went to, to do it all over again!! - and to Carmen for hosting this swap.
Santa has done a great job of stalking my blog, she seems to know me so well!!  I begged Carmen to tell me who Santa was before the big reveal, and I've been given permission to reveal that it was her good friend Virginia - so thank you!
(p.s. I nearly burnt the dinner finishing this post, but I think you'll agree it was worth it!)


  1. What a lovely bunch of goodies! I love the Brrrilliant card, very nice!

  2. WOW What a fab secret Santa you got there Helen.

    Lovely goodies to play with and a brand new journal - whooo hooo!!!

    Sam xxx

  3. Ooo lovely! Hope you had a lovely Christmas. Kim

  4. Oh Santa was good to you this year. You must have been a very good girl!
    Wishing you a joyous New Year Helen.
    Hugs Lynn

  5. Oh wow Helen, Santa was amazing wasn't she? Love all your goodies and that journal prompt tin is such a good idea! Am looking forward to seeing what you do with all those goodies :-)

  6. Oh what a fab Secret Santa!! I am a bit late visiting desks due to festive fun! Happy New Year. x Jo

  7. What fabulous goodies Helen, I look forward to seeing your new journal get filled!
    A happy new year to you, see you at the next craft show ;o)
    Alison xx

  8. Aren't you the lucky one ey?
    Great gifts and that adhesive fabric paper matches the papers in my December album (way behind with that but I have next weekend!)
    Hugs and Happy New Year!

  9. Yay you liked it, when I dashed out to re-do the gift, the key was definitely the masks - would you believe only one left in the shop - they must have known I'd be back! So glad you liked it Helen and can't wait to see what you create in your journal, also glad the journal prompts are helpful, I find them really useful to get the creative mind flowing!

  10. wow, that's some serious goodies!!! I especially love that alphabet mask, will have to ask Virginia where she got it from

  11. wow, that's some serious goodies!!! I especially love that alphabet mask, will have to ask Virginia where she got it from


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