Sunday 16 December 2012

Lonely Girl - a journal page

Once again after working on the canvas I shared yesterday, I had leftover paint (very berry and baltic blue) on my craft sheet and so as the flourish stencil was still covered in paint, I used it up on a journal page.

Today I finished it up - and went back to one of my all time favourite stamps, Lonely Girl (Dina Wakely) as the centerpiece.

I also smooshed some more of the leftover paint in the gaps between the flourishes and then gesso'd over the whole page to knock it back a little.

Took some distress inks in vaguely matching colours to the paint (picked raspberry and salty ocean) and some Paperartsy mini stamps.
Took a Kraft coloured tag and painted layers of baltic blue, snowcap white and very berry paints, blending before each layer was dry.  Stamped Lonely Girl on the tag in archival black and then tore roughly round the edges, which I blended with chipped sapphire distress.  Stuck her on with double sided tape (was quicker than deciding which glue would hold best!)

Added some Dylusion text stamps randomly.


  1. See, very berry and picked raspberry are shades of RED in my opinion.

    Love your background and of course the main image is one of my faves, love the tearing, very effective. Great word stamps too!!

    Lovely pages and no pink, just lovely shades of red!!

    Sam xxx

  2. Ah, double sided tape is usually my choice..waiting for glue to dry is so not my bag! this is lovely...haven't seen that Lomely girl stamp before, it's fab!

  3. We could go on forever using up leftover prints and ink on our messy mat couldn't we? But don't you find , like these pages, they are sometimes the gems you couldn't have planned! They are really lovely.
    Thanks for your message and if ever you want a trip to the "Pool" you would be most welcome as long as you don't want me to go to Anfield with you... I'm a Blue so I'd take you to Goodison to see Everton!
    Love jo x

  4. Lovely, lovely, lovely page and the girl looks amazing on the torn paper. I felt quite an emotional connection with it too... maybe it was the title... Mwah x

  5. This is incredibly lovely. Both entries, the one from the day before and this one, are so artful and fun. Have a great week, dear friend. Sorry I've been on hiatus and not visited for awhile.

  6. I am such a bad blogger lately Helen, so sorry to have missed more lovely work, you do such wonderful things with colour.

    B x

  7. Boy Helen, you sure are rockin' the journal pages lately! Love the colors, and that stamping is cool!


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